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WATCH: Putin hints JFK was murdered by the “Deep State”, says it’s now targeting Russia

In an interview Sunday, Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested not only the US Deep State murdered JFK, but the shadowy cadre has now set its sites on Russia

by Claire Bernish

Former FOX News host, Megyn Kelly, debuted with rival NBC for “Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly,” in a much-hyped interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who then flabbergasted the United States’ viewing audience by intimating the shadowy Deep State had indeed been responsible for JFK’s murder — and has now turned its sights on Russia.

“There is a theory that Kennedy’s assassination was arranged by the United States intelligence services,” Putin needled the host, as reported by Reuters, blithely referring to the Deep State. “So if this theory is correct, and that can’t be ruled out, then what could be easier in this day and age than using all the technical means at the disposal of the intelligence services and using those means to organize some attacks, and then pointing the finger at Russia.”

Largely contained to analysis and conjecture among right-leaning and independent media organizations, and posited by reputable former members of the U.S. Intelligence Community, that a covert, soft coup intending to oust Trump indeed appears to have been underway since the election cycle.

Corporate outlets with ties to the Democrat establishment — or both that and the CIA, in the case of the Washington Post — amplified America’s perpetual Russophobia once leaks fatal to the campaign Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, John Podesta, and the Party starred in several massive publishings by Wikileaks.

As if a thunderclap from the blue, mainstream outlets abruptly parroted petulant Democratic officials, who shirked accountability for the contents of the leaks by, instead, preaching the ‘Russia did it!’ gospel in a singular chorus — it, being everything from ‘Russians hacked the election’ to ‘Russians compromised the electrical grid of Vermont,’ to every imaginable hyperbole in between.

Don’t grimace … but, maybe, just maybe, the Russian president is onto something.

First emphasizing there had been no contact between himself and former private citizen, Donald Trump, during the latter’s multiple business trips to Russia, Putin repeatedly rebuffed any suggestion Trump’s campaign or current administration officials had effected secretive communication via back or covert channels.

Putin, like Trump, has maintained the two never met face-to-face, and that any contact between officials in the new administration or former campaign and Russian officials would have been ordinary for business dealings — certainly not deserving of alarm or attention, as has been championed in the corporate press.

Nothing the one-hundred or so American business people present in Russia right now, Putin made a tongue-in-cheek jab at needlessly alarmist reactions to that connection, asking Kelly rhetorically:

“Do you think we’re gathering compromising information on all of them right now or something?” And, to U.S. officials and an implied, broad audience watching his interview from inside the U.S., Putin added, “Have you all lost your senses?”

Asked to discuss still unproven accusations proffered by intelligence officials as steel truth Moscow meddled in the U.S. election through propaganda and by hacking the emails of a cadre of Democrat officials to ensure the installation of Trump, the Russian president again balked.

Unsurprisingly, Putin excoriated the widely-criticized report emanating only in broken unison from the seventeen agencies comprising the Intelligence Community, saying the experts in espionage are lying.

“They have been misled,” Putin asserted of officials harpooning Russia as fully culpable for Clinton’s inglorious loss, “and they aren’t analyzing the information in its entirety. I haven’t seen, even once, any direct proof of Russian interference in the presidential election.”

Although putative digital fingerprints characteristic of Russia have ostensibly been found after several intelligence agencies investigated insinuations of interference, independent experts and analysts vary considerably in characterizing the data as proof of meddling.

“What fingerprints or hoof-prints or horn-prints — what are you talking about?” Putin scoffed.

Although powerful nation-states tend only to admit to influencing others’ elections on a superficial basis — which would indeed abide self-interest and logic — instances of blatant interference could not be deemed rare.

In fact, twenty-one years ago, TIME Magazine featured an exclusive detailing direct actions undertaken to ensure Russian President Boris Yeltsin would win re-election — an effort coordinated covertly by none other than … the United States.

Mudslinging and snarkiness lobbed between Washington and Moscow this time around — while perhaps the most groan-inducing international political theater in years — belies the umbral Deep State squabble otherwise apparent in headlines continually lambasting the Trump administration’s prior business contact list as unassailable evidence of treasonous guilt.

Spanning the gamut in plausibility, innumerable theories swear to shred the official account of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, but similarities existent in the vilification of JFK’s and the current administration’s by establishment die-hards verily beg to be examined by the American masses and press — both, tragically somnambulating vacuous accusations plucked from the stale landscape of regurgitated modern Red Scare McCarthyism.

Whether or not the Trump presidency will ultimately prove to be the Deep State’s perilous exercise in planned obsolescence remains to be seen, but President Putin’s now joins a mellifluous ensemble of ordinarily disparate voices — including Libertarian icon and former presidential candidate, Dr. Ron Paul — warning the handiwork of a clandestine operation is on display for anyone willing to look.

American Deep State or not, the laughably-unproven Russians Did It meme persists in gracing corporate media headlines as often as the lips of U.S. officials — despite the expiration date on believability having long since passed.

Mexico: PRI lost almost half of the votes vs. 2011 election

Morena took 1,786.000 – 56 percent from PRI

by the El Reportero’s wire services

Governor elections in the State of Mexico, Coahuila and Nayarit meant a decrease in the number of votes obtained by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), according to results at hand today.

When comparing the number of votes and the percentages of votes obtained by the PRI candidates in 2011 with those of Sunday, it is confirmed that although they are first in the state of Mexico and Coahuila (there are challenges in this regard), the preferences of the so-called tricolor party were almost halved.

According to the Preliminary Electoral Results Program (PREP), Alfredo del Mazo obtained one million 955 thousand 347 votes in the election of Governor of the State of Mexico, that is to say, 33.72 percent of the total and 2.9 percent more than the candidate of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), Delfina Gómez.

In 2011 the current Mexican leader, Eruviel Ávila, won with 3 million 18 thousand 588 votes, 64.97 percent, which represented a difference of 41.01 points with respect to the Party of the Democratic Revolution and 49.69 of the National Action Party (PAN).

In the case of Coahuila, the PREP gives an advantage to PRI candidate Miguel Riquelme of 13,253 votes over Guillermo Anaya, who competed for the second time.

Rubén Moreira won the governorship with 688,796 votes (58.71 of the total cast), but Riquelme now has 337,682 (38.31 percent).
A similar phenomenon occurred in Nayarit, where the PRI suffered a setback in the vote. In 2011 Roberto Sandoval obtained 220 thousand 508 votes, 45.74 percent, now Manuel Cota, when losing the election, only received 123 thousand 572, 26.82 percent.

Salvadoran government to protect emigrants threatened in USA

The government of El Salvador ratified today that it will support the 190,000 compatriots who emigrated to the United States and could lose the benefits of the Temporary Protection Status (TPS).

The Salvadoran Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that it will maintain a dialogue at the highest level with its counterparts in the United States to defend a community it defined as laborious and respectful of the law.

The note points out that the Salvadoran diaspora, in addition to creating a home, contributes to the economy, wealth and cultural diversity of the northern nation, so the struggle for stability and respect for human rights will continue.

Foreign Minister Hugo Martínez stated the government is exploring alternatives to the TPS, which expires in March 2018 and its renewal is in doubt, as President Donald Trump questioned its indefinite status.

“We will redouble efforts so that the TPS will be considered in a particular way with a grant of extension or other measure, and we will highlight the reduction of migratory flows towards the United States,” said the minister.

But even if Washington suspends the immigration benefits, the Salvadoran state will appeal to the last legal recourse to avoid a massive deportation.

Mexico asks Panama to extradite former Mexican governor

The Panamanian Attorney General’s Office has confirmed today the request for extradition of former governor of the southeastern Mexican state of Quintana Roo, Roberto Borge, detained at the National Directorate of Investigation.

In a statement issued today, the Attorney General’s Office reported that the Mexican embassy in Panama filed a request for provisional arrest for international extradition against Roberto Borge, who is required by a federal judge in Mexico State, for allegedly crime of illicit operations.

Likewise, the Mexican embassy promised to enforce the formal request for international extradition within a maximum period of 60 days.

Looking for some music activities this Memorial Day weekend?

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

There will be an Open House Party for community. With the Habana Breeze​ Trio, which include Marcus López, Ruben Salcido and Steve McQuarry.

Then from 9 p.m. to Midnight on Saturday at the Iron Gate Belmont with Mambo St.

with Steve McQuarry and Tribu, at Chalacas, 438 3er St., Oakland. Then from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Latin Jazz/ Havana Soul at its best.

Sunday at S.F. Carnaval with the Muni Float; then at from 1 p.m. to 1:45 p.m., with Mambo St at the main stage, at 17 & Harrison Sts.

Starting Friday 5/26 from 5 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. at Hair Glamour by Tiffany, party at 310 17th St., Oakland. On Monday BBQ all day. Dig Rest , Relax.

Former PR political prisoner Óscar López Rivera coming to the SF Bay Area

Former Puerto Rican political prisoner Óscar López Rivera, whose sentence was commuted by President Obama is coming to the Bay Area on Wednesday, May 31st.
He  will  be welcomed at a public event at the First Presbyterian Church, at 2407 Dana Ave. (@Haste) in Berkeley.

There will be a reception at 5:30 p.m., followed by the program at 7 p.m. The program includes music from jazz musician John Santos and his quartet, hip hop artist Rico Pabón and the youth bomba group, Quenepas.  

Tickets to the event can be purchased through but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Attendees are urged to purchase their tickets online before May 31.

López Rivera has been called the Nelson Mandela of Latin America by members of the Organization of American States and is considered a national hero in Puerto Rico. His release was supported by Nobel laureates, the Puerto Rican congressional delegation, the governor of Puerto Rico and countless others, including many in the SF/Bay area.

Mr. Lopez Rivera spent 35 years in Federal prison for seditious conspiracy, a political charge used extensively against the Puerto Rican Nationalist movement. Twelve of those years were spent in solitary confinement. He was the longest held political prisoner in Puerto Rican history.

President Barack Obama commuted Lopez Rivera’s 75 year sentence shortly before he left office in January. Upon Oscar’s release on May 17, he was greeted by thousands, first in San Juan, Puerto Rico and then the next day in Chicago, Illinois. This will be his first visit to the Bay Area since his release.

Judith Mirkinson, Vice President of the National Lawyers Guild, SF Bay Area Chapter, said, “we are so excited to welcome Oscar to the Bay Area, we have worked on his release for many years, it’s time he came home.”

Emblematic Cuban rumba group Los Muñequitos de Matanzas celebrates 65 years

by the El Reportero’s news services

With 65 years and equal number of presentations in Cuban cities, the famous rumba group Los Muñequitos de Matanzas celebrates its six and a half decades of life, Rafael Somavilla Provincial Center of Music (CPMRS) informed today.

The presentations began in April and will last until October, when the 9 of that month in 1952, in the bar El Gallo, of the popular neighborhood La Marina in this city, 100 kilometers east of Havana, the idea of founding the group emerged and was materialized.

The members of the group will also offer special presentations in hospitals, nursing homes and orphanages, schools and other centers, said Luis Ortega, promoter of the CPMRS.

“In June they will visit Germany, and in September Japan,” Ortega said in an interview.

Numerous specialists consider Los Muñequitos de Matanzas as one of the best exponents of rumba in Cuba, with all the flavor and irresistible cadence of that musical expression of the island.

How seven centuries of muslim rule in spain came to an end

The end of the last nazari kingdom in Granada that ended the muslim presence after seven centuries in the Ibero Peninsula is the roots of todays tensions between Islam and the West, according to a study of Cambridge University.

This is the conclution of Dra Elizabeth Drayson, British scholar after spending three years researching for her new book The Moor’s Last Stand: The life of Boabdil, Muslim King of Granada.

This book presents the poignant story of Boabdil, the last Muslim king of Granada. Betrayed by his family and undermined by faction and internal conflict, Boabdil was defeated in 1492 by the forces of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of the newly united kingdoms of Castile and Aragon.

The Christian victory marked the completion of the long Christian reconquest of Spain and ended seven centuries in which Christians, Muslims and Jews had, for the most part, lived peacefully and profitably together.

Five centuries after his death, Boabdil continues to be a potent symbol of resistance to the forces of western Christendom, and his image endures in contemporary culture.

Elizabeth Drayson presents a vivid account of Boabdil’s life and times and considers the impact of his defeat then and now.

Elizabeth Drayson teaches in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Cambridge. She is Lorna Close Fellow in Spanish at Murray Edwards College and lecturer in Spanish at Peterhouse. Her books include The King and the Whore: King Roderick and La Cava (2007) and The Lead Books of Granada (2013).

Germany to be guest country of Santa Cruz Book Fair

Germany will be the guest country of the 18th International Book Fair (FIL) of Santa Cruz, which will take place from May 31 to June 11 in that eastern Bolivian city, organizers informed.

During the literary event, considered Bolivia’s most important, Goethe Zentrum Institute will receive the annual prize of the Departmental Book Chamber for the work done for almost two decades in Santa Cruz.

‘We are committed to making the artistic expressions of Germany visible and strengthening cultural exchange with Bolivia,’ said the director of the center, Franz-Josef Kunz.

Spanish Almudena Grandes and Luis García Montero and German Gisbert Haefs are among the authors invited to the book fair.

Gaddafi predicted and tried to stop this terror wave in UK

by Claire Bernish

Outspoken critic of Big Government and former U.S. presidential candidate, Dr. Ron Paul, blasted the West for ignoring admonishments from deposed, late, Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, who asserted prior to his death, the rise of U.S.-supported Islamic extremists would lead to attacks on Europe — years before Salman Abedi detonated an explosive device, killing 22 at a concert in Manchester.

Children, adolescents, and adults had gathered for a concert by pop superstar Ariana Grande and had begun to exit the Manchester venue when Abedi exploded a shrapnel-laden device — causing pandemonium, severely injuring scores, and killing 22 people.

Could the Manchester attack have been prevented — even long before MI5 also warned an incident may be forthcoming?

On the Liberty Report, Daniel McAdams noted:

“Gaddafi — when the radicals had started rising in Eastern Libya, when the U.S. was supporting them — he said, “I’m telling you guys, these are radical Islamists, these are terrorists, if you keep supporting them, there’s gonna be trouble.’”

McAdams and Dr. Paul cited an article from January, 2016, from the Telegraph, titled, “Colonel Gaddafi warned Tony Blair of Islamist attacks on Europe, phone conversations reveal,” in which the content of communications between the two leaders revealed how precisely the ill-fated leader of Libya prognosticated future blowback from current Western support of radicals.

Apparently lucid enough to grasp the ramifications Western support would effect throughout Europe — in the aiding terrorists to fit its own ends — on Feb. 25, 2011, Gaddafi portended the dark turn in a phone conversation with former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair, cautioning:

“They [jihadists] want to control the Mediterranean and then they will attack Europe.”

Gaddafi, in the half hour call, insisted repeatedly he only wished to shield Libyan civilians from an onslaught of violence wrought by al-Qaeda fighters — a battle in which government forces were unable to make headway. Quoting transcripts of Gaddafi’s comments during the call, the Telegraph continued:

“We are not fighting them, they are attacking us. I want to tell you the truth. It is not a difficult situation at all. The story is simply this: an organization has laid down sleeping cells in North Africa. Called the Al-Qaeda Organization in North Africa… The sleeping cells in Libya are similar to dormant cells in America before 9/11.

“They have managed to get arms and terrify people. People can’t leave their homes… It’s a jihad situation. They have arms and are terrorising people in the street.”

Then, in a subsequent call four hours later, he added:

“I will have to arm the people and get ready for a fight. Libyan people will die, damage will be on the Med, Europe and the whole world. These armed groups are using the situation [in Libya] as a justification – and we shall fight them.”

In fact, Abedi’s very family fought Ghaddafi during the revolt in 2011.

As Dr. Paul notes, Gaddafi’s desperate words weren’t intended as a threat, rather, as counsel to Blair on the deleterious repercussions manipulation by the U.S. and Western allies would reap — not only across northern Africa and the Middle East, but in Europe.

Gaddafi, Dr. Paul said, was “saying, ‘this could have bad consequences.’ And it turned out, he was absolutely right.”

Indeed, today saw headlines plastered with news Abedi’s family twice approached British Intelligence with concerns their loved one had begun entertaining terrorist fantasies.

“Abedi’s support for terrorism was reported this year to the security services, and friends had called,” The Times reports. “Britain’s anti-terrorist hotline five years ago with concerns about his views, it was claimed. He was reported for violent statements, including a claim that being a suicide bomber was ‘OK.’”

While it remains unclear whether Abedi garnered targeted surveillance from MI5, what has been made apparent is even direct and unequivocal warnings on specific persons of interest don’t necessitate an open and willing ear from perpetually — if ostensively, only — suspicious Western Intelligence agencies.
Abedi’s brother, now having been arrested in Tripoli, allegedly affirmed Salman and himself to be members of the pernicious, self-titled Islamic State — and that his brother told of his plans for the Manchester attack.

However, when it comes to insidious dealings of Intelligence services, the ends — and not warnings with immediacy — seem far too often to play into State decision-making.

Not long after Gaddafi’s pleas to Blair and other Western leaders, his and Libya’s tragic fates were sealed.
With his ouster and killing, plans to supplant the U.S. petrodollar with the gold-based African dinar — which could have brought the continent into economic relevance — could not come to fruition.

And his warnings of impending doom throughout Europe — resulting from years of meddling in the cultures and affairs of governments of sovereign nations, and the manipulation of terrorist groups to serve hegemonic plunder — can now only echo in the minds of those most guilty for turning a deaf ear.

The republic has fallen: the deep state plot to take over America has succeeded


Dear Readers:

As John W. Whitehead narrates in his article below, the United States is not the democracy – much less the republic created by the Founding Fathers, but rather a country that has been taken over by private corporate forces for self benefit and not for the people’s. Wow, these are heavy words. Because of its length, it will be published in two parts. I hope you enjoy. THIS IS PART ONE OF 2.

The republic has fallen: the deep state’s plot to take over America has succeeded

by John W. Whitehead

“You have such a fervent, passionate, evangelical faith in this country…why in the name of God don’t you have any faith in the system of government you’re so hell-bent to protect? You want to defend the United States of America, then defend it with the tools it supplies you with—its Constitution. You ask for a mandate, General, from a ballot box. You don’t steal it after midnight, when the country has its back turned.”—Seven Days in May (1964).

No doubt about it.

The coup d’etat has been successful.

The Deep State—a.k.a. the police state a.k.a. the military industrial complex—has taken over.

The American system of representative government has been overthrown by a profit-driven, militaristic corporate state bent on total control and global domination through the imposition of martial law here at home and by fomenting wars abroad.

When in doubt, follow the money trail.

It always points the way.

Every successive president starting with Franklin D. Roosevelt has been bought—lock, stock and barrel—and made to dance to the tune of the Deep State.
Even Dwight D. Eisenhower, the retired five-star Army general – turned-president who warned against the disastrous rise of misplaced power by the military industrial complex was complicit in contributing to the build-up of the military’s role in dictating national and international policy.

Enter Donald Trump, the candidate who swore to drain the swamp in Washington DC.

Instead of putting an end to the corruption, however, Trump has paved the way for lobbyists, corporations, the military industrial complex, and the Deep State to feast on the carcass of the dying American republic.

Just recently, for instance, Trump—boasting about the “purchase of lots of beautiful military equipment because nobody makes it like the United States—agreed to sell Saudi Arabia more than $110 billion in military weapons and “tanks and helicopters for border security, ships for coastal security, intelligence-gathering aircraft, a missile-defense radar system, and cybersecurity tools.”

Meanwhile, Trump—purportedly in an effort to balance the budget in 10 years—wants to slash government funding for programs for the poor, ranging from health care and food stamps to student loans and disability payments.

The military doesn’t have to worry about tightening its belt, however. No, the military’s budget—with its trillion dollar wars, its $125 billion in administrative waste, and its contractor-driven price gouging that hits the American taxpayer where it hurts the most—will continue to grow, thanks to Trump.
This is how you keep the Deep State in power.

The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, the military will get more militaristic, America’s endless wars will get more endless, and the prospect of peace will grow ever dimmer.

As for the terrorists, they will keep on being played for pawns as long as Saudi Arabia remains their breeding ground and America remains the source of their weapons, training and know-how (15 of the 19 terrorists—including Osama bin Laden—who carried out the 9/11 attacks were from Saudi Arabia).

Follow the money.  It always points the way.

As Bertram Gross noted in Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power in America, “evil now wears a friendlier face than ever before in American history.”
Writing in 1980, Gross predicted a future in which he saw:

…a new despotism creeping slowly across America. Faceless oligarchs sit at command posts of a corporate-government complex that has been slowly evolving over many decades. In efforts to enlarge their own powers and privileges, they are willing to have others suffer the intended or unintended consequences of their institutional or personal greed. For Americans, these consequences include chronic inflation, recurring recession, open and hidden unemployment, the poisoning of air, water, soil and bodies, and, more important, the subversion of our constitution. More broadly, consequences include widespread intervention in international politics through economic manipulation, covert action, or military invasion…

This stealthy, creeping, silent coup that Gross prophesied is the same danger that writer Rod Serling warned against in the 1964 political thriller Seven Days in May, which put the military in charge of a coup that would institute martial law packaged as a well-meaning and overriding concern for the nation’s security.
On the big screen, the military coup is foiled and the republic is saved in a matter of hours. In the real world, however, the plot thickens and spreads out over the past half century.

We’ve been losing our freedoms so incrementally for so long—sold to us in the name of national security and global peace, maintained by way of martial law disguised as law and order, and enforced by a standing army of militarized police and a political elite determined to maintain their powers at all costs—that it’s hard to pinpoint exactly when it all started going downhill, but we’re certainly on that downward trajectory now, and things are moving fast.

The question is no longer whether the U.S. government will be preyed upon and taken over by the military industrial complex. That’s a done deal.
The “government of the people, by the people, for the people” has perished.

It will not be revived or restored without a true revolution of values and a people’s rebellion the likes of which we may not see for a very long time.
America is a profitable business interest for a very select few, and war—wars waged abroad against shadowy enemies and wars waged at home against the American people—has become the Deep State’s primary means of income. IT WILL CONTINUE NEXT WEEK.

Non GMO vs. organic

by heHealthFoodGuru

When you’re shopping at your favorite health food store and you’re checking each label before you buy it, you will often see the “Non GMO Verified” seal on the label and feel assured you aren’t eating any GMOs.

But That Doesn’t Mean You Aren’t Still Eating Toxic Pesticides

Before the very first “Non GMO Verified” seal appeared on the very first product label and even more so after it appeared on the first product label, pesticides are still sprayed everywhere, millions of tons each year, in fact, are sprayed into the ground and now sprayed into our skies above us, too!
What’s The Difference Between A GMO And A Pesticide?

A GMO is just like spraying toxic pesticides directly on the plants, but even worse, because that plant has also been genetically altered to grow the toxic pesticides inside the plant DNA. For this reason, there are now serious pesticide-resistant insects roaming farmlands all across the country that literally ignore both directly sprayed pesticides and of course GMO plants alike, so what have these Farmers done to stop this serious devastation? They spray more! You definitely don’t have to be a scientist to know that is just plain unwise.

But we see this same reasoning with our “sick-care system” where forcing everyone to pay for “sick insurance” has only worsened chronic illness, not helped prevent it at all. Probably because the very toxic and dangerous treatments used to treat the symptoms of pain and illness are now being paid for more, so more people have access to these dangerous treatments that injure and kill them faster.

If I See The “Non-GMO Verified” Seal, Does That Mean There Are No Pesticides?

Heavens no! It just means instead of eating GMOs, you are eating pesticides. Is that better? Is that healthier? I don’t think so. Just because there’s a seal that says “No Rat Poison”, does that mean the product is now healthy? You must use your common sense to rise above the tricky labeling used on products these days.

If you see both the “Non-GMO Verified” seal and the “Organic” seal, then you can be 95 percent sure there aren’t any pesticides or GMOs. Why only 95 percent sure? Because the United States Organic Certification does not require any food or product to be sold as 100 percent Pesticide-Free and 100 percent GMO-Free, just 95 percent Pesticide-Free and 95 percent GMO-Free to receive the “Organic” seal. In other words, you can still be eating or drinking 5 percent pesticides or GMOs and still call it organic!

“That doesn’t sound too bad because it’s still mostly organic.”

I’ve heard this reasoning out there, but it doesn’t stand up to logic, therefore it’s untrue. For example, if rat poison is classified as a pesticide, which it obviously is since a rat is definitely considered a pest, would you be OK eating or drinking just 5 percent of it, because 95 percent of it is Pesticide-Free or 95 percent of it is GMO-Free? Yes or No? If you answered No, then congratulations, your common sense has saved you from becoming a victim of life-long illness.

If you buy anything in a package, you must read the label to make sure the word “organic” is in front of every single ingredient, especially if there are any “other ingredients” below the nutritional facts panel, otherwise, it’s too contaminated for you to receive any real nutritional benefit. Yet even if you make sure every ingredient states “organic” in front of every single ingredient, this is still not a guarantee that the organic product you buy is 100 percent Pesticide-Free or 100 percent GMO-Free, it just means that every ingredient is 95 percent Pesticide-Free and 95 percent GMO-Free.

For this reason, it’s vital you and everyone in your family does the Pesticide Cleanse daily to prevent chronic pain and chronic illness, even if you do eat and drink absolutely only organic every day.

As I always say… if you’re not cleansing, you’re accumulating. (Natural News).

Picking fruit at 42 C: work can be a struggle

But it has to be done despite the heat, says Tamaulipas laborer

Compiled by Mexico Daily News

When the Mexican sun is beating down fiercely and the temperature rises above 30 C — as it has done in at least 10 states across Mexico recently — there are several things one might think of doing to combat the heat.

Picking oranges likely isn’t one of them.

But that’s what agriculture workers in the citrus-growing municipality of Padilla, Tamaulipas, have had to carry on doing despite the mercury having risen regularly above 35 degrees recently.

However, it hasn’t been easy.

Leonardo Castillo, a 25-year-old day laborer who likes to boast about his strength, admits that when temperatures soared on Wednesday, work became a struggle.
“This time it really floored us. It was the 42-degree heat . . . when we were loading the truck with 20 tones of oranges. I got dehydrated and several of my workmates vomited.”

So trying were the conditions that Leonardo even feared for his life at one stage.

“Up there with the oranges we couldn’t breathe properly.  I started to suffocate and the truth is I felt really bad and thought I wasn’t going to make it.”
Picking starts daily at 5:00am in an effort to avoid the hottest part of the day but if there is work to be done it gets done despite the heat.

The work is particularly exhausting for the coloteros — workers who carry up to 80 kilograms of oranges on their backs in colotes, or picking baskets.
Consequently, they are the most respected workers in the orchard.

While Leonardo’s role as a sorter isn’t as strenuous, it is still draining work under hot conditions.

“There are times when I feel like quitting,” he said.

“But when there is work, I do well. I make on average 500 to 700 pesos [US $27-$37] a day.”

A two-month-long heat wave has affected many parts of Mexico and has resulted in at least two deaths. A 35-year-old albañil, or mason, died Wednesday in Nuevo Chihuero in the Michoacán municipality of Huetamo, where he had been working on a construction project. Temperatures in the area have been reaching 42.

In March, a 48-year-old farmworker died in Caborca, Sonora, where a temperature of 48 C was recorded.

Hot weather is forecast to continue across many parts of the country this weekend.

– See more at:

40,000 AT&T workers are set to strike

by David Bacon

Workers have issued an ultimatum, giving company executives until 3 p.m. ET on Friday to present serious proposals—or the workers will walk. (Photo credit: David Bacon)  

Around 40,000 members of the Communications Workers of America (CWA) at AT&T could walk off their jobs, starting Friday, for a three-day strike, as pressure continues to mount on the corporation to settle fair contracts.

In California and Nevada, around 17,000 AT&T workers who provide phone, landline and cable services have been working without a contract for more than a year.
Last year, they voted to authorize a strike with more than 95 percent support. And in February, an estimated 21,000 AT&T Mobility workers in 36 states voted to strike as well, with 93 percent in favor.

Workers have issued an ultimatum or the workers will walk.

It wouldn’t be the first strike at AT&T. Some 17,000 workers in California and Nevada walked off the job in late March to protest company changes in their working conditions in violation of federal law. After a one-day strike, AT&T agreed not to require technicians to perform work assignments outside of their expertise. Nevertheless, the biggest issues for workers remained unresolved.

AT&T has proposed to cut sick time and force long-time workers to pay hundreds of dollars more for basic healthcare, according to CWA. At a huge April rally in Silicon Valley, CWA District 9 vice president Tom Runnion fumed, “The CEO of AT&T just got a raise and now makes over $12,000 an hour. And he doesn’t want to give us a raise. He wants to sabotage our healthcare then wants us to pay more for it. Enough is enough!”

AT&T is the largest telecommunications company in the country with $164 billion in sales and 135 million wireless customers nationwide. It has eliminated 12,000 call center jobs in the United States since 2011, representing more than 30 percent of its call center employees, and closed more than 30 call centers.
Meanwhile, the company has outsourced the operation of more than 60 percent of its wireless retail stores to operators who pay much less than the union wage, according to CWA.

The relocation of jobs to call centers in Mexico, the Philippines, the Dominican Republic and other countries is one of the main issues in negotiations. A recent CWA report charges that in the Dominican Republic, for instance, where it uses subcontractors, wages are $2.13-$2.77/hour. Workers have been trying to organize a union there and accuse management of firing union leaders and making threats, accusations and intimidating workers. Several members of Congress sent a letter to President Donald Trump this year demanding that he help protect and bring call center jobs back to the United States.

“We’ve been bargaining with AT&T for over a year,” CWA president Chris Shelton told the rally in Silicon Valley. “They can easily afford to do what people want and instead are continuing to send jobs overseas.”

According to Dennis Trainor, vice president of CWA District 1, “AT&T is underestimating the deep frustration wireless retail, call center and field workers are feeling right now with its decisions to squeeze workers and customers, especially as the company just reported more than $13 billion in annual profits.”

Trump’s immigration pick attacked Obama programs in ghost-written Senate letters

If letters written by Lee Francis Cissna, the president’s nominee to head U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, are any guide, he’s poised to dismantle Obama-era policies like a humanitarian program for Central American children

by Marcelo Rochabrun

Lee Francis Cissna, President Trump’s nominee to head the federal agency that handles applications for visas, refugee status and citizenship, has put little on the public record in his 20 years as a lawyer, government employee, diplomat and Capitol Hill aide.

But it turns out he has left many clues about how he could reverse Obama-era policies if he becomes director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, a non-enforcement arm of the Department of Homeland Security.

On Wednesday, May 24, Cissna, 50, who has worked on immigration policy at Homeland Security for much of his career, is scheduled to appear at a confirmation hearing chaired by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley. From 2015 until earlier this year, Cissna worked for Grassley on immigration issues, having been detailed to his staff by Homeland Security. During that time, he remained on the agency’s payroll.

While there, he drafted dozens of letters under the senator’s name to Homeland Security officials, helping Grassley, an Iowa Republican, to intensify his oversight of immigration and creating a blueprint for dismantling President Obama’s initiatives, according to a dozen current and former agency and congressional staff members.

ProPublica reviewed more than 60 of the letters sent by Grassley during the time Cissna worked in his office. Among the policies they criticized were:
• An emergency program for Central American children to reunite with parents in the U.S. The system “unquestionably circumvents the refugee program established by Congress,” according to a November 2015 letter.

• The system for granting asylum to people claiming persecution in their home countries. A November 2016 letter claimed thousands of immigrants were “amassing” in Mexican border cities with the intention of “asserting dubious claims of asylum, which will practically guarantee their entry.”

• Giving so-called “Dreamers” 2014 undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children 2014 the chance to obtain travel documents on top of work permits. This program would “open the door to undocumented immigrants to gain U.S. citizenship,” a March 2016 letter said.

• A program allowing undocumented immigrants who are victims of crime to stay in the U.S. even if there are no visa slots available. A December 2016 letter said the policy is “being exploited by those wishing to defraud the system and avoid deportation.”

Many of the Obama-era humanitarian immigration programs were created through executive action and thus can be easily overturned. Trump has already issued several executive orders on immigration intended to restrict the leeway of immigration officers to admit people into the U.S. Many of the details of these policy changes, as well as how they will be carried out by the 19,000 USCIS employees, will fall to Cissna if he’s confirmed.

And Cissna would help cement Grassley’s influence at the agency. Another of the senator’s former aides was recently named to a senior position: Kathy Nuebel Kovarik, now chief of the USCIS Office of Policy and Strategy.

The Grassley letters written during Cissna’s tenure “exhibit an overall anti-immigrant view,” said Stephen Yale-Loehr, a professor of immigration law at Cornell who reviewed them at ProPublica’s request. “They seem to think that immigrants are only causing harm to the United States as opposed to giving it a more nuanced view of both benefits and the potential dangers of immigration.”

Cissna did not respond to requests for comment. Taylor Foy, a spokesman for the Judiciary Committee, said Cissna had produced “initial drafts” of some oversight letters, adding that “all of this work was subject to a review and approval process by permanent committee staff and it may not reflect Cissna’s own policy preferences.”

Foy added it was “absurd” to suggest that it’s being unfair to immigrants to perform congressional oversight aimed at preventing fraud. “How is working to ensure that sponsors of unaccompanied minors are appropriately vetted, addressing policies that allow for exploitation of foreign labor, or improving the integrity of our lawful immigration system anti-immigrant?” he asked.

‘Almost Derogatory’

Cissna, who graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Georgetown Law School, is well-versed in the details of immigration. He served as an attorney at USCIS, as well as in private practice, and as immigration policy director at Homeland Security. He also worked for the State Department in Sweden and Haiti, according to the White House.

The job of USCIS director requires “a minimum of 5 years of management experience” under the law that created the Department of Homeland Security and its sub-agencies in 2002. Several former agency officials questioned whether Cissna had any managerial experience, saying he has focused mostly on the policy minutiae of employment visa programs. In announcing Cissna’s nomination, the White House stated that at Homeland Security he “develops and coordinates policy with particular emphasis on temporary worker, immigrant, and other immigration benefits programs.”

 Dealing with ‘Parole’

The new USCIS director will help decide how to manage Obama programs expanded under an authority in immigration law known as “parole.” It allows the executive branch, on a case-by-case basis, to admit foreigners who don’t fall under visa categories created by Congress if there’s a humanitarian or public interest reason.

“Parole was always meant as an exception that was to be used sparingly,” said Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies, which has been critical of the Obama administration’s policies.

A November 2015 letter from Grassley said, “with each parole program implemented by this Administration, further damage is caused to the Constitutional authority of the United States Congress.”

One parole program Grassley criticized admits children from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador who have parents in the U.S., aiming to discourage them from going through Mexico to cross the border illegally. According to USCIS, 1,500 children have been granted travel documents through the program, but advocates say the program has been on hiatus since shortly after Trump took office, with no official explanation.

Nina Zelic, director for refugee services at the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, said that because so few children from the region have been granted the more stringent status of refugee in recent years, “parole offers a life-saving alternative. It’s a recognition of the humanitarian crisis in Latin America.” (This article was cut to fit space).

First Salvadorian Cardinal

by the El Reportero’s wire services

When Monsignor Gregorio Rosa Chávez was told that Pope Francisco would name him Cardinal, above Archbishop Jose Luis Escobar himself, he thought it was too early to be joking.

However, the early phone call that brought him the good news from Spain was not only serious but historical: the auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of San Salvador would be the first Salvadoran cleric to wear the red cardinal’s robe.

Monsignor came to suspect that he had not yet awakened and that everything was just an overwhelming dream – or a disconcerting nightmare – although practically all Salvadorans, except for him, considered him deserving of such an endowment.

In fact, Rosa Chávez came to the crypt of whom many revere as Saint Romero of America, to dedicate the appointment to him, who had been the first Salvadoran cardinal if the oligarchy had not killed him for his social preaching.

Next June 28, he will travel to the Vatican to be promoted along with four other archbishops and vicars of different nationalities, but then return to continue with his work among his own in San Salvador.

Mexico journalist kidnapped amid rising reporter murders

Salvador Adame Pardo, a journalist and owner of Mexico’s Channel 4TV, was kidnapped in Mugica three days after the murder of reporter Javier Valdez. According to local media, Pardo had received death threats via cell phone calls.

Interviewed by La Jornada, relatives of Adame Pardo said that the journalist was intercepted by occupants of a new model black van. He was then held in a water purifying plant located on Avenida Lazaro Cardenas before being taken to Nuevo Corondiro village, according to witnesses.

Fifteen hours after Adame Pardo’s kidnapping was made public, neither the federal government nor the Michoacan state government made an official statement regarding the case. Michoacan Governor Silvano Aureoles was one of many top officials who decided to skip a federal government meeting concerning Adame Pardo’s disappearance.

Local media outlets reported that relatives of Adame Pardo requested that the authorities locate his whereabouts. They also filed a complaint with the Public Prosecutor’s Office, claiming that Adame Pardo had received anonymous death threats and had not received adequate protection.

Some family members stated that Michoacan’s Anti-Kidnapping Prosecutor’s Office had requested that they wait up to 62 hours before filing a missing person complaint.

According to Debate, Adame Pardo was known to have frequently criticized Salvador Ruíz Ruíz, the mayor of Mugica.

In April 2016, the journalist had denounced on social media that elements within Michoacan’s Secretary of Public Security had violently evicted and detained a group of peaceful female protesters who had occupied the town hall. The women, victims of violence perpetrated by organized crime, were demanding public assistance and guarantees of a safer city.

In response, city officials beat several women who were detained, including Adame Pardo’s wife, Frida Urtiz.

“The Special Operations Group have beaten my wife and 11 other women. It’s very unfortunate to see how they beat these defenseless women, I have no words to describe it,” he wrote on his Facebook page.

For years Mexico has been ranked among the most dangerous countries to work as a journalist. According to a recent report by Article 19, a press freedom organization, 2016 was the most deadly year for the press in Mexico in the past decade with 11 journalists murdered and more than 400 attacks on media workers.