Monday, September 2, 2024
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Climate change activist Sweden’s Greta Thunberg  

by John F. McManus


If you haven’t heard of Sweden’s Greta Thunberg by now, you surely haven’t been paying attention. The 16-year-old “climate activist” has received an enormous flood of media attention over the past year.

Already a phenomenon in her home country and other parts of Europe, Ms. Thunberg arrived in New York after a publicity-seeking two-week journey across the Atlantic on a solar-powered yacht. She refuses to travel by air because, she is convinced, planes spew carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The yacht did carry fuel in case a need arose to get away from dangerous weather.

Unlike other teens selected as spokespersons for some cause, Ms. Thunberg has occasionally seemed unenamored with microphones and podia. She has, in the past, summed up her message with a terse, “I don’t want you to listen to me. I want you to listen to the scientists.” That’s a piece of sound advice but it appears that the young Swede doesn’t know who are competent scientists and who are spreading unreliable claims of impending catastrophe.

After debarking from the yacht that brought her to America, she made a number of public appearances in the city and in Washington. Stops included an Amnesty International Awards ceremony, the United Nations, The Daily Show with host Trevor Noah, and CBS’s Good Morning America. Off to Washington, she met with House members, visited with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and told a Senate task force that she and her youthful collaborators didn’t want any praise while adding, “Don’t invite us here to tell us how inspiring we are without doing anything about it.”

While with members of Congress, Ms. Thunberg submitted the report issued last year by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). She obviously doesn’t know that this report, claiming that human-produced carbon dioxide is warming the planet, has been shown to be based on unreliable computer models. IPCC’s report is the work of a grand total of 53 IPCC writers, not all of them scientists. On the other hand, there are 31,000 American scientists —  9,000 of whom have earned PhDs — who do not agree with the Anthropogenic Global Warming (humans are to blame) theory. Ms. Thunberg should follow her own advice and “listen to the scientists.”

At the recent annual opening session of the UN General Assembly, Ms. Thunberg once again showed herself to be a determined advocate of the unproven claims of climate doomsayers. Speaking for the world’s youngsters, she chastised the planet’s leaders for having “stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words.” Nevertheless she boasted that millions of the world’s young people “have done our homework” about the climate crisis. Aiming an angry summation at current world leaders, she told the UN gathering, “How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood.”

Here’s what the young Swede needs to know. “Climate change” is happening all the time. But, as many scientists are saying, it isn’t caused by human activity. Fluctuations in temperature and other weather events regularly come and go, rise and fall, and produce both benefits and harm. Ms. Thunberg needs to factor this bit of information into her presentations.

The sad truth here in America is that we now have several members of Congress and some leading candidates for president swallowing the claim that “humans are the cause of climate change.” The “Green New Deal” advocates have gone so far as to call for terminating all air travel because airplanes put carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. But carbon dioxide amounts to only 400 parts per million — .04 percent — of our atmosphere.

Ms. Thunberg and millions of others captivated by unreliable environmental claims need a wake-up call. On July 25th at the 13th International Conference on Climate Change held in our nation’s capital, Dr. Roy Spencer, a highly credentialed University of Alabama (Huntsville) meteorologist, delivered one:

There is no climate crisis. Even if all the warming we’ve seen in any observational dataset is due to increasing carbon dioxide, which I don’t believe it is, it’s probably too small for any person to feel in their lifetime.

And Dr. Hal Lewis, a 57-year member of the American Physical Society (APS), has offered an explanation of what is happening. He stated:

I am forced, with no pleasure at all, to offer my resignation from the American Physical Society. It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried the APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen I my long life as a physicist.

Greta Thunberg should be told to take book an airplane flight to get back to Sweden. Skip another two-week trip on that yacht. And be assured that the plane ride won’t be worsening the non-problem that has captured her attention.

Democrats reveal the real purpose of the impeachment investigation


Dear readers:


Perhaps most of you read and watch mainstream media everyday as your mantra of the day, don’t you? And perhaps your brain is trained to receive and believe as true everything they dictate to you as a daily dose of how things are going in our daily lives – setting up the perspective for you. And because when a lie is repeated over and over, at the end it becomes the true – do you agree? And this thinking applies to the hot issues of the moment in the political arena. And today, the hot issue is the impeachment of Donald Trump. But do you believe that the mainstream media do manipulate your perspective of things, to fulfill some group agenda?

The following two short pieces – written by Paul Craig Roberts and Tyler Durden consecutively – bring you different perspectives of why the impeachment is now in the front burner; but their analyses are opposite to what mainstream media portraits you. By the way, both authors are currently banned from publishing in Facebook. I wonder why. – Marvin Ramírez


Democrats reveal the real purpose of the impeachment investigation


by Paul Craig Roberts



The Democrats know that there is no impeachable offense. What they intend to do is to use the investigation to look into every aspect of Trump’s life and try to make dirt out of things unrelated to his talk with the Ukrainian president. This “impeachment investigation” is a political act to help their candidate win the next presidential election.

Democrats themselves describe it in this way. For example, here is how Rob Kall, the director of one of the progressive Democrat websites, described the purpose of the investigation:

“The idea should be to keep the impeachment going as long as possible, with new testimonies and new releases of disclosures of alleged corruption and treason on a regular basis.

“Looking at impeachment as a process for removing the president is the wrong way of thinking about it. Looking at it as a key that gives access to investigative tools is the smarter, more strategic, way of looking at it.

“Ideally, it will get so bad for Trump that the Republicans will end up putting up someone else to run in the general election.

“But keeping him under investigation, at least through the November election, will increasingly erode the support of both Trump and the Republican party brand, making a Democratic takeover of the Senate and the White House, and an increased control of the House even more likely.”

In other words, it is a political power play

The outcome depends on whether Americans see the impeachment investigation as another orchestrated hoax like Russiagate or whether they fall for the hoax as they initially did with the Russiagate investigation.

The United States does not have a media. It has a propaganda ministry that helps the ruling elites control the explanations that Americans are given. Polls show that Americans have lost confidence in the media. If so, the impeachment investigation will backfire on the Democrats.

The ultimate purpose of the constant attacks on Trump is to teach the American voters that electing a president who is disapproved by the Establishment is futile. The Establishment simply will not permit any change and will frustrate and destroy any president not selected by them as a candidate.

This is the real way so-called “American democracy” works. The establishment guides the selection of the Democrat and Republican candidates. Whichever wins, the Establishment wins. This didn’t happen in Trump’s case, and so he has to be prevented from altering the Establishment’s agendas.


NYTimes ‘outs’ Ukraine-call “whistleblower” as CIA officer


by Tyler Durden



Soon after the Ukraine-gate “whistleblower” complaint was made public, questions about the source’s knowledge and background began to rise, as one former CIA officer noted very specifically:

The way this complaint was written suggested the author had a lot of help. I know from my work on the House Intel Commitee staff that many whistleblowers go directly to the intel oversight committees. Did this whistleblower first meet with House Intel committee members?

My view is that this whistleblower complaint is too convenient and too perfect to come from a typical whistleblower. Were other IC officers involved? Were outside groups opposed to the president involved?

This complaint will further damage Intelligence Community (IC) relations with the White House for many years to come because IC officers appear to be politicizing presidential phone calls with foreign officials and their access to the president and his activities in the White House.

Worst of all, this IC officer — and probably others — have blatantly crossed the line into policy.

And sure enough, if The New York Times is to be believed, the complainant is a C.I.A. officer who was detailed to work at the White House at one point, according to three people familiar with his identity.

The man has since returned to the C.I.A., the people said.

The NYTimes, of course, puts its spin on the news, claiming that the whistle-blower’s expertise will likely add to lawmakers’ confidence about the merits of his complaint. However, given the current state of affairs, we suspect it will simply remind a deeply divided nation of the bias and prejudice that exists behind the President’s back. 

As Chuck Schumer once warned Trump:

“Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community – they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you… So, even for a practical supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.”

We wonder how many more ways they have left.

Delicious, nutritious, health-promoting: There are many reasons to eat an apple every day

by Melissa Smith


The old saying is indeed true: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

Many studies have explored the health benefits of apples. Here are just some evidence-based health benefits you can get from eating an apple:

  1. It can ward off cancers.Various studies examined the anti-cancer potential of apples. For example, a case-control study published in the Reviews on Environmental Health revealed that eating apples reduced the risk of colorectal cancer. Another study, which was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, identified 12 triterpenoid compounds in apple peels that inhibited the spread of — or completely killed — various cancer cells, including liver, colon, and breast cancer cells. (Related: Antioxidant-rich organic apple peels possess potent anti-cancer benefits).
  2. It aids in weight loss. You can add apples to your weight loss diet. A study on overweight women published in the journal Nutrition demonstrated that eating fruits like apples and pears every day for 12 weeks resulted in weight loss.
  3. It prevents atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis, or the hardening of the arteries, can be prevented by eating apples or drinking apple juice. In an animal study published in the journal Nutrients, researchers found that polyphenols in apples prevented the formation of plaque within the arteries. Another animal study, which was published in the journal Lipids in Health and Disease, showed that drinking apple juice can prevent the progression of atherosclerosis induced by a high-fat diet because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. It promotes hair growth. Apples can also be beneficial to people who suffer from hair loss. A study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment showed that a compound called procyanidin B-2 extracted from apples promoted hair growth in a cell model.
  5. It protects against advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). AGEs are harmful substances primarily linked to the oxidation of blood sugars, which become caramelized when exposed to oxidants. They then bind to cell structures, causing damage. A study published in the journal Phytochemistry reported that the leaves of apples exhibited potent anti-AGE activity.
  6. It protects against brain aging. Apples also have protective effects against brain aging. One study in aged mice revealed that apples prevented oxidative damage and impaired maze performance. Another mice study showed that consuming apple juice reduced the production of unhealthy amyloid-beta levels, which are linked to Alzheimer’s disease, in the mice’s brains.
  7. It supports oral health. Eating apples also promotes oral health and prevents diseases. A study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research revealed that the quercetin in apples exhibited antimicrobial effects on periodontal pathogens. Additionally, apple polyphenol also protects against periodontal ligament cell destruction associated with Porphyromonas gingivalis infection, according to a study published in the Journal of Periodontology.
  8. It treats diarrhea. A study published in the journal Arzneimittelforschung revealed that consuming apple pectin combined with chamomile shortened the course of diarrhea and relieved its associated symptoms.

Choose organic apples

Consuming apples will improve your health, given that they aren’t coated in toxic, cancer-causing pesticides and herbicides. It is worth noting that apples belong to the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) Dirty Dozen list, which includes the produce with the most pesticides. Therefore, make sure that you’re consuming organic apples.



Abortion foes challenge Oaxaca vote for decriminalization

Catholic and pro-life organizations are arguing that the Oaxaca constitution still prohibits abortion


by Mexico News Daily


Religious organizations in Oaxaca are asking for an injunction against a law passed on Wednesday that legalized abortion in the state.

Jeshúa Rangel, a lawyer for the Catholic Archdiocese of Antequera, said the church has asked for an injunction, and that signatures are being gathered for a collective injunction as well.

Estefanía Ricci, spokesperson for the pro-life group Provida, said her organization will start a campaign to punish the Morena party, which controls the Oaxaca Congress, for passing the bill.

“With their actions, they’ve lost the people’s trust, so we are going to punish them at the ballot boxes,” she said.

Rodrigo Iban Cortez, president of the National Family Front, a conservative Catholic group, called the bill “completely illegal and arbitrary” because it violates language in the Oaxaca constitution that protects life starting at conception.

“You can’t decriminalize abortion with legislation, in the penal code, and keep penalizing it in the constitution, which wasn’t changed, and still protects life starting at conception,” he said.

Morena Deputy Hilda Pérez said Congress is planning to change the constitution to remove the contradiction. However, she added that according to current Supreme Court jurisprudence, the language in the state constitution is not legitimate grounds to strike down the law.

Source: Milenio (sp)


In at least 11 states, decriminalization of abortion not on the agenda

In four states, decriminalization initiatives have been introduced but are on hold


Although two states have legalized abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, state deputies from another 11 states have confirmed with the newspaper Milenio that their congresses have no plans to introduce legislation to remove criminal penalties for it.

In the states of Querétaro, Sinaloa, Jalisco, Nayarit, Yucatán, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Baja California, Morelos and Nuevo León, abortion is currently illegal and deputies do not plan to change that.

In Querétaro, abortion is illegal even in cases where the life of the mother is at risk, but representatives for the National Action Party-dominated Congress have said they will not consider any new legislation on the issue.

In Baja California, Morena party Deputy Milena Quiroga said her state is one of the “most advanced” in terms of allowing abortion in cases of rape, when the mother’s health is at risk and when serious genetic problems are detected in the fetus, and that she thinks changing the state’s abortion law is unnecessary.

In Morelos, a group of protesters gathered in the zócalo in Cuernavaca on Wednesday to demand the legalization of abortion. Morelos currently only allows abortion in certain cases.

Karina Chumacero, spokesperson for the pro-choice group Marea Verde, said the fact that abortion was decriminalized in Oaxaca, a largely conservative, traditional state, should show congresses in other states that similar initiatives are possible.

“This opens the doors for other states to ask their representatives to decriminalize abortion,” she said. “We want to end the criminalization of women who get abortions, and we want motherhood to be a choice.”

Initiatives to legalize abortion have been introduced but are currently frozen in another four states: México, Tabasco, Veracruz and Tamaulipas.

Congresses in some other states plan to vote on initiatives to legalize abortion later in the year, including Hidalgo, Durango and Colima.

According to federal crime statistics, state prosecutors had 427 investigations open for the crime of abortion last August.

Source: Milenio (s).p

In 48 days, Ayotzinapa search operations in 210 locations have turned up nothing

Government offers 1.5-million-peso reward for information


by Mexico News Daily


Eight search operations conducted over 48 days produced no “positive findings” in the case of the 43 students who disappeared in Iguala, Guerrero, in 2014, human rights undersecretary Alejandro Encinas said on Thursday.

Speaking at the presidential press conference on the fifth anniversary of the students’ disappearance, Encinas said that the search efforts concentrated on the Guerrero municipalities of Iguala, Cocula, Huitzuco, Tepecoacuilco and Mezcala.

The operations extended across 210 different locations including a second garbage dump – the previous federal government said that the students were burned in the Cocula municipal dump, safe houses used by criminal groups in Iguala and wells in the same city, he said.

Personnel from the federal Attorney General’s Office and a forensic team from Argentina conducted the searches, Encinas said.

The undersecretary also announced that a reward of 1.5 million pesos (US $76,000) will be paid to any person who provides reliable and verifiable information about the case.

A reward of 10 million pesos (US $509,000) is on offer for information that leads to the arrest of Alejandro Tenescalco Mejía, who was the shift commander of the Iguala municipal police at the time of the students’ abduction.

According to the former government’s “historical truth,” corrupt police officers intercepted the students and handed them over to the Guerreros Unidos crime gang, who killed them, burned their bodies and disposed of their remains in a river.

However, that version of events has been widely rejected.

“The only truth,” Encinas said today, “is that there is no truth.”

As part of the search for the students, he said that authorities have analyzed 184 bodies that were found in hidden graves in Guerrero but of the 44 that have been identified, none were the young men from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers College.

Encinas explained that the truth commission set up by the federal government last December analyzed 80 million telephone calls, including all the calls the students made and received during a period of four years.

However, no evidence was found that the students had contact with any criminal group, he said.

Encinas added that members of the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts, a team formed by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, began collaborating with the government on its investigation in August. The remainder of the group will join the investigation in the coming days, Encinas said.

The official also said that the government is looking at information from the Federal Police and the recently-disbanded Center for Investigation and National Security, which he claimed the prev The government will begin to summon Guerrero officials who were in office at the time of the students’ disappearance next week, Encinas said.

They include former governor Ángel Aguirre, ex-attorney general Iñaki Blanco and ex-security secretary Leonardo Vázquez.

The federal Attorney General’s Office has previously announced that it will investigate former attorney general Jesús Murillo Karam – who first announced the “historical truth” – as well as former Criminal Investigation Agency chief Tomás Zerón and former Ayotzinapa investigation chief José Aarón Pérez.

In a radio interview on Thursday, Murillo defended the veracity of the “historical truth” he first declared on January 27, 2015.

“What am I sure about in the investigation? That police handed the young men to a criminal group and a large group [of them] were burned in the Cocula dump . . .” he said.

Murillo also said that he was prepared to fully cooperate with the government when summoned to provide a statement.

Meanwhile, parents of the missing students traveled today to the Chamber of Deputies in Mexico City, where they demanded justice and the return of their sons.

“Vivos se los llevaron y vivos los queremos [they were taken alive, we want them back alive]” they shouted, a slogan that has been chanted at countless protest marches across the country during the past five years.

Source: Reforma (sp), El Heraldo de México (sp), Excélsior (sp), Milenio (sp).

En 48 días, las operaciones de búsqueda de Ayotzinapa en 210 ubicaciones no han dado resultado

El gobierno ofrece una recompensa de 1.5 millones de pesos por información


por Mexico News Daily


Ocho operaciones de búsqueda realizadas durante 48 días no produjeron “resultados positivos” en el caso de los 43 estudiantes que desaparecieron en Iguala, Guerrero, en 2014, dijo el jueves el subsecretario de derechos humanos Alejandro Encinas.

Hablando en la conferencia de prensa presidencial en el quinto aniversario de la desaparición de los estudiantes, Encinas dijo que los esfuerzos de búsqueda se concentraron en los municipios guerreros de Iguala, Cocula, Huitzuco, Tepecoacuilco y Mezcala.

Las operaciones se extendieron a 210 ubicaciones diferentes, incluido un segundo vertedero de basura: el gobierno federal anterior dijo que los estudiantes fueron quemados en el vertedero municipal de Cocula, casas de seguridad utilizadas por grupos criminales en Iguala y pozos en la misma ciudad, dijo.

Personal de la Oficina del Procurador General de la República y un equipo forense de Argentina realizaron las búsquedas, dijo Encinas.

El subsecretario también anunció que se pagará una recompensa de 1.5 millones de pesos (US $76,000) a cualquier persona que brinde información confiable y verificable sobre el caso.

Se ofrece una recompensa de 10 millones de pesos (US $509,000) por información que conduzca al arresto de Alejandro Tenescalco Mejía, quien era el comandante de turno de la policía municipal de Iguala en el momento del secuestro de los estudiantes.

Según la “verdad histórica” ​​del gobierno anterior, los policías corruptos interceptaron a los estudiantes y los entregaron a la pandilla criminal Guerreros Unidos, quienes los mataron, quemaron sus cuerpos y arrojaron sus restos en un río.


“La única verdad”, dijo Encinas hoy, “es que no hay verdad”.

Como parte de la búsqueda de los estudiantes, dijo que las autoridades analizaron 184 cuerpos que se encontraron en tumbas escondidas en Guerrero, pero de los 44 que se identificaron, ninguno era de los jóvenes del Colegio de Maestros Rurales de Ayotzinapa.

Encinas explicó que la comisión de la verdad establecida por el gobierno federal en diciembre pasado analizó 80 millones de llamadas telefónicas, incluidas todas las llamadas que los estudiantes hicieron y recibieron durante un período de cuatro años.

Sin embargo, no se encontraron pruebas de que los estudiantes hayan tenido contacto con ningún grupo criminal, dijo.

Encinas agregó que los miembros del Grupo Interdisciplinario de Expertos Independientes, un equipo formado por la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, comenzaron a colaborar con el gobierno en su investigación en agosto. El resto del grupo se unirá a la investigación en los próximos días, dijo Encinas.

El funcionario también dijo que el gobierno está buscando información de la Policía Federal y del Centro de Investigación y Seguridad Nacional recientemente desmantelado, que afirmó que el gobierno anterior comenzará a convocar a los funcionarios de Guerrero que estaban en el cargo en el momento de la desaparición de los estudiantes la próxima semana, dijo Encinas.

Entre ellos están el ex gobernador Ángel Aguirre, el ex fiscal general Iñaki Blanco y el ex secretario de seguridad Leonardo Vázquez.

La Oficina del Procurador General de la Nación anunció previamente que investigará al ex fiscal general Jesús Murillo Karam, quien primero anunció la “verdad histórica”, así como al ex jefe de la Agencia de Investigación Criminal Tomás Zerón y al ex jefe de investigación de Ayotzinapa, José Aarón Pérez.

En una entrevista de radio el jueves, Murillo defendió la veracidad de la “verdad histórica” ​​que declaró por primera vez el 27 de enero de 2015.

¿De qué estoy seguro en la investigación? Esa policía entregó a los jóvenes a un grupo criminal y un grupo grande [de ellos] fue quemado en el vertedero de Cocula. . .” él dijo.

Murillo también dijo que estaba preparado para cooperar plenamente con el gobierno cuando se lo convocara para proporcionar una declaración.

Mientras tanto, los padres de los estudiantes desaparecidos viajaron hoy a la Cámara de Diputados en la Ciudad de México, donde exigieron justicia y el regreso de sus hijos.

“Vivos se los llevaron y vivos los queremos”, gritaron, un eslogan que se ha coreado en innumerables marchas de protesta en todo el país durante los últimos cinco años.

Fuente: Reforma (sp), El Heraldo de México (sp), Excélsior (sp), Milenio (sp).

Former first lady of El Salvador on trial for money laundering

by the El Reportero’s wire services


The possibility of a speedy trial for former Salvadoran First Lady Ana Ligia Mixco came closer this Thursday with a committment to return $17 million dollars embezzled during the presidency of Antonio Saca.

Mixco’s attorney Miguel Flores Durel confirmed again the possibility of reaching a speedy trial with the Attorney General’s Office (FGR), previously rejected by the accused.

Mixco, who is serving 10 years in prison for embezzling more than 300 million dollars, is accused of diverting 17.344 million dollars of public funds from 2004 to 2009.

Attorney General Raul Melara conceeded that if Mixco requests a speedy trial again and commits to return the stolen amount, he will analyze the possibility of granting her that benefit.

The Seventh Examining Magistrate of San Salvador ordered yesterday that Mixco be brought to trail together with the publicists César Daniel Funes and Ricardo Lemus, who are also accused of money laundering.


Mexican President insists on clarifying whereabouts of students

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador today called for a more thorough investigation of the Ayotzinapa case to shed light on the whereabouts of the 43 students-teachers who disappeared five years ago.

In his morning conference, the head of state asked everyone who has information about this chain of violent events to hand it over to the authorities

He assured that those who do so will have all the State’s guarantees of protection and, besides, official help ‘if they are implicated’.

We have the commitment to protect, to reward them,’ said the president who attended his conference with an allegorical t-shirt to the case, although he did not give details about the guarantees.

For his part, the Undersecretary of Human Rights, Alejandro Encinas, reiterated that there is a reward of 10 million pesos, about 510,600 dollars for information on the whereabouts of Alejandro Tenescalco Mejia.

Mejia, a municipal ex-police officer, is identified as ‘one of the main perpetrators’ of the students’ disappearance.

This September 26th marks the fifth anniversary of the disappearance of 43 students-teachers from the Rural Raul Isidro Burgos Normal School in Ayotzinapa, Iguala, Guerrero.


Food Bank’s president urges to fight food insecurity in Puerto Rico

Some 67 percent of Puerto Rican households live below the poverty level, which greatly limits access to a balanced diet, warned on Thursday Denise Santos, president of the Food Bank.

People suffering from food insecurity represent 33.2 percent in the country, which implies that approximately three out of 10 adults meet the definition of food insecurity, she added.

Santos sustained that poverty and food insecurity are intertwined, so she called on citizens, on behalf of the Food Bank, to commemorate this Friday the Day of Hunger Awareness.

Since Puerto Rico has been subject to US colonial domination for 121 years, there is widespread belief, encouraged by the media ad of the 60s and 70s of the last century, that the people do not live in a state of precariousness.

However, as Santos says, 67 percent of households on Puerto Rico live below the poverty level, which highly reduces access to food that includes the nutrients necessary for their own comprehensive welfare.

Santos revealed that thanks to the development of partnerships, the Food Bank annually distributes an average of 12 million pounds of food in Puerto Rico and serves over 1.2 million people, through affiliated agencies and community impact programs.

Public Notice – Request for Proposals for District-Wide Security Guard Services

Request for Proposals

The Peralta Community College District is calling for sealed proposals from qualified firms to provide District-Wide Security Guard Services (RFP No. 19-20/03) to be delivered to the Purchasing Department, at 501 5th Avenue, Oakland, California 94606, until 2:00 PM, on October 8, 2019.

Peralta Community College District is seeking proposals from qualified persons, firms, partnerships, corporations, associations, or professional organizations to provide Security Services to complement ACSO services and Student Aid Programs at Berkeley City College, District Administrative Office, Laney College, College of Alameda and Merritt College.

A Mandatory Pre-proposal Meeting will be held on September 24, 2019 at 10 AM in the Department of General Services (DGS) conference room #1 located at 333 East 8th Street, Oakland, CA 94606.

Copies of the proposal documents may be obtained at Peralta Community College District, Office of Purchasing, 501 5th Avenue, Oakland, California, 94606, Phone (510) 466-7225, Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or by visiting our website at: and clicking on “Business Opportunities” and then on “List of Current RFPs/Bids” to download the RFP packet.

Governing Codes: GC 53068
EC 81641

Publication Dates:
September 13, 2019 and September 20, 2019. – El Reportero

Boxing – The Sport of Gentlemen

Saturday, September 14

Canelo Álvarez vs TBA, middleweights, 12 rounds

Thursday, September 26

TBA, United States (RingTV/Facebook)
Golden Boy DAZN Thursday Night Fights
Saturday, September 28

Staples Center, Los Angeles, CA (PPV)

Deontay Wilder vs Luis Ortiz, rematch, heavyweights, 12 rounds

Thursday, October 24

TBA, United States (RingTV/Facebook)

Golden Boy DAZN Thursday Night Fights

Thursday, November 14

TBA, United States (RingTV/Facebook)

Golden Boy DAZN Thursday Night Fights

Thursday, December 5

TBA, United States (RingTV/Facebook)

Golden Boy DAZN Thursday Night Fights

John Santos Sextet at Yoshi’s

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff


Far more than a master percussionist, internationally renowned multi-Grammy-nominated percussionist and San Francisco native, John Santos can be seen on Fri, Sept. 27, from 10 – 11:59 p.m., at Yoshi’s Oakland, 510 Embarcadero West, Oakland.


Cine Latino brings the best in Latino films on 2019

In just a few days Cine+Mas SF presents the 11th San Francisco Latino Film Festival with over 90 films including shorts, features, and documentaries. There are 12 documentary features, 14 narrative features, and nine shorts programs to choose from. Most features are San Francisco premieres with a few US and West Coast premieres in the mix.

Most films only screen once. Screenings take place at the Alamo Drafthouse, the Opera Plaza Theaters and the Roxie Theater where we will be opening. Additional screenings at the ATA and Eastside Cultural Center.

A beautiful biopic about Carlos Acosta, a legendary ballet dancer from Cuba who became the first black principal dancer with the Royal Ballet of London. The film is directed by Catalan filmmaker Iciar Bollain (The Rain, The Olive Tree).

The 11th San Francisco Latino Film Festival presented by Cine+Mas SF runs from Sept. 20-29. Opening Night at Roxie Theater.

Environmental film section, guest filmmakers at most screenings – feature docs and shorts. Premieres with filmmakers in town: Tattoo of Revenge, Quinceañera, Bathroom Stalls & Parking Lots, Bring Me an Avocado; Carlos Almaraz Playing with Fire (Richard Montoya, director).

Provocative documentaries; Decade of Fire– when local government plays a role in gentrification; Councilwoman– in the year of the woman see a Dominican immigrant, hotel housekeeper run for political office; a profile on Carlos Almaraz – prolific Mexican-American artist made a mark on the art world and put a spotlight on Chicano art.

Fun documentaries like Amigo, Skate and Santa Lives in My Town. Skateboarding in Cuba and guys that make a living as Santa Claus in Argentina.

Sept. 20-27 Roxie Theater

Sept. 20-22 at ATA.

Sept. 20 Opening Night Party at Amado’s 998 Valencia & 21st St.)

Sept. 21 at Alamo Drafthouse

Sept. 24 at Opera Plaza Cinemas

Sept. 28 Eastside Cultural Center (Oakland)

Sept. 29 Closing Night Party (TBD).


Salsa in the Mission with Emilio Pérez and his New Caní band with Tito Thumas

Come and celebrate summer time with salsa, Latin jazz and tropical music for the soul on the dance floor, with Grupo New Caní. In the congas Emilio Pérez, in timbales Tito Thumas and his aunt Patricia Thumas (Saturdays) on the piano.

At Cavas-22 Restaurant. Full bar and Mexican and International food, 22nd Street @ Bartlett – across the street from Café Revolution. Fridays and Saturdays, from 8 to 11:30 p.m.