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Establishment of City Council Districts for By-District Elections

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 8, 2019, the City Council of the City of Redwood City, California, will hold a Public Hearing at 7pm in the City Council chambers located at 1017 Middlefield Road, Redwood City. The topic of this hearing will be the transition from at-large to by-district elections of City Council members.
NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that at the public hearing, the public is invited to provide input regarding the content of the draft map or maps and the proposed sequence of elections. Comments can also be submitted via email to, hand-delivered during regular business hours or mailed to the City Clerk’s office in City Hall at 1017 Middlefield Rd., Redwood City, CA 94063. More information about the establishment of single-member districts for the by-district elections can be found at In the event changes are necessary to the public hearing noted above, a new notice will be published in accordance with the law.

DATED: March 26, 2019
BY: Pamela Aguilar, City Clerk
PUBLISHED: March 28, 2019


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 280686 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Quintero’s Cleaning Services, 6184 Mission Street, Daly City CA 94014, County of San Mateo Harnolis E Quintero Carrascal, 6184 Mission Street, Daly City CA 94014 This business is conducted by an Individual The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 03/14/2019 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)

S/ Harnolis E. Quintero Carrascal This statement was filed with the County Clerk of San Mateo County on March 15, 2019 Mark Church, County Clerk GLENN S. CHANGTIN, Deputy Clerk Original 3/27, 4/3, 4/10, 4/17/19 NPEN-3235911# EXAMINER – BOUTIQUE & VILLAGER


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Establishment of City Council Districts for By-District Elections

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on March 11, 2019, the City Council of the City of Redwood City, California, will hold a Public Hearing at 7pm in the City Council chambers located at 1017 Middlefield Road, Redwood City. The topic of this hearing will be the composition of City Council Electoral Districts.
NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that at the public hearing, the public is invited to provide input regarding the content of the draft map or maps and the proposed sequence of elections. After the public hearing on March 11, 2019, the City Council will consider introduction of an ordinance implementing district-based elections for seats on the City Council. Comments can also be submitted via email to, or hand-delivered or mailed to City Hall. More information about the establishment of single-member districts for the by-district elections can be found at In the event changes are necessary to the public hearing noted above, a new notice will be published in accordance with the law.

DATED: February 27, 2019
BY: Pamela Aguilar, City Clerk
PUBLISHED: March 1, 2019



The Peralta Community College District is calling for sealed bids for the Laney College Window Repairs (Bid No. 18-19/26) to be delivered to the Purchasing Department, at 501 5th Avenue, Oakland, California, 94606, until 2:00 pm, on March 14, 2019.

The District is seeking Bids from qualified firms to replace broken glass and associated glazing at storefront windows located at Laney College, 900 Fallon Street Oakland, CA 94607.

SB 854 requires any contractor or subcontractor bidding on a public works project to register with the Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR). This is a Public Works project and will require payment of prevailing wages. In order to perform the work, Bidders at the time of the Bid Opening and for the duration of the project shall possess a valid California Contractor’s license and certifications in order to qualify to perform the Work: Class B or C Contractors Licenses.

A mandatory bidders’ conference will be held on March 5, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. in the Conference Room # 1, at the Department of General Services, 333 East 8th Street Oakland, CA 94606. The Pre-Bid Conference and Site Visit will last approximately two hours.

All bids shall be presented in accordance with the bid specifications for this project. Bid documents and specifications will be available by visiting our website at and under “Quick Links”, click “Business Opportunities” to download the bid packet.

Published 2/22/19 & 3/1/19 – El Reportero

Let your career take off at San Francisco International Airport (SFO)!

A variety of career opportunities are available including airport administration, positions with airlines, security, baggage and cargo handling, driving, food service, retail, and more! Some companies are offering signing bonuses. SFO also offers robust education and internship programs, helping to pave the pathway for future employment. Contact or 650-821-5242 to learn more.
Big opportunities are also available for small businesses at SFO! The Airport offers a wide variety of business opportunities ranging from construction to concessions to professional services. Contact or 650-821-5022 to learn more about upcoming opportunities and the range of supports that enable small businesses to compete equitably.

The San Francisco Youth Commission Transformative Justice Committee invites youth 12-24 years old to participate in a youth – police Roundtable. Beyond creating a space for truth and understanding, we wish to bring together solutions. The youth commission hopes to empower youth from different walks of life, who are at the forefront of the juvenile justice system, to sit down with law enforcement to come up with community oriented solutions to issues plaguing the current justice system and how it interacts with youth.

The event will be held March 12th, 2019 at the SF Main Library Latino/Hispanic Room A from 5 – 7 pm.

For any questions or concerns, please contact

RSVP here:

Child support matters can be complicated, stressful, and confusing. The Department of Child Support Services helps parents understand the process so they know their rights and options for making and receiving support payments. Call us today at (866) 901-3212 or visit our office at 617 Mission Street to learn how we can help you. Information is also available online at

Too much estrogen linked to cancer and weight gain

by Critical Health News

Estrogen can be dangerous stuff. Sure, it’s an important hormone, responsible for the development of the fetus in the womb, the growth of connective tissue and the development of female sexual characteristics. Though it’s the most ancient of all of our hormones (it’s been around for 450 million years), it’s also associated with a wide range of health problems including fibroids, weight gain and cancers. It is pro-inflammatory, initiates the production of stress chemicals, and it’s linked to various particularly dangerous cancers including breast, uterine, colon and prostate cancer.

Even worse, there are certain chemicals, natural and synthetic, that, while not exactly estrogen, can act like it, throwing off the delicate balance of the body’s endogenous hormones. These so called ‘estrogen mimics’ or non-biological estrogen-like substances called xeno-estrogens (xeno meaning “foreign”) include birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), as well as fertilizers and pesticides, all of which all have estrogen or estrogen-like activity. The levels of these xeno-estrogens have increased dramatically in our environment over the last 60 or 70 years.

One of the most significant causes of xeno-estrogen exposure occurs through foods. Over the past 60 or so years, the FDA has approved xeno-estrogenic substances for use in livestock. As a growth substance, estrogen is used to fatten farm animals. It increases the animals’ growth rate and the efficiency by which they convert the feed they eat into meat.

Traditionally, this has typically been a problem associated with livestock such as cattle and poultry. Recently, however, a new source of food xeno-estrogens has entered the marketplace: farmed fish. These fish are not only exposed to the hormone via toxic water, which has been saturated with the potent biochemical from agricultural runoff, but they have also been intentionally dosed with the hormone. For years, this chemical manipulation was restricted to countries in Asia known for their lax regulations. However, in the past few years even European and Scandinavian countries have become participants in the chemical control of aquaculture.

One of the main reasons for this hormonal manipulation is deliberate gender reversal; scientists are intentionally turning male fish into females by dosing them with estrogens. This practice which scientists call “Controlled Reproductive Biotechnology”, is a common practice because, in certain species, one gender or another tends to be larger. According to , tilapia and halibut are especially subject to this kind of hormonal treatment.

Animal waste is also a significant source of xeno-estrogens. Animal waste may contribute an estimated 90 percent of total estrogens in the environment. Five gallons of runoff water contaminated with chicken manure may contain a birth control pill’s worth of estrogen.

Estrogen levels in poultry litter are so high that, when farmers feed chicken manure to their animals to save on feed costs, it may trigger premature development. Poultry manure has among the highest hormone content, quadruple the total estrogens, and nine times more 17-beta estradiol, the most potent estrogen and a “complete” carcinogen, as it exerts both tumor initiating and tumor promoting effects.

If you’re concerned about exposure to xeno-estrogens here are 5 ways to reduce toxicity:
5 ways to prevent xeno-estrogen toxicity
Use bentonite clay – 1 or 2 teaspoonsful in water. Bentonite clay has a large surface area for mopping up xeno-estrogens, and lots of others toxins as well.
Probiotics can help – Estrogen is metabolized, broken down and eliminated through the bowels. Probiotics and good bacteria are critical for facilitating this detoxification process.
Use Vitamins A and E – both nutrients may have estrogen balancing effects.
Don’t forget selenium – the most important estrogen balancing mineral.

Progesterone and Pregnenolone- the quintessential estrogen balancing hormones. Progesterone is best used in a cream. Pregnenolone is readily available in health food stores or on the internet.

Adrenal fatigue and cancer: Is there a connection?

by Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

The worldwide low thyroid function epidemic is getting more and more press these days. But adrenal fatigue and its connection to major disease like cancer? Not so much. Research says there is definitely a link.

What are the Adrenals?
The adrenals are glands that rest just above the kidneys. They are the main production center for stress hormones, namely cortisol and adrenaline. What a lot of people don’t know, however, is that the adrenals also produce the reproductive hormone progesterone. According to many studies including a 2007 Italian investigation published in the journal Breast Cancer Research, progesterone is not only responsible for reproductive health. It is also a powerful cancer-protector.

What happens during chronic stress
You may have heard of the “flight or fight” response. In fact, you have probably experienced it yourself (maybe even quite recently!). You may also know that when the body goes into this mode, it pushes out cortisol and adrenaline at a high rate, diverting energy and blood flow from processes like digestion to the extremities so you can run from that tiger (or your boss).

When you are “stressed out,” the body amps up production of cortisol and adrenaline in the adrenals to give you the best “chance of survival.” In the process, however, the adrenals also turn production of progesterone way down. When this occurs, a woman’s body doesn’t produce enough progesterone for puberty if she is growing nor lactation if she is pregnant.

Being in constant stress mode, also called chronic stress, can also lead to adrenal fatigue or “burn out.” Adrenal fatigue and burn out occur when the adrenal glands are unable to keep up with the demands for what it produces. It is estimated that in today’s stressed world, upwards of 80 percent of Americans may have adrenal fatigue. Many may not even know it.

When stress is chronic and adrenal fatigue sets in, this also means a greater cancer risk for any woman, regardless of her age.

Three things you can do to heal your Adrenals, increase progesterone production and prevent cancer!
A joint study conducted by Cambridge University, the University of Texas and others found that progesterone inhibited estrogen-mediate cancer cell growth. An important first step for balancing progesterone naturally is to heal your adrenals. Here are a few simple ways to do this:

#1. Reduce stress. This is perhaps the most important thing you can do to heal and restore your adrenals. Remember that stress makes them work harder, pumping vast amounts of cortisol and adrenaline into your body. When you reduce stress through meditation, walking, laughing or simply changing your perspective and slowing your pace, you put both your mind and body into the relaxation response. This is when healing hormones like progesterone can be produced.

#2. Get plenty of sleep. Right along with lowering stress in general is taking advantage of the restorative properties of quality sleep. According to the Mayo clinic, cortisol surges after 11 pm so it is vital for individuals who want to heal their adrenals get to bed before then. Also take time for short rest periods during the day as needed. This could be a 20-minute power nap at lunchtime, a restorative yoga class after work or a relaxing bath or sauna session right before bed (or any time!).

#3. Flood your adrenals with essential nutrients. The best vitamins to help restore your adrenals are the “B’s,” especially B12 and B6. Other key nutrients that you may be deficient in are selenium, magnesium, zinc, iodine and vitamin D. All of these are important for proper adrenal function as well as thyroid function.

Adrenal fatigue can leave you feeling worn out, tired and zapped of energy. There is a solution, however. Reduce stress and give your body the nutrients it needs. Then it can balance itself and help you prevent and heal breast cancer naturally!

Study reveals turmeric is more effective at killing cancer cells than chemo or radiation

by Isabelle Z.

The mere mention of cancer strikes fear in the hearts of many people, and rightfully so. Having certain types of cancer often means you’ll be facing years of brutal treatments – if you’re lucky enough to live that long. Although it’s hard to imagine the disease could one day be considered non-threatening the way that many of the illnesses that used to kill people hundreds of years ago are viewed now, scientific breakthroughs like a recent study exploring turmeric’s effects on cancer cells are starting to give patients some hope.

This ancient Indian spice has been the subject of many studies in recent years as it continues to demonstrate its strength when it comes to fighting and preventing a host of diseases. Its inflammation-fighting properties are already well documented, and now a study published in Anticancer Research provides a comprehensive view of how the primary polyphenol in turmeric extract can selectivity kill cancer stem cells safely in ways that put radiation and chemotherapy to shame.

Many natural cures are valued for their simplicity, but turmeric is surprisingly complex in the way it fights cancer. It uses multiple molecular mechanisms to attack cancer stem cells, which are responsible for producing the cells in tumors. These stem cells resist chemotherapy and radiation, and surgery can sometimes even cause them to spread, which is why they’re often behind conventional treatment failures and tumor recurrence.

One aspect of curcumin’s intelligent approach is its ability to downregulate interleukin-6. The over-expression of this cytokine has been linked to inflammation progressing to cancer, and curcumin stops it from being released and stimulating cancer stem cells. It also directly and indirectly downregulates interleukin-1, which plays a vital role in the growth of cancer cells, and interleukin-8, which stimulates the regrowth of tumor-forming cancer stem cells.

Another way curcumin can fight cancer is by decreasing the binding of CXCR1 and CXCR2 and modulating pathways like the Wnt Signaling Pathway, the Notch Pathway, the FAK/AKT/FOXo3A Pathway, and the Hedgehog Pathways. If those terms are unfamiliar to you, you’re not alone – cancer is a complicated disease, but the bottom line is that curcumin targets deadly cancer stem cells in eight different and very powerful ways.

Curcumin is a very efficient cancer fighter, targeting the most dangerous cells of all, cancer stem cells, without touching normal cells. Contrast this with chemotherapy, which damages the DNA of quickly-replicating cells while they’re vulnerable during the mitosis stage of cell division. It does this without determining if the cells are cancerous or completely healthy.

This is essential because normal stem cells are needed to maintain good health. They differentiate into the cells needed to replace those cells that become damaged or sick, and killing them is one of the biggest problems of chemotherapy and radiation.

Scientists aren’t exactly sure why curcumin doesn’t have these negative effects on normal stem cells. One possible explanation is that malignant cells simply take in more curcumin than normal cells do. It’s also possible that curcumin encourages cancer stem cells to differentiate into more benign cells. Others theorize that it changes cells’ microenvironments in ways that benefit normal stem cells and harm cancer stem cells.

We might not yet know precisely how it works its magic, we do know that it can be very effective. Perhaps even more importantly, it’s very safe compared to the currently available cancer treatments. Curcumin has been safely used as a cooking spice in many cultures for hundreds of years, and it causes very few, if any, side effects in trials.

Scientists are still trying to determine the best ways to harness curcumin’s healing power as a cancer therapy and the amounts needed to safely make a difference, but in the meantime, you can enjoy some of the benefits on a smaller scale by adding this bright yellow spice to your cooking. Remember to use a bit of black pepper as well to boost its bioavailability, and stay on top of the latest curcumin research. It’s possible that cancer will eventually become a far less frightening prospect as researchers develop curcumin-based treatments for the disease.

Sources for this article include:

8 signs of sugar addiction… and tips to control your sweet tooth

by Michelle Simmons

Human are naturally wired to crave sugar because it plays an important role in survival. During ancient times, sugar was mostly available in the summertime. People during those times would indulge in it to store excess calories in the form of body fat to survive through the cold winter seasons. Today, however, sugar is readily available any time, which can lead to addiction. Here are eight signs of sugar addiction and how to fix them:

1. You want to eat or snack throughout the day:
You may be addicted to sugar if you feel the need to snack all the time, even when you are not actually hungry. If this is the case, the solution is to focus on eating a combination of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates at every meal or snack. Don’t eat carbohydrate-rich, sugary foods alone.

2. You eat plenty of fruits or drink a lot of juice:
You may think that eating lots of fruits or drinking fruit juices is healthy, but remember, many fruits are also high in sugar. If you often crave sweet fruits, you may be addicted to sugar. However, this does not mean that you should stop consuming fruits altogether. You just have to eat fruits that contain more nutrients but less sugar, such as berries. For juices, it’s best to drink fresh green juice that mainly comes from vegetables.

3. You crave for coffee and alcoholic drinks:
Coffee and alcoholic drinks often contain sweeteners and mixers that greatly contribute to sugar intake. Moreover, many people who quit drinking coffee or alcohol tend to crave other sugary foods or drinks. To fix this, don’t add sweeteners to your coffee. If you’re drinking alcohol, drink in moderation and avoid dark-colored liquors, mixers, and beer.

4. You’re always stressed:
Being chronically stressed increases your levels of cortisol, which promotes hunger and sugar cravings. Eating sugar can also increase cortisol levels. Elevated cortisol levels can lead to adrenal fatigue, which can further trigger sugar cravings and addiction. You can relieve stress by practicing breathing through your nose and belly breathing techniques. Additionally, avoid stress eating and take a walk instead.

5. You crave sweets during or after meals: You are most likely addicted to sugar if you always think of eating something sweet during or right after a meal. Craving sugar during or after meals can also be a symptom of adrenal fatigue and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Get tested for adrenal fatigue or SIBO to address this problem.

6. When you’re hungry, you want to eat immediately:
If this sounds like you, you could be suffering from hypoglycemia, which occurs when blood sugar declines to below-normal levels. This condition makes you crave sugary foods. To prevent this from happening, do not eat carbs in isolation. Instead, eat protein and fat at every meal and snack.

7. You crave carbs early in the morning or late at night:
Eating a breakfast high in carbs can put you in the vicious cycle of spikes and drops in blood sugar levels throughout the day. Carbohydrates are metabolized as sugar once they reach the bloodstream. They spike blood sugar levels, which then drops shortly after. This “blood sugar roller coaster” can make you hungry more often and can intensify your sugar cravings. To solve this, eat a protein-rich breakfast containing healthy fats and non-starchy vegetables instead.

8. Your sugar craving intensifies when you try to give it up:
You may have tried to give up sugar, and when you did, your sugar cravings just became more intense and frequent. If this is the case, it is best to follow a Paleo diet. This type of diet helps you to naturally balance sugar levels by providing a healthy macronutrient ratio and focusing on low-glycemic carbs. This helps maintain steady blood sugar control throughout the day.
Sugar addiction harms your health in many ways. It can increase your risk of many health conditions, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, fatty liver, and depression. It can also be detrimental to your skin, kidneys, and teeth. (Natural News).