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Traditional Chinese medicine – how to heal the body naturally

by Jonathan Landsman

Over the past few decades, the incidence of many chronic degenerative diseases including cancer, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, cardiovascular problems and Alzheimer’s disease have all risen by an alarming rate – and Western medicine offers no cure. And, while conventional medicine continues to ‘treat’ every ill with a pill or surgery – the actual underlying cause of every disease remains unaddressed.

Many integrative healthcare providers have shown that the rise in chronic disease conditions is largely due to imbalances in body energy, aggravated by an unprecedented amount of environmental toxins such as, aluminum, fluoride, lead and mercury. (to name just a few) But, there is a solution.

Traditional Chinese medicine helps to balance your flow of energy throughout the body

Traditional Chinese medicine, which originated thousands of years ago in ancient China, is based on naturally triggering the self-healing response of the body. This elegant healing system has already been successfully integrated with conventional medicine for years.

“Chinese medicine is much more than acupuncture,” Dr. Sokitch notes, adding that TCM’s emphasis on “energy balance” helps to activate the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Dr. Sokitch explains that our bodies contain a vibrant life-force energy – or qi – that flows through twelve different meridians, or pathways. This energy flow is affected by yin and yang, a philosophical concept known in TCM as the “supreme ultimate.”

Yin and yang form a unity, with each containing the seeds of the other. The concept of yin and yang extends to body organs, with each organ paired with its “opposite” for diagnostic and therapeutic purpose.

For example, Dr. Sokitch likens the liver to a military commander in the body, responsible for marshalling defenses against threats and ensuring a smooth flow of energy. The liver is also believed to be the source of courage and resoluteness. When energy becomes stagnant or weak inside the body – that’s when we can experience health problems.

The gallbladder, which governs the ability to make decisions, is the “yang” of the liver and most sensitive to stress and overworking. The heart, as the “emperor” of the internal organs, houses the spiritual aspect of the body, and of all other organs. Problems with the kidneys – which millions of people have without even knowing it – can cause typical symptoms of bladder infections, hearing loss, severe fatigue plus emotional issues like, anxiety and fear.

Discover how to help balance your energy pathways, within the body, with Chinese medicine and get greater control over your own health on the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour.

Herbal Chinese medicines possess potent therapeutic properties

To treat imbalances, Dr. Sokitch utilizes a wide variety of both Eastern and Western techniques, including Chinese herbal medicine. In TCM, herbs are prescribed not to suppress specific symptoms, but to heal the condition that is causing symptoms in the first place. Many Chinese herbs have been found to have powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial qualities.

For example, Cordyceps sinensis, a fungus that grows on the backs of a specific species of Chinese caterpillar, is harvested in Sichuan, Qinghai and Tibet. Many of cordyceps’ constituents have proven antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Cordyceps is used in TCM to enhance and invigorate the kidneys and lungs, and for the treatment of asthma.

Lycium barbarum, also known as wolfberry and goji berry, contains many beneficial and antioxidant constituents, including linoleic acid, beta-sitosterol, and the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthan. Goji berries are used for liver and kidney problems that cause lower back pain – and also for blurred vision and cataracts.
Interestingly, mainstream medicine is beginning to focus on lutein and zeaxanthan for the purpose of preventing vision problems – such as age-related muscular degeneration – as well.

As DACA’s end is announced, advocacy groups stand in defense of Dreamers

As DACA’s end is announced, advocacy groups stand in defense of Dreamers

by Dylan Gascon

New America Media held a national press call on Thursday Sept. 7 addressing not only the future of the Dreamers, but a study on Dreamers’ contribution to the economy, as well as a personal story from a DACA recipient. This is in response to Tuesday’s announcement from attorney general Jeff Sessions, who stated the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) would come to an end. DACA was created in 2012 by president Obama, and has protected 800,000 people from deportation by giving work benefits that can be renewed every two years.

Many who use these benefits have been renewing for their second or third times. But this may all drastically change in six months, when the program is set to expire.

Currently anyone who is already approved by DACA is protected. However, the deadline to renew benefits ends on Oct. 5, giving those recipients a very slim window to ensure their legal status. No new applicants will be processed, except for those who applied on Sept 5, with it costing $495 for a renewal.

None of the current cases will be revoked or terminated, but will naturally expire. DACA benefits may be lost if the individual in question is guilty of certain crimes, including fraud. Any claims for advanced parole – which allow them to travel abroad and come back – have been eliminated, including any that are currently pending. Anyone currently approved will still receive benefits.

Since the DACA announcement, National Immigration Law Center (NILC) has filed a letter stating that the government provided no “reasoned explanation” to rescind the DACA policy, which is in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act. The letter also claims the president violated the equal protection component of the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment.

Fifteen states as well as the District of Columbia have also filed lawsuits against the federal government.

Many Dreamers were brought into this country when they were very young, and are now in their 20s or 30s. One such Dreamer is 27-year- old Luis, a student in San Francisco, who gave his personal story at the New America Media press call. On hearing the attorney general’s announcement, Luis said “I don’t think anyone was emotionally prepared, I was surprised myself when just tears started gushing out my eyes on the bus.”

Luis came to this country when he was 6 months old, and doesn’t know any other home. He grew up in San Diego and has since gone to San Francisco to attend college and has since found employment in a good paying job.

But things haven’t been so great for Luis. When in his early teens, Luis’s brother was deported back to Mexico. Two years after moving to college at 17, his father was also deported.

By the end of 2015 his mother would be taken back to the other side of the border, leaving Luis on his own. Now nine months away from graduation, he is uncertain of what the future may bring.

Luis isn’t alone in being a productive Dreamer in society. According to a survey conducted by Tom Wong, a political science associate professor at UC San Diego, of those surveyed, 94 percent report being in school because of DACA, with 72 percent receiving a bachelor’s degreeor higher. Many of those who receive DACA benefits are also currently employed. Sixty-nine percent of those surveyed have reported they have moved on to better employment, with 56 percent reporting better working conditions. Eight percent of those surveyed have also started their own business, which is a higher percentage than the American public. Achievements made by Dreamers are not only being noticed on a national level, but an international one as well.

Seventy two percent of the top Fortune 500 companies, including JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo and Apple are also known to hire Dreamers into their workforce. These Dreams have given back to the economy in sales and property taxes as 65 percent of Dreamers have purchased their first car and over 10 percent purchasing their first home. The survey was conducted on 3,063 respondents, with 92 percent reporting being employed with a variance of 1 percent.

Despite these statistics, attorney general Jeff Sessions position remains unmoved.

All is not lost however, as staff attorney Allison Davenport at the Immigration Legal Resource Center (ILRC) has stated that there are some benefits that people may not be aware of.

This includes legal consultation as well as family petitions from DACA recipients who are American citizens.

There are also options for people who are in or have family in the military or who have been honorably discharged. U visas are also available to those who have suffered serious crimes and who have helped law enforcement. But until congress decides what to do, everyone is left in limbo, wondering what tomorrow will bring.

Billions were diverted with shell companies

Investigation reveals massive fraud by federal agencies

Compiled by Mexico News Daily

Eleven federal agencies diverted over 3.4 billion pesos (US $192 million) of government funds through shell and illegal companies between 2013 and 2014 in a massive fraud that totaled more than 7.6 billion pesos (US $426 million), according to a joint investigation by a digital newspaper and an anti-graft group.

Published under the title, The Master Fraud, the investigation by Animal Político and Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad (Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity) found that illegal contracts worth more than 7.6 billion pesos were issued during the period and the final destination of over 3.4 billion pesos of the amount is unknown, although government officials pockets’ are the prime suspects.

More than 50 officials are implicated in the swindle.

Contracts were issued to 186 companies but only 58 of them actually exist or had been established in accordance with the law, the investigation found, the remainder appearing to be shell companies or with irregularities that included not having an address, never having been registered or simply not existing at all.

In effect, 128 companies that either didn’t exist or didn’t have the capacity to undertake the work they were supposedly contracted for received public funds. One example was a company that supposedly sold shoes receiving a multi-million-peso contract to redesign the social security customer service system for government workers.
Another element of the fraud was the use of universities for channeling the funds.

The investigation charges that rather than giving the money directly to the phantom companies it was siphoned through eightpublic universities that were allegedly contracted to provide services. Under Mexican law, universities are exempt from the competitive tendering process usually required for government contracts.

However, while in theory it is legal to contract universities to provide services, in the cases investigated they didn’t actually do anything apart from passing the money on after taking their cut or “commission.”

The universities involved in the scam included the Autonomous University of México state, the Autonomous University of the state of Morelos and five universities in Tabasco. Together they skimmed just over 1 billion pesos in commissions from the 73 agreements they signed with federal agencies.

The remainder of the more than 7.6 billion pesos were used to contract services at inflated prices.

The Secretariat of Social Development (Sedesol), the development bank Banobras and state oil company Pemex were the worst offenders.

The CEO of Pemex at the time, Emilio Lozoya, is already embroiled in a corruption scandal involving the Brazilian firm Odebrecht. The former head of Banobras, Alfredo del Mazo, is set to take over as governor of the state of México after winning election in June.

Sedesol — headed at the time by current Agrarian Development Secretary Rosario Robles — has come under particular scrutiny because the diverted funds would otherwise have been used for social programs to help the country’s most impoverished and vulnerable people.

Other agencies implicated include the Secretariat of Communications and Transport (SCT), the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP) and the Secretariat of Economy (SE), among others.

The extensive investigation led the two organizations to six states where the shell companies were supposedly based. To establish their allegations, they made over 500 requests for information, reviewed thousands of documents, conducted more than 100 interviews and visited more than 100 addresses of supposed companies and shareholders.

Their findings are supported by the Federal Auditor’s Office (ASF), which in fact has warned since 2013 that government agencies were breaking the law by contracting universities for services they were not capable of providing.

Chief Auditor Juan Manuel Portal said that, “It’s a clear act of corruption” and “It’s a mechanism not just for the diversion of [funds] but for the disappearance of public resources.”

He said that the heads of the guilty agencies are responsible even if they didn’t sign off on the agreements that allowed the diversion of funds to occur. Portal urged agency heads to not allow other officials to sign off on such large quantities of public money as they are the ones who are ultimately responsible for it.

He said penalties must be imposed on the agencies responsible and they must comply with established requirements.   He also said there was no justification for the complicity of the universities and that authorities must also take legal action against them.

The ASF has already filed 15 allegations with the federal Attorney General’s office (PGR) related to the diversion of funds but federal agencies have continued with the scheme.

Animal Político and MCCI claim that the fraud amount could actually be much higher. The federal government has signed 2,061 agreements totaling over 31.6 billion pesos with universities since 2010 when Felipe Calderón, who introduced the scheme, was president.

Authorities say they are investigating the fraud claims.

Source: Animal Político (sp)

Aid for storm victims from Mexico en route to Texas

Shipment may arrive Wednesday although US has not accepted the offer

by the El Reportero’s wire services

Mexican aid for victims of Hurricane Harvey will arrive in Texas this week although the United States government has not made an official announcement to accept it.

Mexican authorities said assistance could reach the Lone Star State as early as Wednesday after the first shipment travels by land through Nuevo Laredo on the Tamaulipas-Texas border.

“This morning we gave the green light to start concentrating the goods that will be sent to the United States,” undersecretary for North American relations Carlos Manuel Sada told CNN.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott stated publicly that he welcomes Mexico’s help and is working to coordinate the efforts.

Twenty-five trailers filled with basic goods including rice, beans, coffee and chocolate as well as 300 beds, nine electrical generators, water treatment equipment, three mobile kitchens and radio and satellite equipment are being prepared to be sent along with more personnel.

Mexican Red Cross volunteers and firefighters were deployed to the state in the aftermath of the disaster.

“We are very pleased to be able to support our brothers in need on the other side of the border,” Sada said.

The federal government first offered the aid to the U.S. in a statement August 27 that also addressed President Donald Trump’s tweets from the same day about Mexico in relation to NAFTA renegotiations and who will pay for his border wall.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson thanked his Mexican counterpart, Luis Videgaray, for the offer but he did not publicly accept it.

Mexico’s Foreign Affairs Secretariat said Mexico offered the aid “as good neighbors should always do in difficult times.”

Sada said “if it were the other way around I think they would help us, too.”

However, government officials told CNN that the U.S. government had not made any offer of assistance as the cleanup begins of the trail of destruction left by tropical storm Lidia in Baja California Sur. Lidia caused widespread damage and was responsible for at least seven deaths.

It’s not the first time that Mexico has sent aid and assistance to its northern neighbor after a natural disaster.

Mexican armed forces contributed to recovery efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina that devastated New Orleans, Louisiana, in August 2005. That deployment was the first time Mexican troops had set foot in the U.S. on active duty since the Mexican-American war in 1846.

Hurricane Irma forces evacuation of 5,247 in Dominican Republic

The number of people evacuated in the Dominican Republic by Hurricane Irma is increasing to 5,247, when the rains and winds associated with the phenomenon continue, said the Emergency Operations Center (COE).

Of that number of affected, 2,721 are in official shelters and 2,526 in homes of relatives and friends, according to the relief authorities.

The last report of that entity pointed out that 12 localities in San Pedro de Macorís, El Seibo and La Altagracia, were cut off by the flooding of rivers or sea penetrations, especially in the north of the nation and 1,106 houses were affected so far.

They maintain the red alert (maximum) in 17 provinces, 12 in yellow (intermediate) and three in green (information phase).

The director of the COE, Juan Manuel Méndez, called on the population not to prepare and said that the worst has not happened yet, referring to the rains that will leave the hurricane that can exceed 200 millimeters.

The US National Hurricane Center said Hurricane Irma was the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean, just north of the Caribbean Sea and east of the Gulf of Mexico.

The San Francisco Latino Film Festival 2017 is here

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

This year SFLFF presents the film, Ruta Madre at Opening Night Film. A great film with love and music.

After his first love breaks his heart, a young American singer reluctantly leaves his home in San Diego, California and embarks on an epic road trip through Baja with his uncle in order to reconnect with his Mexican roots and find himself.

At the Opening Night Party, gather with other film lovers and filmmakers for an evening of music and culture. Music by Latin Soul Brothers (Wonway Posibul & Joe Quixx) and live painting by Danny Ayala.

Friday, Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. – 8:37 p.m., at the Alamo Drafthouse San Francisco, 2550 Mission St, San Francisco. Get tickets at:

Two local Latina actresses create a new production company

Two enterprising women are pleased to invite you to the grand opening of their company, “THE HOUSE Entertainment”. The premier of the short films of ANADFE Productions, Vanessa (black cinema), and the Price of Life (color) will be presented, where both entrepreneur and actresses act.

In the Peruvian restaurant Furia Chalaca, at 310 Broadway, Oakland California, on Sept. 15, at 6 p.m. Free for the Red Carpet and Strip Cut with Luz Cabrera and Karla Carvajal.
Then comes the super reventon, enlivening with a night of Cumbia Sonidera, two master DJs console at 9 p.m. $10 cover. Bottle wine raffle and a tequila with your ticket entrance.

Art Exhibition MONTARlaBestia (“Riding the Beast”) at UC Berkeley

MONTARlaBestia (“Riding the Beast”), art exhibition is on display at the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at the University of California, Berkeley, 2334 Bowditch St., in Berkeley, CA. The exhibition is open to the public through September 29, Tuesdays through Fridays from 1 p.m.- 5 p.m., MONTARlaBestia/Riding the Beast will be part of a larger CLAS program in Fall 2017 focusing on important themes involving the U.S. and Mexico.  

 Presented by the Colectivo de Artistas Contra la Discriminación (Artist Collective Against Discrimination), MONTARlaBestia/Riding the Beast is a moving, visually stunning exhibition that uses art and poetry to describe “La Bestia” – a train that carries up to 500,000 Central American migrants each year on a dangerous journey across Mexico towards the hope of a new life in the U.S. Walls and deportations, often presented in a context of xenophobic rhetoric, have focused national and international attention on the southern border of the U.S. CLAS feels this is a critical moment to engage in dialogue with people from both sides of the border.
 MONTARlaBestia/Riding the Beast is underwritten by Andrew M. Kluger, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Mexican Museum, in collaboration with the museum, Richard A. Levy, M.D., the Mexican Consulate General of San Francisco, and the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation.

Artists explore Italy

 Beryl Landau and Anthony Holdsworth have been traveling and painting in Italy for thirty years.

This exhibition features watercolors and small oil paintings created onsite from Lake Como and Venice in the north to Palermo and Catania in the south.
It also includes larger works created in their studios after their return from these journeys.  

From Sept. 14 – Oct. 13, at Istituto Italiano di Cultura

601 Van Ness Avenue, Opera Plaza. Opening Reception, Thurs., Sept.14, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Video Screening and Talk  on Thursday, Sept. 28, 6:30
The artists will screen a 38 minute video about their last journey from Sicily to Emilia-Romagna. Afterwards they will talk with the audience.

Boxing Schedule – The sports of Gentlemen

2300 Arena, Philadelphia, PA, USA (CSN)
Avery Sparrow vs. Joey Laviolette
Isaiah Wise vs. Fred Jenkins Jr
Elijah Vines vs. Roque Zapata
StubHub, Carson, CA, USA (HBO)
Wisaksil Wangek vs. Roman Gonzalez
Juan Francisco Estrada vs. Carlos Cuadras
Naoya Inoue vs. Antonio Nieves
TBA, USA (Bounce)
“Premier Boxing Champions”
SEPTEMBER 13, 2017
EDION Arena Osaka, Osaka, Japan
Yukinori Oguni vs. Ryosuke Iwasa
Kosei Tanaka vs. Rangsan Chayanram
SEPTEMBER 15, 2017
TBA (ESPN Deportes)
“Golden Boy Boxing”
SEPTEMBER 16, 2017
T-Mobile, Las Vegas, NV, USA (HBO PPV / BoxNation)
Gennady Golovkin vs. Saul Alvarez
Diego De La Hoya vs. Randy Caballero

The San Francisco Latino Film Festival 2017 is here

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

This year SFLFF presents the film, Ruta Madre at Opening Night Film. A great film with love and music.

After his first love breaks his heart, a young American singer reluctantly leaves his home in San Diego, California and embarks on an epic road trip through Baja with his uncle in order to reconnect with his Mexican roots and find himself.

At the Opening Night Party, gather with other film lovers and filmmakers for an evening of music and culture. Music by Latin Soul Brothers (Wonway Posibul & Joe Quixx) and live painting by Danny Ayala.

Friday, Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. – 8:37 p.m., at the Alamo Drafthouse San Francisco, 2550 Mission St, San Francisco. Get tickets at:

Two local actresses create a new production company

Two enterprising women are pleased to invite you to the grand opening of their company, “THE HOUSE Entertainment”. The premier of the short films of ANADFE Productions, Vanessa (black cinema), and the Price of Life (color) will be presented, where both entrepreneur and actresses act.

In the Peruvian restaurant Furia Chalaca, at 310 Broadway, Oakland California, at 6 p.m. Free for the Red Carpet and Strip Cut with Luz Cabrera and Karla Carvajal.

Then comes the super reventon, enlivening with a night of Cumbia Sonidera, two master DJs console at 9 p.m. $10 cover. Bottle wine raffle and a tequila with your ticket entrance.

Art Exhibition MONTARlaBestia (“Riding the Beast”) at UC Berkeley

MONTARlaBestia (“Riding the Beast”), art exhibition is on display at the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at the University of California, Berkeley, 2334 Bowditch St., in Berkeley, CA. The exhibition is open to the public through September 29, Tuesdays through Fridays from 1 p.m.- 5 p.m., MONTARlaBestia/Riding the Beast will be part of a larger CLAS program in Fall 2017 focusing on important themes involving the U.S. and Mexico.  

 Presented by the Colectivo de Artistas Contra la Discriminación (Artist Collective Against Discrimination), MONTARlaBestia/Riding the Beast is a moving, visually stunning exhibition that uses art and poetry to describe “La Bestia” – a train that carries up to 500,000 Central American migrants each year on a dangerous journey across Mexico towards the hope of a new life in the U.S. Walls and deportations, often presented in a context of xenophobic rhetoric, have focused national and international attention on the southern border of the U.S. CLAS feels this is a critical moment to engage in dialogue with people from both sides of the border.

MONTARlaBestia/Riding the Beast is underwritten by Andrew M. Kluger, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Mexican Museum, in collaboration with the museum, Richard A. Levy, M.D., the Mexican Consulate General of San Francisco, and the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation.

Artists explore Italy

 Beryl Landau and Anthony Holdsworth have been traveling and painting in Italy for thirty years.

This exhibition features watercolors and small oil paintings created onsite from Lake Como and Venice in the north to Palermo and Catania in the south.
It also includes larger works created in their studios after their return from these journeys.  

From Sept. 14 – Oct. 13, at Istituto Italiano di Cultura

601 Van Ness Avenue, Opera Plaza. Opening Reception, Thurs., Sept.14, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Video Screening and Talk  on Thursday, Sept. 28, 6:30
The artists will screen a 38 minute video about their last journey from Sicily to Emilia-Romagna. Afterwards they will talk with the audience.

Nicaraguan writer Ulises Juárez Polanco, a jewel of letters, died

by the news services of El Reportero

Writer Ulises Juárez Polanco, considered among the “25 best-kept secrets in Latin America”, died on Aug. 28 of this year for unknown causes, his relatives said.
Juárez, 33, and author of four story collections, was found dead in his home in Managua.

Friends and family said he apparently died of heart problems but this was not confirmed by the authorities of the Institute of Forensic Medicine.

In 2011 the Guadalajara International Book Fair named him among the 25 best-kept secrets of Latin America, thanks to his project of drawing a route of letters through 25 voices and languages ​​to decipher the current situation of the region.

Author of Happiness left us scars, Juárez had been awarded a scholarship in Mexico by the Program of Artistic Residencies for Creators of Ibero-America and Haiti in Mexico.

He also received the Valle-Inclán Scholarship from the Art, Education and Culture program for a stay at the Royal Spanish Academy in Rome.

Juárez founded and directed the Central American Cultural Magazine Carátula, the literary magazine of the Nicaraguan Writers Center, El Hilo Azul, and the editorial Leteo Ediciones.

Writers, actors and other artistic world guilds of Hispano-America expressed their grief at Juárez’s death. (Efe)

Mexico wants to exclude cultural industries from NAFTA renegotiation

The cinematographic and artistic Mexican community demanded the government to exclude the cultural industries from the renegotiation of the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
This decision was already adopted by Canada in the first round of the treaty, held in Washington at the beginning of this month.

Famous Mexican creators joined the proposal made by the Alliance of Cinema, Televisiom and Radio Artists of Canada, who say the cultural exemption must be maintained and strengthened. The document was signed by over 470 artists.

The demand, presented to the secretaries of Culture, Economy and Foreign Relations, requires that in the discussion the obligations assumed by Mexico in diverse forums, like those of protection and promotion of cultural expressions of the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (Unesco).

Mexican actress Dolores Heredia, when reading the notification, invited to withdraw from the negotiation table of NAFTA all the aspects related to the cultural, cinematographic and audiovisual of Mexico.

She also urged to distinguish between the two systems relating to Author Copyrights, like the humanist contrary to the Anglosaxon conception of seeing the work as simple merchandise.

She also asked that a designated Commission of Authors and Interpreters be present as permanent adviser of the Mexican negotiating group to safeguard the concerned cultural interests.

Cuban singer-songwriter Concha Valdes Miranda dies

The renowned Cuban composer and interpreter, Concha Valdes Miranda, died at Mercy Hospital in Miami this morning after suffering a cardiac arrest at the age of 89.

She was considered the most daring composer of the contemporary bolero. Her most successful song was The One Who Loved You the Most” in Dyango’s voice which was nominated for a Grammy and took first place in the United States. In addition, she is the author of numerous songs that were popular in the voices of performers such as Toña la Negra, Celia Cruz, Lucía Méndez, Blanca Rosa Gil, Olga Guillot, Imelda Miller, Sandro, Tito Rodríguez, Felipe Pirela, Los Panchos, Gilberto Santa Rosa, Santos Colón, Alberto Vázquez, María Marta Serra Lima, Sophy, Floria Márquez, Elena Burke, Ismael Miranda, Tito Nieves, Tito Puente, John Secada, Sergio Vargas, José Alberto “El Canario”, Johnny Ventura, Cheo Feliciano, Lucho Gatica, Moncho and Dyango among others.

Many of her compositions have been used as subjects in Spain and Mexico’s cinema. She was also exalted to the Hall of Fame of Latin Composers, presided by musicians and producers Rudy Pérez and Desmond Child in 2013. During the gala, many performers honored the artistic career of Concha Valdés Miranda, singing some of her most successful songs.

This collection of Trump’s tweets proves US presidents are puppets

by Rachel Blevins

For nearly every decision Donald Trump has announced as president, there seems to be a small collection of Tweets he has published at some point within the last decade that directly contradict his current decisions—raising speculation about just how much freedom he has, and how many of his policies are being decided for him.

The most recent example occurred this week when Trump announced that he will follow in the footsteps of former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama by continuing the War in Afghanistan—the longest war in U.S. history, which has been ongoing for 16 years.

President Trump presented the never-ending war as a cornerstone of American culture by saying, “American patriots from every generation have given their last breath on the battlefield—for our nation and for our freedom.”

However, Businessman Trump shared a very different opinion when he commented on the situation in February 2012. “It is time to get out of Afghanistan. We are building roads and schools for people that hate us. It is not in our national interests,” He wrote on Twitter.

As he campaigned for re-election in May 2012, Obama appeared to share a similar sentiment, making the statement that “By 2014, the war in Afghanistan will be over.”

“I agree with Pres. Obama on Afghanistan,” Trump wrote in January 2013. “We should have a speedy withdrawal. Why should we keep wasting our money — rebuild the U.S.!”

Trump also previously wrote that he agreed with Ron Paul’s stance on Afghanistan in August 2011. “Ron Paul is right that we are wasting trillions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan,” He said.

Ironically, Paul was one of Trump’s biggest critics on Monday, publishing a series of Tweets during Trump’s speech on Afghanistan that called out his administration for the blatant hypocrisy it is displaying to appease a neoconservative, war-mongering agenda.

“Sad that these wars the politicians argue for are unconstitutional yet we are told we are over there defending the Constitution,” Paul wrote, followed by, “The American people deserve to know when we are going to war and MUST give you permission through their representatives in Congress!”

Even though the fresh-faced Illinois senator and the New York business mogul expressed support for putting an end to the miserable failure that has been the War in Afghanistan, they both ended up contributing to it. And this is just the beginning of the long list of examples.

Several of Trump’s most contradictory Tweets have been chronicled on a Sub-Reddit titled “Trump Criticizes Trump,” which is a fitting name for a page filled with 140-character rants, jabs and insults that perfectly describe everything that is wrong with the president’s current policies.

In June 2015, as his presidential campaign was just beginning, Trump claimed that if elected, he would cut back on vacation time. “I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,” he said. “I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off.”

That comment fell directly in line with one of Trump’s biggest complaints about his predecessor. In October 2011, Trump took to Twitter to ask, “Why is Barack Obama always campaigning or on vacation?

Then in July 2014, Trump wrote, “Obama is on yet another two-day West Coast fundraising swing. Has to fit it in before his 15-day tax-payer funded vacation.”

However, instead of setting the example once he took office, Trump decided to take some vacation time of his own. While he criticized Obama for taking a 15-day vacation, Trump just concluded a 17-day vacation, bringing his total to 53 vacation days while in office, which is three times the number of vacation days Obama took in the same time period.

Another aspect Trump criticized Obama on was the amount of time he spent campaigning for re-election, instead of focusing on the American people. However, it should be noted that Trump’s first campaign rally occurred in Florida on Feb. 18—less than one month after he was inaugurated.

Trump’s past Tweets serve as a very real reminder of what happens when a regular citizen assumes the office of president and he is forced to change his policies in order to fit the narrative that has become the status quo for all presidents in the U.S.

As he wrote in March 2014, “It’s almost like the United States has no President—we are a rudderless ship heading for a major disaster. Good luck everyone!”

In the same way that Obama gained votes by criticizing warrantless government surveillance and pushing for an end to the United States’ war-mongering foreign policy, Trump gained votes by speaking out against the establishment and promising to bring an end to a reckless pattern of regime-change wars.

Every 4 years, a new puppet is considered for the White House, and every 4 years the public continues to ignore the fact that the government only continues to grow, armed with a series of all-powerful agencies that face no accountability—from the CIA creating terrorist groups to overthrow foreign leaders, to the NSA illegally spying on innocent Americans, to the Pentagon failing to account for billions, if not trillions, of taxpayer dollars.

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, then why hasn’t it become clear that the American public is stuck in an insane cycle of believing that simply electing the “right candidate” will solve a sea of problems that seem to stay the same, no matter which individual is in office or which party is in “control”?

Omega-3 supplements proven to be powerful medicine

Fatty acides CXCL-10 reduces inflammation across the body

by Isabelle Z.

It won’t come as a surprise to most people that Omega-3 fatty acids like those found in fatty fish are good for your health, but a new study revealing just how these important acids fight inflammation shows they might be even more beneficial than believed. It turns out they work their magic by activating the self-cleaning process in certain types of immune cells.

Omega-3 fatty acids have long been known to help reduce inflammatory reactions. While some inflammation can help fight against infections, inflammatory reactions that are too strong or that occur even when there are no viruses or bacteria can be very harmful.

Immune cells found in your body’s tissues and organs known as macrophages play a vital role in managing your body’s inflammatory reactions. Autophagy occurs when unnecessary or dysfunctional proteins and other cell components essentially eat themselves so your body can get rid of them, and scientists are increasingly discovering that it is a crucial process when it comes to your health. It is constantly occurring in cells, and it is heightened when cells become injured or starve.

Scientists from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) set out to determine whether omega-3 fatty acids were able to dampen inflammation by elevating the autophagy process in macrophages.

To test their theory, they studied macrophages that had been isolated from humans and mice. They discovered that while these acids did indeed dampen many of the inflammatory mechanisms in macrophages, there was one that they reduced in particular: The type 1 interferon response. Macrophages secrete something known as factor CXCL-10 as part of the type 1 interferon response in the presence of certain types of stimuli.

They then took a look at blood samples taken from a clinical study of patients who had been given cardiac transplants. They knew that supplementing with omega-3 had improved these patients’ clinical status, and they discovered that omega-3 fatty acids had decreased their CXCL-10 levels.

Omega-3 can help conditions like cancer, MS, meningitis and Alzheimer’s

Essentially, this means that autophagy changes within macrophages as a response to omega-3 and reduces the secretion of inflammatory factors related to interferon response, especially CXCL-10. Therefore, they concluded that supplements of omega-3 fatty acids can help patients with conditions that are aggravated or caused by CXCL-10 and strong interferon responses, such as multiple sclerosis, meningitis, jaundice, Alzheimer’s disease, and many types of cancer. The researchers emphasize, however, that more research needs to be carried out.

Another recent study, this one out of Aberdeen University, found that a diet rich in omega-3 can boost a person’s odds of surviving colorectal cancer and stop deadly tumors from spreading throughout the body. They discovered that people with the highest proportion of omega-3 metabolizing enzymes in relation to omega-6 had the best survival chances and the least tumor spread.  Other studies have shown that it has a similar effect on prostate cancer.

Omega-3s have been the subject of lots of research recently, with another study released a few weeks ago showing that these essential fatty acids can help treat the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Although omega-3 has long been linked to brain health, this particular study was good news for the many people caught in the midst of the Alzheimer’s epidemic hitting the nation.

How to increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids

You can find omega-3s in fatty fish like salmon, trout, sardines, tuna, swordfish and mackerel. Chia seeds, spinach, flaxseed oil and walnuts are also good sources of omega-3. If you can’t get enough omega 3 from your diet, supplements can help make up the difference.