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Nicaragua: The revolution that now faces its own revolution

What’s happening in Nicaragua? Someone recently asked me this in my Facebook account.

I was also asked this question from someone from Mexico and from another person from Peru, here in the Mission District in SF. They all want to know what is happening in Nicaragua.

Really, what could be happening in Nicaragua? Nicaragua is a very poor country in Latin America that until now had been enjoying a calm envied by its Central American neighbors, appearing to be among one of the safest countries in the Spanish-speaking continent, known for its absence of criminal gangs like those they have in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. All of these claims have been proudly boasted by the government, until today, as being the safest country in Central America after Costa Rica.

While some people heard, but did not know specifically, what was happening to this Central American country that had previously suffered through one of the bloodiest wars in Latin America almost four decades ago. Those who did know regretted the violence that returned to torment the beautiful homeland of the great poet Rubén Darío, after the triumph of the Revolution that overthrew the dictator Anastasio Somoza Debayle on July 19, 1979.

A question on Facebook from a woman named Sylvia caught my attention, suggesting that the events shown in the press of incidents where the Nicaraguan police were committing serious human rights violations and killing students protesting against Social Security reforms (INSS), were false.

This was said while para-military forces created by the presidential couple, the Sandinista Youth (Juventud Sandinista), confronted, persecuted and savagely beat people of the third age who were protesting peacefully for their rights to Social Security. Then, groups of university students joined the protestors, replacing them. From there everything changed forever in ‘the country of lakes and volcanoes.’ formerly the safest in Central America.

I responded to Sylvia:

Nicaragua’s problem is bigger than what you suggest so simply, I answered, when she said: that people should “not be fooled by people who are in charge of destabilizing and causing chaos, if they do not like artificial trees, let’s unite and plant real trees.” She referred to metal trees that were installed at a cost per unit of about $20,000 by Rosario Murillo, the vice president.

I explained her that the problem is the taking of the country by duo dictators, Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, who do and undo everything in the daily life of the country. If you are not a member of their political party you do not have access to justice, to state employment, to state benefits. They can take away your property whenever they want, the police can beat you and you have no recourse, the police can rape you and there is no access to justice – they even refuse to fill out the police report when the victim requires it in a complaint. You cannot protest if you want to change the course of the country by going to vote in “free” elections, because you are robbed of the elections. The governing party, led by the presidential couple, have in their ranks the electoral judges, and militarize the precincts of voting by intimidating voters who don’t belong to their party.

Imagine, all the powers of the state: the executive, the judiciary and the legislative, are at the service of the presidential couple and run the country as their private property … and these are just a few of the issues that people are angry about, anger having replaced the fear that previously controlled the people. Now the people have confronted them after they have seen what the government is capable of as they watched their comrades fall dead by the bullets of the police.

The people overflowed in support of the students. And now these students, together with the people, are now asking for their resignation from the presidency and the resignations of their closest collaborators in the leadership because they are not qualified to govern the country for all Nicaraguans.

Imagine, too, that this presidential couple has a reserve of loyal ‘soldiers’ that they recruited from the slums – and that they cultivated – gang members you do not see on the streets: drug addicts, thugs, etc., who were given the rank of members of the ‘Sandinista Youth’. They are called when there are protests, when they need to stop the advance of the opposition that can wrest power from them in free elections. But this time it failed them. For the first time the fear disappeared in the youth, and in fact in the rest of the population, and what nobody expected happened.

Under contract, these gang members you now see assaulting protesters and ransacking businesses are the ones who do the dirty work that police do not want to do, and yet they are protected by the same police force. All this has been documented in videos in the news. They are posing as opponents of the government during protests to commit acts of violence and destruction of property while they are recorded in the act with video cameras of TV channels controlled by the same presidential couple, who then blame the protesting students.

And if you have heard it said that Nicaragua is the safest country in Central America, is because the gangs have been protected by the presidential family under their command as employees in reserve for several years. These people receive salary and benefits, but most of all, protection and special treatment, which sometimes not even the police have.

In Nicaragua, the big money moves around their interests and partners, while they pocket large sums doing business with other countries using their government positions. The Constitution has been designed for their benefit and convenience, and the people have become their piggy bank.
The president created a law authorizing anyone to steal the private property of Nicaraguans who have gone abroad to work for lack of opportunities in Nicaragua.

The members of the Assembly are their servants, who have been blackmailed into voting the way the couple dictates.

They take away people’s vehicles for parking and moving violations; creating traps for drivers to fall into their nets and to be able to take their money. They have seized the country in such an incredible way that it looks like science fiction.

Silvia, you say: “Paisanos, the only thing we can do is try to unite and not expect the government to do everything for us”.

I think that is precisely why the Self-Convocation of the students was born, because they cannot expect the government that has created the conditions for their slavery and destruction, to be the remedy that grants them freedom.

And now all of them are asking that the couple leave, but first, that a investigation be undertaken to find the culprits who gave the order to attack and shoot, killing more than 65 people, and put them to trial.

Low vitamin D may cause postmenopausal women to have metabolic syndrome

by Michelle Simmons

(Natural News) According to a new study, low vitamin D levels could be the reason why over 50 percent of postmenopausal women have a metabolic syndrome. The study, published in the journal Maturitas, found a strong link between the lack of vitamin D and metabolic syndrome in postmenopausal women. Metabolic syndrome is a set of conditions that lead to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

In the study, a team of researchers from Sao Paulo State University’s Botucatu Medical School (FMB-UNESP) measured the vitamin D levels of 463 women aged between 45 and 75 years. In addition, they analyzed the factors indicating metabolic syndrome. The team observed the participants for two years at FMB-UNESP’s Climacteric & Menopause Outpatient Clinic. The last menstruation of the participants happened at least 12 months prior to the study, and they also did not have existing or pre-existing heart complications.

To determine whether the participants had a metabolic syndrome, the researchers used the typical parameters for metabolic syndrome diagnosis – waist circumference over 88 centimeters (cm), high blood pressure, high blood glucose, and abnormal levels of trigylcerides and cholesterol.
Meeting three or more of these criteria indicated a metabolic syndrome.

Results revealed that more than 50 percent of the women with vitamin D deficiency had a metabolic syndrome, while metabolic syndrome was found in 39.8 percent of women with adequate vitamin D. in addition, the research team found that the lower the level of blood vitamin D is, the higher the occurrence/incidence of metabolic syndrome. The findings of the study indicated that increasing or maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D in postmenopausal women can lower the risk of disease. Past studies have also suggested that vitamin D plays a role in insulin secretion and sensitivity.

“The vitamin D receptor is expressed in insulin-secreting pancreatic beta cells and in peripheral target tissues such as skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. Vitamin D deficiency can compromise the capacity of beta cells to convert pro-insulin to insulin,” the researchers wrote.
Increasing vitamin D intake.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin D is 600 international units (IU) for everyone below 70 years old, and 800 IU for those older than 70 years. One of the things that the body needs to make vitamin D is sunlight, hence its other name — the “sunshine vitamin.”

However, not everyone gets exposed to enough sunlight, especially during winter. Another factor that affects the body’s production of vitamin D is the use of sunscreen, which blocks UVB rays needed to make the vitamin. Moreover, the skin produces less vitamin D with age.

Fortunately, there are other ways that can help you get enough vitamin D. You can get the vitamin from food. One of the best food source of vitamin D is fatty fish, such as salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna, and eel. Fatty fish does not only provide vitamin D, but omega-3 fatty acids as well. Other food sources of vitamin D include beef or calf liver, cod liver oil, canned fish, shiitake mushrooms, yogurt, almond milk, orange juice, breakfast cereals, fortified tofu, oatmeal, cheese, egg yolks, and eggnog.

Another way to increase vitamin D intake is to take magnesium, either through dietary intake or supplements. According to a study published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, magnesium is needed for the body to produce and properly metabolize vitamin D. The lack of magnesium in the body will result in vitamin D remaining stored and inactive within the body.

Read more news stories and studies on vitamin D by going to

Sources include:

YouTube is not safe for your children

The video platform “data mines” information from its young users

by Jayson Veley

Facebook has been at the center of controversy lately for, among other things, acquiring the personal data of users without their knowledge or consent and then distributing that information to third parties. But as it turns out, Mark Zuckerberg and his team aren’t the only ones making headlines for illegal data-mining.

According to multiple advocacy groups, the popular video sharing platform YouTube (which is owned by Google) is now illegally collecting information from some of its youngest users in order to explicitly target them for advertising. These groups (twenty in total) filed an official complaint last month urging the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate YouTube for violating the Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). By law, companies must notify parents and get their consent before collecting data from children under the age of 13. According to the complaint filed with the FTC, YouTube illegally collected data on 23 million children over “a period of years,” and as a result, the advocacy groups are demanding that YouTube pay up to $41,484 per violation.

“I think it’s worrying to know that all this data are being collected on children younger than [age] 13, and I hope that now that there is heightened awareness of the extent to which data are being mined,” said Dr. Shaheen Shariff, professor of integrated studies in education at McGill University in Quebec, in an email sent to LifeZette last month. “YouTube, Google, Facebook and others will be held to account, although we all know it will be challenging to regulate. Nonetheless, it was time that people became more vigilant of what they post online – especially when kids are involved.”

The professor went on to say that the primary concern regarding the data collection of young children is twofold: Who is acquiring this information, and what do they plan on doing with it? For example, if the data somehow finds its way into the hands of a child sexual predator, then the consequences could be absolutely devastating, not just for the child but for the entire family. (Related: Android devices secretly funnel your private location data to Google even if you have that setting turned off.)

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time that Google has been accused of spying and collecting information from users without their knowledge or consent. As reported by CNN last October: “A major flaw has been detected in the newly-unveiled Google Home Mini speaker that allows it to secretly record conversations without users knowing.”

The bug was first discovered by Android Police tech blogger and founder Artem Russakovskii, who, after using the device, visited his Google activity account page and discovered that it was filled with audio clips that were recorded without his knowledge or consent, inside of his own home. Typically, the Google Home devices are only activated when the user says the words “OK Google,” but according to Russakovskii, the audio recordings occurred even at times when the phrase wasn’t used.

“My Google Home Mini was inadvertently spying on me 24/7 due to a hardware flaw,” he wrote. It wasn’t long before a spokesperson for Google confirmed the issue to CNN Tech that, indeed, there was a bug in the devices that allowed them to record audio without the user even knowing. (Related: Amazon’s Alexa can listen for more than just its name even while it is in sleep mode.)

Frankly, it is long past time for Congress to act to ensure that this sort of data collection from YouTube, Google and other platforms is not allowed to continue. Privacy violations stemming from Silicon Valley are starting to become all too common, and unless further action is taken to limit their data collection methods, then it is bound to get worse in the years to come.

Optimistic AMLO sees ‘total victory’ for him and his party on July 1

‘The way we’re going’ a majority in Congress is not out of the question, candidate predicts

by Mexico News Daily

Presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who continues to maintain a strong lead in the polls, has made a bold and optimistic prediction for the July 1 elections: a total victory for the mostly leftist coalition he leads.

Speaking in Chiapas yesterday, the candidate for the Morena party-led “Together We Will Make History” coalition used the analogy of a “full canoe” to emphasize his confidence over not only winning the presidency but also many other elected positions the coalition is contesting.
“Being realistic we could win the nine [state] governorships,” the 64-year-old third-time candidate said, adding that “the way we’re going” a majority in the federal Congress is also possible.

“There is still time left, two months, and people are going to give us their full support, their whole support, because this isn’t any old election, it’s to transform the country,” he said.

With regard to the opposition parties, López Obrador said they are “falling to pieces” because so many of their former leaders and members are backing him to be Mexico’s next president.

The candidate — who according to a recent poll by the newspaper Reforma had 48 percent voter support — specifically cited two former national presidents of the National Action Party (PAN) who have jumped ship, adding that “there are [also] many lawmakers, mayors and more coming.”
Referring to his two main rivals — Ricardo Anaya and José Antonio Meade — the former Mexico City mayor said that “he wouldn’t like to be in their shoes.”

Second-place Anaya of the right-left “For Mexico in Front” coalition trailed López Obrador by 22 points in the Reforma poll but was considered by many to be the winner of the first presidential debate, during which he was tenacious in his attacks on the frontrunner.

But the Tabasco-born veteran of Mexican politics dismissed any assessment that he was hurt by his debate performance, charging that polls showed that his support had actually grown after it.

A post-debate poll conducted by the news website SDP Noticias gave López Obrador a 17 percent lead over Anaya with 41.4 percent support.
López Obrador sought this week to allay fears stoked by a comment made by a Morena party co-founder advocating the expropriation of companies that don’t cooperate with an incoming administration he leads.

“We’re not going to confiscate properties, we’re always going to act in accordance with the law,” he said.

Meanwhile, news magazine Proceso reported yesterday that a video it obtained from the Anaya campaign shows the candidate saying at a private Citibanamex event Friday that he is open to discussing an alliance with the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), whose candidate has been steadily polling in third place.

“The path [to victory] is to join efforts ….The numbers clearly indicate that our coalition is the only one that can beat López Obrador . . . [therefore] I’m open to building with whoever we have to build with to win this election . . . I will not spend time fighting with the PRI, I will spend it highlighting contrasts with López Obrador,” Anaya is heard saying.

Today, however, he played down the statement he made behind closed doors, declaring that he is against “elitist pacts.”

PRI candidate José Antonio Meade has repeatedly said he will not withdraw from the race in favor of Anaya despite polls suggesting that he has little chance of winning on July 1. The SDP Noticias poll gave him 22.2 percent support, although other recent polls have shown him with less.

Source: Milenio (sp), El Economista (sp), Proceso (sp), Forbes (en), SDP Noticias (sp)

Election campaigns in full swing in nine states that will elect governors

Mexico’s largest election ever is now under way

Election campaigns in nine Mexican states that will elect governors on July 1 are now in full swing after four of them officially began their campaign periods yesterday.

Candidates in Chiapas, Morelos, Puebla and Veracruz have joined their counterparts in Mexico City, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Tabasco and Yucatán on the campaign trail for what will collectively be Mexico’s largest elections in history.

In total, 49 hopefuls will contend the races for governor in eight states and that of head of government — or mayor — in Mexico City.

The presidency, 500 seats in the lower house of Mexico’s Congress and 128 federal Senate spots are also up for grabs as are thousands more elected positions at state and municipal levels.

According to the National Electoral Institute (INE), more than 89.2 million residents of Mexico will be eligible to vote while more than 100,000 Mexicans living abroad have also registered their intention to take part in the elections.

In the nine states where elections will take place concurrently with the federal poll, voters will have to fill in up to six ballots given the range of state and federal candidates they will elect.

In three states, citizens will have the opportunity to vote for a close family member of a current or past state governor.

Candidates in Veracruz and Morelos hope to succeed their father and step-father respectively — who currently hold the states’ top jobs — while in Puebla, Martha Erika Alonso is aspiring to follow in the footsteps of her husband and former governor Rafael Moreno Valle.

In the contest to become the next mayor of the capital — sometimes considered the second most important and powerful political position in the country — the candidate for the Morena Party-led “Together We Will Make History” coalition appears most likely to win.

A survey conducted by Massive Caller showed that more than 40% of people who saw the first Mexico City mayoral debate on April 18 considered Claudia Sheinbaum the winner and opinion polls have indicated that she has a clear advantage over her main rivals.

Alejandra Barrales of the right-left coalition “For Mexico City in Front” is Sheinbaum’s nearest rival, while Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) candidate Mikel Arriola is lagging in third place.

The situation mirrors the scenario at the federal level, with polls consistently showing that Andrés Manuel López Obrador has a commanding lead over second-placed Ricardo Anaya and the PRI candidate, José Antonio Meade.

If the voter sentiment shown in polls is reflected in the July 1 election, the leftist Morena party will win power both federally and in Mexico City and possibly in some of the other nine states where it is fielding gubernatorial candidates.

With just over two months until election day, political advertising that is already bombarding the nation’s television screens, radio stations and other media will only intensify.

By the time citizens vote at one of more than 155,000 polling stations around the country, countless millions of political ads will have played.
Voters will finally get some peace on June 27 when the official campaign period concludes, giving them four days to weigh their options while free from the candidates’ public pleas for support.

Source: Milenio (sp), Forbes México (sp).

Honduras would regret end of protection for immigrants in US

by the El Reportero’s wire services

Honduras would be sorry if the United States government repeals the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for about 57,000 nationals residing in the northern nation, the Foreign Ministry asserted today.

It would be regrettable if the compatriots who are now under the special migratory program are left in helplessness, because they would go into a condition of illegality, said Honduran Deputy Foreign Minister, José Isaías Barahona.

Before Saturday, the administration of President Donald Trump must announce the determination, after granting a six-month extension to Honduras in November, before making a decision.

We have been able to demonstrate to the US government, through its different officials, that the effect would be harmful in principle to the families of Hondurans and also in the economic aspect for both countries, added Barahona.

A group of 53 Democratic lawmakers recently called on the US cabinet to renew the TPS, which protects Hondurans since 1999, when Hurricane Mitch hit the Central American country.

The program benefits citizens of nations affected by natural catastrophes or armed conflicts, but during the Trump administration that prerogative was suspended for El Salvador, Nicaragua, Haiti and Sudan.

Business sectors put pressure in Mexico against López Obrador

Lopez Obrador to Respect NAFTA Agreements But Attentive to Details

The Mexican candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, of the coalition Juntos Haremos Historia, ”We Will Do History Together”, will respect the agreements of the ongoing negotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), was announced here today.

There were statements, on behalf of the presidential candidate, of his selected one to occupy the Secretary of Economy, Graciela Márquez, in an interview with the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal.

The publication coincided with statements by the White House spokeswoman, Sarah Sander, who trust the next 30 days the NAFTA negotiations will conclude.

‘If the negotiations are closed, López Obrador administration will not open talks on renegotiating some chapters or seek to include new articles,’ told the Journal Lopez Obrador’s representative, championed by the National Regeneration Movement and the Labor and Social Encounter Party.

Márquez said that NAFTA can not be permanently renegotiated and added that if they in principle, respect the agreement but carefully review the details, especially in the period from July 1 (election date) and Dec. 1, when it will take possession of the new government.

Daniel Ortega organizes large march “for peace”

Caravans of buses, cars and motorcycles full of government employees and followers, drove across the streets of Managua on a call by Daniel Ortega on Monday, April 30, to demonstrate his power, after hundred of thousands of citizens around the country marched on a called by the Catholic Church in peregrination on Saturday April 28, to demand peace and justice for the approximately 60 university students murdered by government forces, including a number of wounded and disappeared.

Caravan migrants cross US border

Nearly 74 Central American immigrants, mostly women and children have entered US territory at the San Ysidro crossing near San Diego.

Dozens of other migrants travelling in a caravan to seek asylum in the US have been stopped at the border.

The group of Central American migrants has been travelling through Mexico for two weeks now. Some hoped to arrive in the US.
Those crossed the US border had slept on the street for three days.

Two by two, the migrants walked to US Customs and Border Protection officials to ask if they could get through. The first in line was a man and his little nephew carrying a soccer ball under his arm, according to Reuters.

Cinco de Mayo with Third Sol & Camino

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Third Sol makes a return to Club Fox to celebrate this big day of music at the annual celebration of Mexican Independence Day, Cinco de Mayo! 

Third Sol, known for their original soul music and many favorite tribute renditions, will fill the dance floor with their brand of East Bay sounds. 

Also making a return themselves as the openers of the show will be Camino who have been making waves in the bay area performing movement through many venues across the peninsula and San Francisco area.

Camino brings a Latin smoky flavor with their original music and captivating sounds. This band is to become an immediate favorite of anyone who hears them. 

At Club Fox – Sat. May 5. For reserved seating (limited) call the LRI office at 415-285-7719. 

Tickets also available through PayPal on LRI website. Be sure to make your purchase through link for each band on the page. 

Connect with Tech May 7 – 12  

San Francisco Public Library teams up with 20+ organizations to help bridge the digital divide   

Free technology skill-building classes, a Tech Expo for resources and services and a host of innovative keynote speakers are all part of Connect with Tech Week, a citywide initiative spearheaded by the San Francisco Public Library to promote online access and technology skill-building and to reduce digital disparities in our communities.

Connect with Tech Week is organized by the San Francisco Public Library and more than 20 partner organizations. The public can attend a tech expo to learn about technology programs, training resources, new services and the latest products; participate in panel discussions exploring AI’s potential to help achieve a more inclusive workplace and the state of digital inclusion in San Francisco and attend a tech fair at the Tenderloin Tech Lab for free digital device repairs, coding and smartphone workshops and more. The Library’s TechMobile will be hosting 3D printing demonstrations.

More than 100,000 San Francisco residents lack Internet access at home and/or are not proficient at using the Internet and digital devices. As more basic services are moving online, many are left behind, especially seniors, people with disabilities and low-income families. They lack the knowledge or support to use the Internet and gain digital skills, and view the Internet as difficult, unsafe to use or irrelevant. Last year more than 2,000 people participated in this annual event; gaining knowledge and resources to help them in the ever increasing tech required world.

 Tech training programs are offered all week throughout the Library system and partner locations. Programs range from basic computer skills to advanced coding classes and are taught by library staff, tech workers and industry professionals.

The full schedule of more than 60 events and classes is available at On May 7-12, at the San Francisco Public Library.

Connect with Tech Week programs are free and open to the public.

Links with Latin America increase interest for Spanish in China

by the El Reportero’s news services

The deepening of the diplomatic, economic and cooperation relations with Spanish-speaking countries, especially of Latin America, encouraged the growing interest in China to learn Spanish, especiallized official source reported Monday.

Inma González, head of the Cervantes Institute where the Spanish language is taught, said that the impact has been overwhelming and every time there are more enterprises, keen to include personal to their staffs with knowledge of the language.

‘Definitely,in this blunted development of Spanish in China, the excellent political and economic relations with the world in Spanish have played an important role, especially with Hispano-America’, Gonzalez pointed out.

The Cuban academician mentioned there are a lot of China companies very interested in entering Latin America with projects of investments, engineering, plants and buildings that is why it is necessary to prepare human resources with knowledge of Spanish language.

González highlighted the good moment for Spanish in China, backed up by the decisions of authorities of including it in the study curriculum of the elementary and high level,together with English, French, Russian and German.

González also remarked a survey result which figures in 126 the High Educational Centers where Spanish will be taught next course as well as the high demand in private schools.

Cervantes Institute advantaged the Spanish World Day, celebrated Monday,and it launched an initiative which is being promoted in this country.

This initiative has to do with the opening of a social media Wechat, the most popular here, which spreads data about persons and countries all over the world that use this language nowadays.

Besides, last Saturday the Center screened the documentary Gabo, magic of the real, a trip through the power of image by the Colombian writer, as a part of the celebrations of the Book International Day, also celebrated every April 23.

Cervantes Institute picked the film by the British Justin Webster to honor Gabriel García Márquez memory in his 4th death anniversary as well as to release work and life of one of the most outstanding authors of the Hispano American literature.

Writer/performer Rick Najera adds comedic magic in new film, Taco Shop

Actor-Writer-Director-Comedian, Rick Najera (East Los High, Nothing Like The Holidays, In Living Color) co-stars in the new comedy, Taco Shop which he also co-wrote the screenplay with Oskar Toruno.  The film is set to launch in select theaters May 4th and on DVD and digital on May 1st from GVN Releasing via Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.

“Rick Najera is an accomplished talent with an impressive background in urban sketch comedy and we were glad to get him on board,” said producer Moctezuma Esparza.

SFFILM Wraps 2018 San Francisco International Film Festival 

The Golden Gate Award Short Film jury consisted of Director of Canyon Cinema Antonella Bonfanti, filmmaker Mark Decena, and programmer Liliana Rodríguez, who awarded a total of $14,000 in cash prizes.

Best Documentary Short was presented to Crisanto Street (USA) by Paloma Martínez.

First Prize for Best Bay Area Short went to Weekends (USA) by Trevor Jiménez.

The Golden Gate Award Family Film jury was comprised of writer Carvell Wallace, Betsy Bozdech from Common Sense Media, and Jefferson Elementary School teacher Marcy Johnson, who awarded a $1,500 cash prize and Best Family Film to Crisanto Street (USA) by Paloma Martínez, with a Special Jury Prize to Bird Karma (USA) by William Salazar.

The 2018 SFFILM Festival Audience Awards gave festival-goers the opportunity to select their favorite narrative and documentary features. The Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature went to Bo Burnham’s Eighth Grade (USA), with Un Traductor by Rodrigo Barriuso and Sebastián Barriuso (Canada/Cuba) also scoring highly with Festival audiences.

California school district says parents can’t pull kids from new LGBT sex ed

by Calvin Freiburger

ORANGE COUNTY, California, (LifeSiteNews) – California is about to implement new abortion- and homosexualty-promoting sex education lessons, and one school district has told parents they have no choice but to expose their children to them.

California enacted the California Healthy Youth Act in 2015, but only now are its controversial provisions starting to take effect in classrooms. Under the auspices of health, the law says it will equip students to develop “healthy attitudes” on “gender [and] sexual orientation,” among other things. It also says it will inform students about the “effectiveness and safety of all FDA-approved contraceptive methods,” and facilitate “objective discussion” about “parenting, adoption, and abortion.”

RedState contributor Kira Davis, a resident of Orange County, California, warns that among the teaching materials approved for use under this law are a study guide for the transgender children’s book I Am Jazz, as well as a “sexual health toolkit.”

This “toolkit,” funded in part by the George Soros-connected Tides Center, offers kids tips on using sex toys and anal lubricant. It defines “anal intercourse,” “phone sex,” and more as “common sexual behaviors.” It teaches that “abstinence” and “virginity” can mean engaging in a variety of sexual activities, but stopping short of intercourse.

“What if you don’t have time or money to buy sex toys?” the guide asks on page C-51. “Cucumbers, carrots, and bananas (with the peel) make great dildos. Just remember to use a condom!”

It teaches that one of the “cons” of abstaining from all sexual activity is that it “requires motivation, self-control and communication from both partners.”

The “toolkit” lists as resources Planned Parenthood and the radically pro-homosexual and pro-abortion group Advocates for Youth.
The law also mandates that lessons and materials “affirmatively recognize” varying sexual orientations, and that they “be inclusive of same-sex relationships.” Instruction must take a positive view of gender confusion, and explore “the harm of negative gender stereotypes.”

Davis notes that the California Healthy Youth Act expressly protects parents’ rights to “excuse their children from participation” in sex education courses without penalty of any kind, because “parents and guardians have the ultimate responsibility for imparting values regarding human sexuality to their children.”

The Orange County school district apparently interprets this differently.

In a memo dated March 29 to the Orange County Board of Education, Orange County Department of Education general counsel Ronald Wenkart says that the law’s opt-out provision “does not apply to instruction, materials, or programming that discusses gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, relationships, or family and does not discuss human reproductive organs.”

Parents who disagree with the state’s LGBT positions “may not excuse their children from this instruction,” Wenkart continues. He then suggests that parents still having the right to “advise their children that they disagree with” such lessons compensates for this restriction.

He also cites judicial precedent to claim that “parents do not have a constitutional right to excuse their children from portions of the school curriculum that they find objectionable.”

Heidi St. John, an author and speaker who covers faith, motherhood, and homeschooling as The Busy Mom, forcefully spoke out Wednesday against the memo.

“The Orange County Department of Education feels it is their right to GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO DISAGREE WITH THEM,” she wrote on Facebook. “These are our children! They do not belong to the schools.”

St. John advises California parents to contact their local school boards and Democratic Assemblywoman Shirley Weber, the law’s author, and to pull their children out of schools that force LGBT lessons on children.

She also urges parents to participate in the Sex Ed Sit Out on April 23, an event spanning the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia in which parents pull their children out of school for the day in protest of radical sex education programs.
RedState’s Davis has similar advice.

“Make noise. Lots and lots and lots of noise,” she writes. “When [lawmakers’] constituents get cranky, they pay attention…and so few people actually call and write anymore that just a few hundred voices go a very long way to making your representative and governor think twice about proceeding with something that seems unpopular.”

Davis also stresses that parents who pull their children out ensure the school does not record it as an excused absence.
“The reason your public school demands you call to excuse a child’s absence is because they lose state and federal dollars on every unexcused absence,” she writes. “If you really want to make an impact, hit them where it hurts.”

Nicaragua: The revolution that now faces its own revolution


What’s happening in Nicaragua? Someone recently asked me this in my Facebook account.

I was also asked this question from someone from Mexico and from another person from Peru, here in the Mission District in SF. They all want to know what happening in Nicaragua.

Really, what could be happening in Nicaragua? Nicaragua is a very poor country in Latin America that until now had been enjoying a calm envied by its Central American neighbors, appearing to be among one of the safest countries in the Spanish-speaking continent, known for its absence of criminal gangs like those they have in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. All of these claims have been proudly boasted by the government, until today, as being the safest country in Central America after Costa Rica.

While some people heard, but did not know specifically, what was happening to this Central American country that had previously suffered through one of the bloodiest wars in Latin America almost four decades ago. Those who did know regretted the violence that returned to torment the beautiful homeland of the great poet Rubén Darío, after the triumph of the Revolution that overthrew the dictator Anastacio Somoza Debayle on July 19, 1979.

A question on Facebook from a woman named Sylvia caught my attention, suggesting that the events shown in the press of incidents where the Nicaraguan police were committing serious human rights violations and killing students protesting against Social Security reforms (INSS), were false.

This was said while para-military forces created by the presidential couple, the Sandinista Youth, faced, persecuted and savagely beat people of the third age who were protesting peacefully for their rights. Then, groups of university students joined the protestors, replacing them. From there everything changed forever in ‘the country of lakes and volcanoes.’ formerly the safest in Central America.

I responded to Sylvia:

Nicaragua’s problem is bigger than what you suggest so simply, I answered, when she said: that people should “not be fooled by people who are in charge of destabilizing and causing chaos, if they do not like artificial trees, let’s unite and plant real trees.” It referred to metal trees that were installed at a cost per unit of about $20,000 by Rosario Murillo.

I explained her that the problem is the taking of the country by duo dictators, Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, who do and undo everything in the daily life of the country. If you are a member of their political party you do not have access to justice, to state employment, to state benefits. They can take away your property whenever they want, the police can beat you and you have no recourse, the police can rape you and there is no access to justice – they even refuse to fill out the police report when the victim requires it in a complaint. You cannot protest if you want to change the course of the country by going to vote in “free” elections, because you are robbed of elections. The governing party, led by the presidential couple, have in their ranks the electoral judges, and militarize the precincts of voting by intimidating voters who don’t belong to their ideology.

Imagine, all the powers of the state: the executive, the judiciary and the legislative, are at the service of the presidential couple and run the country as their private property … and these are just a few of the issues that people are angry about, anger having replaced the fear that previously controlled the people. Now the town has confronted them after they have seen what the government is capable of as they watched their comrades fall dead by the bullets of the police.

The town overflowed in support of the students. And now these students, together with the people, are now asking for their resignation from the presidency and the resignations of their closest collaborators in the leadership because they are not qualified to govern the country for all Nicaraguans.

Imagine also, that this presidential couple has a reserve of faithful ‘soldiers’ who have been collected from the slums, that they groomed into gang members who are seen in the streets: drug addicts, criminals, etc., and given the rank of members of the ‘Sandinista Youth’. They call upon this army when there are protests, when they need to stop the advance of the opposition that can wrest power from them in free elections. But this time it failed them. For the first time the fear disappeared in the youth, and in fact the rest of the population, and this is something nobody expected to happen.

Under contract, these gang members you now see assaulting protesters and ransacking businesses are the ones who do the dirty work that police do not want to do, and yet they are protected by the same police force. All this has been documented in videos in the news. They are posing as opponents of the government during protests to commit acts of violence and destruction of property while they are recorded in the act with video cameras of TV channels controlled by the same presidential couple, who then blame the protesting students.

And if you have heard it said that Nicaragua is the safest country in Central America, is because the gangs have been protected by the presidential family under their command as employees in reserve for several years. These people receive salary and benefits, but most of all, protection and special treatment, which sometimes not even the police have.

In Nicaragua, the big money moves around their interests and partners, while they pocket large sums doing business with other countries using their government positions. The Constitution has been designed for their benefit and convenience, and the people have become their piggy bank.

The president created a law authorizing anyone to steal the private property of Nicaraguans who have gone abroad to work for lack of opportunities in Nicaragua.

The members of the Assembly are their servants, who have been blackmailed into voting the way the couple dictates.

They take away people’s vehicles for parking and moving violations; creating traps for drivers to fall into their nets and to be able to take their money. They have seized the country in such an incredible way that it looks like science fiction.

Silvia, you say: “Paisanos, the only thing we can do is try to unite and not expect the government to do everything for us”.

I think that is precisely why the Self-Convocation of the students was born, because they cannot expect the government that has created the conditions for their slavery and destruction, to be the remedy that grants them freedom.

And now all of them are asking that the couple leave, but first, that a investigation be undertaken to find the culprits who gave the order to attack and shoot, killing more than 65 people, and put them to trial.

Celery: The humble veggie with cancer healing properties

by Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

Let’s face it: celery is not much to look at. In fact, in many recipes its kind of an afterthought, adding texture and subtle flavor to the more “spectacular” foods. When it comes to nutritional value, however, this simple vegetable is a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals and other phytonutrients which science confirms can stop breast cancer cells from growing.

Celery 101

First let’s take a look at the basics. Celery, which is related to parsley and fennel, is packed with these essential vitamins and minerals:

-Vitamin K (33% of the total per serving!)
-Vitamin C
-Vitamin A
-Vitamin B6
-Vitamin B2
-Fiber (lots!)

In addition to all this, celery also has some unique properties which categorize it as a super antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Research has identified close to a dozen antioxidant phenolic nutrients that can protect against oxidative damage to blood vessels, organs and cells themselves.

According to a recent, 74 percent percent of Americans suffer from some sort of GI discomfort. Celery can be a source of significant relief for the gut too since it’s pectin-based polysaccharides can help calm digestive system inflammation. A published in the journal Pharmaceutical Biology found that the flavonoids in celery can protect the lining of the digestive tract from ulcers. Other research has discovered that apiuman, a polysaccharide substance found in celery, helped balance stomach secretions in an animal model.

A also found that celery intake can fight stomach-centered stomach infections such as H. Pylori.  And still other investigations show that celery can improve cardiovascular health, and liver function.

Celery and cancer

But what about cancer? It turns out that celery contains cancer-targeting substances as well, in the form of two flavonoids– apigenin and luteolin.

A conducted by Pusan National University in Busan, Korea and published in the Journal of Cancer Prevention found that apigenin (found in celery as well as in select other vegetables) contains powerful anticarcinogenic properties. Specifically, this flavonoid has the ability to control cancer cell proliferation through “regulation of cellular response to oxidative stress and DNA damage, suppression of inflammation and angiogenesis, retardation of cell proliferation, and induction of autophagy and apoptosis.”

Another on HER2 Breast Cancer at University of Missouri hypothesized that celery may be a potent non-toxic treatment for breast cancer because it has the ability to decrease vascular growth factor (VEGF). is an important mechanism for stimulating new blood vessels and tissue in growing children. In adults, however, too much of it can kick start tumor growth. Other studies confirm that celery flavonoids have the ability to lead to breast cancer die off through encouraging“.

What these studies and others prove is that consuming celery has the ability to effect cancer cells and the mechanisms which promote them in several ways, and at the molecular level!

How to get the most out of your celery

Humans have been gathering, harvesting and eating celery for thousands of years.  According to experiential research conducted by the (GMF), if you are planning on cooking your celery, steaming is the best way to go. After 10 minutes of steaming, celery maintained about 90% of its antioxidant value. In addition, have found that celery is at its best when it is kept refrigerated, chopped right before consumption and eaten within 7 days of purchase.

Bottom line? You guessed it! Celery—that humble, inexpensive, often-overlooked veg that is probably sitting in your refrigerator right now—is a must-have for a cancer-preventative, Healthy Breast lifestyle. Just make sure it is fresh ! Then chop, steam, eat and juice to your hearts content! (Natural News).