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LEAD Summit XI featured speakers represent Chicano/Latino culture and history


by the El Reportero‘s news services


A Mexican American cultural figure and one of the catalysts of the Chicano movement will be the featured speakers when the Latino Education and Advocacy Days Summit XI convenes at Cal State San Bernardino on Thursday, March 26.

Richard Anthony Marin, better known as Cheech Marin, the honorary chair/padrino de honor, is the morning featured speaker, and Rosalío Muñoz, chiefly remembered as the co-chair of the Chicano Moratorium Committee, an anti-war movement that played a pivotal role in shaping one of Chicana/o history’s defining moments, will deliver the afternoon keynote address.

The theme for the 11th annual summit, free and open to the public, is “Movimiento y Compromiso: 50 Years of Challenges, Possibilities, and the Quest for Educational Equity.” The summit panels and speakers will revisit and commemorate social movements from the last 50 years, including the birth of Chicano-ethnic studies, the school walkouts/blowouts, bilingual education and the Chicano Moratorium.

Registration is currently open and may be done online at the LEAD Summit XI website at LEAD Summit XI will take place from 8 a.m. to about 3 p.m. at the university’s Santos Manuel Student Union.


Morning Session Featured Speaker, Cheech Marin

He is probably best known as half of the comedic “irreverent, satirical, counter-culture no-holds-barred duo of Cheech and Chong,” as his website states. But he also is an actor, director, writer, musician, art collector and humanitarian.

Marin will speak on “The Cheech Marin Center for Chicano Art, Culture & Industry” at about 10 a.m.


‘Gentefied’ Latino comedy gets Netflix premiere

Gentefied is an upcoming American comedy-drama web television series created by Marvin Lemus and Linda Yvette Chávez, that is set to premiere on Netflix on February 21, 2020.[1] The series stars Karrie Martin, Joseph Julian Soria, Carlos Santos and Joaquín Cosio. Gentefied follows the story of “three Mexican-American cousins and their struggle to chase the American Dream, even while that same dream threatens the things they hold most dear: their neighborhood, their immigrant grandfather and the family taco shop”.[2

Described as a badass Spanglish series about family, community, brown love and the displacement that disrupts it all, Gentefied follows three Mexican-American cousins and their struggle to chase the American Dream, even while that same dream threatens the things they hold most dear: their neighborhood, their immigrant grandfather and the family taco shop. Set in a rapidly changing Los Angeles, the series will navigate important themes such as identity, class and balancing insta-fame with translating memes for their parents. And it will settle once and for all how to pronounce Latinx, Netflix notes.

Joaquín Cosío, Karrie Martin, JJ Soria and Carlos Santos star. Executive Producer America Ferrera and Wilmer Valderrama are confirmed to guest star. Ferrera directed two episodes along with co-creator Lemus, Marta Cunningham, Aurora Guerrero and Andrew Ahn.

Gentefied is a Netflix production. Monica Macer serves as showrunner and executive producer. Charles D. King and Kim Roth of MACRO produce along with Ferrera of Take Fountain, Teri Weinberg of Yellow Brick Road and Aaliyah Williams.

Nano-technology: one world, one brain

From nanotechnology: “The branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometers, especially the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules”


by Jon Rappoport


The recent arrest of Harvard pioneer in the field of nanotechnology, Charles Lieber—on charges of lying to federal authorities about his business connections to China—has exposed wide-ranging relationships among American and Chinese researchers.

These relationships include, above all, the open sharing of sensitive technologies that, once upon a time, would have been considered closely guarded state secrets. (See my recent piece, “Behind the explosive Charles Lieber scandal.”)

Here are quotes from the journal Nano Today, from a 2019 paper titled: “Nanowire probes could drive high-resolution brain-machine interfaces”. Its authors are Chinese and American:

“…advances can enable investigations of dynamics in the brain [through tiny sensor-implants] and drive the development of new brain-machine interfaces with unprecedented resolution and precision.”

“…output electrical signals of brain activity or input electrical stimuli to modulate brain activity in concert with external machines, including computer processors and prosthetics, for human enhancement…”

Aside from research into prosthetics and, perhaps, the reversal of certain paralyses, this avenue of investigation also suggests “modulation” of the brain, hooked to machines, for the purpose of control. Control of thoughts, sensations, emotions.

And along with the Internet of Things, why couldn’t that control eventually be extended, in order to “harmonize” many, many brains with one another?

Who would be interested in such a thing? Think Chinese government, DARPA (the technology arm of the Pentagon), and numerous other international actors. Think Rockefeller medical researchers. Think technocracy and Brave New World.

Over the past few decades, the flow of all sorts of ultra-sensitive scientific information, between the US and China, hasn’t consisted of rare leaks. It’s a flood, out in the open, in labs and universities. All part of the new share-and-care Globalist agenda.

Nanotechnology, to choose one branch of such research-exchange, has applications in weaponry, transportation, surveillance, medicine, etc. And of course, mind control.

“Look, I’m certainly willing to share my latest research on nano-brain implants. But I need your, ahem, assurance that your government won’t use this for dark purposes.”

“I understand completely. My government would no more do that than your government would.”

“All right. Then we’re good.”

“Yes. Good.”

How did US-China relations get to this point? At one time, it appeared the two governments were involved in a cold war. Oh, that’s right, President Nixon opened up China to trade, in 1972, after 25 years of no diplomatic relations. Nixon was the agent of David Rockefeller, who, years earlier, had rescued him from a broken career as a politician. David Rockefeller, arch Globalist.

Here’s what Rockefeller blithely wrote in 1973, a year after Nixon had worked his China miracle:

“Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.” (“From a China Traveler,” New York Times, August 10, 1973.)

Millions of people dead, freedom crushed, a whole population under the boot of the Communist regime, but somehow that’s not what David Rockefeller saw, or pretended to see. He, like other of his elite Globalist colleagues, admired the Chinese government for the capacity to control its own people, to such a high degree.

Flash forward 47 years. Scientists from both countries are blowing each other kisses, as they collaborate on developing a technology that has the potential to gain intimate influence inside the human brain itself.

—Of course, remember, when political push comes to shove, and it always does, China is the friend of China. In the case of American corporate and government big shots, hometown loyalty tends to be conditional, depending on which sources and countries are putting money on the table.

(Jon Rappoport is the author of three explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix, and Power Outside The Matrix).

Just 3 percent of What the US Spends Destroying Countries Could End Starvation—On the Entire Planet

by Matt Agorist


It was reported this week that the Pentagon made $35 trillion — with a ‘T’ — in accounting adjustments in 2019 alone. That number is larger than the entire U.S. economy and is up from $30.7 trillion in 2018. The figure also dwarfs the Congressional approved military budget of $738 billion. Naturally, no one cares and Pentagon officials dismiss this black hole of spending as accounting errors.

“Within that $30 trillion is a lot of double, triple, and quadruple counting of the same money as it got moved between accounts,” said Todd Harrison, a Pentagon budget expert with the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

The “combined errors, shorthand, and sloppy record-keeping by DoD accountants do add up to a number nearly 1.5 times the size of the U.S. economy,” said Representative Jackie Speier, who asked the Government Accountability Office to investigate. The report shows the Pentagon “employs accounting adjustments like a contractor paints over mold. Their priority is making the situation look manageable, not solving the underlying problem,” she said.

This problem is only getting worse too. As Bloomberg reported, the Defense Department acknowledged that it failed its first-ever audit in 2018 and then again last year, when it reviewed $2.7 trillion in assets and $2.6 trillion in liabilities. Despite the shame of failing—twice—the accounting “errors” have grown.

Imagine running a company in which you accounted for spending like they do at the Pentagon. If you were the CFO, you’d be fired, if and only if the entire business didn’t already collapse. However, because these morons have an unlimited pool of tax revenue and Federal Reserve dollars from which to draw resources, they are allowed to continue down this unaccountable path toward unsustainable debt and spending.

In the meantime, Democrats and Republicans alike remain silent as questioning the military industrial complex is akin to a thought crime. The war machine must go on and continue to expand or else they’ll find themselves out of a job. The majority of Americans follow the same code of silence when it comes to military spending. Boobus Americanus sits back in his recliner as his grandchildren’s future is squandered by mass murderers dropping million dollar bombs on people living in tents on the other side of the planet — for ‘freedom’ — of course.

Despite audits and scrutiny from those paying attention, the Pentagon has only continued to lose money by the trillions since 9/11, and a report analyzing the budgets of the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) shows that the total is more than $21 trillion.

The report attributes the missing funds to a series of “unsupported journal voucher adjustments” made to the departments’ budgets. These adjustments are not tied to specific accounting transactions, but they are often included in account summaries to cover for balances between systems that cannot be reconciled.

As The Free Thought Project has reported, not only is it likely that the actual amount of money the DoD and HUD cannot account for is much higher than $21 trillion, due to the fact that researchers did not have access to complete data, but the practice of creating counterfeit adjustments appears to be standard procedure.

“Perhaps even more troubling than the total amount lost is the fact that fraudulent behavior from HUD and DOD seem to be the standard operating procedure. In fact, the accounting for these funds is so poor, that as Reuters notes, the Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) refers to the preparation of the Army’s year-end statements as ‘the grand plug’ — ‘plug’ is accounting jargon for the insertion of made-up numbers.

For every transaction, a so-called ‘journal voucher’ that provides serial numbers, transaction dates and the amount of the expenditure is supposed to be produced. The report specifies that the agency has done such a poor job in providing documentation of their transactions, that there is no way to actually know how $21 trillion has been spent.”

The problem is so bad, that these warmongers have ‘lost’ $58,386 per second since 9/11.

Those of us not blinded by the propaganda and false patriotism, see the inevitable results of such a propensity for supporting war. We see domestic infrastructure crumbling, a national debt increasing by record amounts each year, more conflict around the globe, and countless veterans suffering from PTSD. When will it all end? At this pace, it won’t end until the empire falls.

Luckily, there are people waging a campaign to prevent further war and subsequent deficit spending. They are paying to put up billboards showing just how much of your money the US steals to blow up brown people in foreign countries. The group is World Beyond War and their efforts are massive. For the last several years, they’ve been putting up powerful billboards all over the country. One of them can be seen below.

They back these numbers up with data on their website, pointing out that in 2008, the United Nations said that $30 billion per year could end hunger on earth, as reported in the New York TimesLos Angeles Times, and many other outlets. The Food and Agriculture Organization has not updated that figure since 2008, and has recently told us that such figures do not require much updating. In a separate report, most recently published in 2015, the same organization provides a figure of $265 billion as the cost per year for 15 years to permanently eliminate extreme poverty, which would eliminate starvation and malnutrition — a broader project than just preventing starvation one year at a time. The FAO’s spokesperson informed us in an email: “I think it would be incorrect to compare the two figures as the 265 billion has been calculated taking into consideration a number of initiatives including social protection cash transfers aimed at extracting people from extreme poverty and not just hunger.”

As of 2019, the annual Pentagon base budget, plus war budget, plus nuclear weapons in the Department of Energy, plus Homeland Security and other military spending totaled well over $1 trillion — not counting what’s “lost.”

3 percent of $1 trillion = $30 billion.

So, 3 percent of U.S. military spending could end starvation on earth.

22 percent of $1.2 trillion = $265 billion.

So, 22 percent of U.S. military spending for 15 years could permanently end extreme poverty globally.

With the globe spending roughly $2 trillion per year on militarism (roughly half of it by the United States), we can also say that 1.5 percent of GLOBAL military spending could end starvation on earth.

Are you ready to end all war yet? We are.


Coronavirus poses more than just a global health threat

FILE PHOTO: International Monetary Fund (IMF) logo is seen outside the headquarters building in Washington, U.S., as IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde meets with Argentine Treasury Minister Nicolas Dujovne September 4, 2018. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

A global economic collapse could follow


by Tracey Watson


Whoever came up with the idea of the global village clearly never thought about how a disaster in one part of the village would affect all the other residents.

The 2008 global financial crisis is a prime example of why interconnecting the entire planet’s financial health is a seriously bad idea. Depreciation in the subprime mortgage market in the United States resulted in the collapse of investment bank Lehman Brothers, and like a series of dominoes, one bank after the other around the world started failing. The crisis that followed, now known as the Great Recession, created economic havoc across the globe, and it took years for the world’s economy to regain some semblance of balance.

Now, another global economic disaster could be looming, this time because of the microscopic coronavirus known as Covid-19, which has infected over 72,000 people and claimed more than 2,000 lives in just a few weeks.

Of course, the primary focus of the media has been on the spread of the disease and what measures different countries have put in place to contain it. There is widespread fear that Covid-19 could eventually become a global pandemic that claims millions of lives.

But this virus has the potential to be devastating in another way, too: It could result in a global economic meltdown and could severely impact the availability and cost of thousands of essential products from China.)


Covid-19’s effects far more widespread than the disease itself


Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper explains that Covid-19 could end up affecting the whole world’s economy. The Chinese economy has already taken a $60 billion knock, and experts warn that if the fallout cannot be contained, it could end up costing Chinese banks as much as $6 trillion.

Since the world’s economies are now so intertwined, China’s pain will be the whole world’s pain – and that includes the United States.

Experts warn that the coronavirus disaster has all the hallmarks of a black swan event, a market term that refers to a sudden and unforeseen event that can have catastrophic effects on the economy.

GNS Economics explains the pattern of events that will likely unfurl soon across the globe:

-It is probable that the coronavirus will push Chinese economy into recession sometime this year. As China has led this global cycle, the rest of the world will follow.

-The first shoe to drop outside China is likely to be the export-and China-dependent Eurozone. And, as we have warned on several occasions, many European banks will be unable to withstand a recession.

-When the European banking crisis, driven by the ensuing recession, resumes it will ‘go-global’ fast as Europe holds the biggest concentration of globally systemically important banks, or G-SIBs. (Natural News).

-It is also unlikely that hyper-valued U.S. stock markets will be able to endure the impact of a global recession. This is even more the case if the Fed tapers its term repo-operations in February, as planned.

-Global recession, a European banking crisis and a crash in the U.S. capital markets will produce a global economic collapse which will almost certainly overwhelm any attempts—massive and coordinated as they may be—to turn the tide by over-stretched central banks and over-indebted governments.

-This is, why the coronavirus outbreak should be treated for what it is: a potential harbinger of human and economic calamity. 

That certainly is a sobering prediction. And with the virus continuing to spread at unprecedented rates, it would seem that humanity might be galloping towards disaster in more ways than one.

Sources for this article include:



Mexico’s National Guard has 70,000 soldiers and will reach 140,000

by the El Reportero‘s wire services


President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced today that the National Guard already has 70,000 elements and could reach 140,000.

He assured that tranquility is already being guaranteed where this new body operates, but recognized that there is still a long way to go in order to achieve the main objective of pacifying the nation, for which it is necessary to recruit more personnel.

At his morning press conference at the National Palace, which was attended by Defense Secretary Luis Cresencio Sandoval, he said the plan to strengthen the National Guard to guarantee public security is going well.

This, he said, is accompanied by resources to grow and train the elements and build the military facilities because the Federal Police did not have them and its members were staying in hotels and makeshift camps, and now the necessary resources are being obtained to house the National Guard throughout the country.

Sandoval reported that the facilities are being built at an accelerated pace and six more will be inaugurated in the next three days.

The prosecutor’s office must resolve this and see if it applies the new legislation within the existing legal framework, which considers electoral fraud, corruption and impunity a serious crime, and if it is defined in the electoral law.

He clarified that his government does not intend to affect anyone or any political party in particular, because ‘what we want is an end to corruption and not to have impunity, to purify the public life of the country because a lot of damage was done to it by corruption.’


Mexico gives Germany business, investment in southern region

Representatives of the governments of Mexico’s southern-southeastern states offered German businessmen a series of businesses and investments in projects of the interoceanic corridor and the Mayan Train, the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs confirmed on Thursday.

A press release states that business opportunities also extend to regional plans focused on strategic productive sectors, and other comprehensive development programs executed by the government.

The offer was carried out during a meeting between the Mexican-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (CAMEXA) with representatives of the governments of Campeche, Chiapas, Guerrero, Tabasco, Veracruz, Yucatan and Quintana Roo, convened by the Mexican Association of Economic Development Secretaries.

The meeting was sponsored and coordinated by the Directorate-General for Political Coordination at the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs (SRE).

The agency reported in the statement that this region accounts for 55 percent of the National Port System, provides 19 percent of the country’s GDP, has 28 percent of airports and 66 percent of water resources.

Mexico-US trade breaks record at US $614.5 billion, up 0.5 percent

Mexico is now the US’ largest trading partner, having moved past both China and Canada


Two-way trade between Mexico and the United States reached an all-time high of US $614.5 billion in 2019, the U.S. Department of Commerce reported on Wednesday.

Mexico’s exports to its northern neighbor totaled a record $358.13 billion last year, a 3.5 percent increase compared to 2018. Meanwhile, imports from the United States declined 3.4 percent to $256.37 billion.

The combined value of the commercial exchange between the two countries was 0.5 percent higher than that recorded in 2018. The balance of trade showed a record surplus of $101.75 billion in Mexico’s favor, 26.2 percent higher than the 2018 surplus.

Data from the Department of Commerce also showed that Mexico is now the United States’ largest trading partner, having moved past both China and Canada. Trade between the two countries accounted for 14.8 percent of the U.S.’ total international trade last year.

Canada was the second biggest trade partner of the United States followed by China, Japan, Germany and South Korea.

China’s share of trade with the world’s largest economy took a hit as a result of the trade war between Washington and Beijing, which has helped Mexico increase its exports to its northern neighbor.

The record trade between Mexico and the United States last year came despite continuing uncertainty surrounding the new North American trade agreement and threats from U.S. President Donald Trump to impose blanket tariffs on Mexican imports if the Mexican government didn’t do more to stop the arrival of migrants on the two countries’ shared border.

Mexico, the United States and Canada finally signed a modified version of the USMCA in December while President López Obrador, who is determined to maintain harmonious relations with the U.S., averted the tariff threat by agreeing to deploy the National Guard to increase enforcement against migrants.

Source: El Financiero (sp) 


Mexicans abroad send record US $36 billion back home in 2019

It was a 7 percent increase over the previous year’s remittances

Remittances sent home by Mexicans living abroad hit a record high of just over US $36 billion in 2019, the central bank reported.

The Bank of México (Banxico) said that Mexican families received US $36.04 billion from relatives abroad, most of whom work in the United States.

The amount is 7 percent higher than the US $33.67 billion sent to Mexico in 2018, in turn a figure that raised the bar over previous years.

Last year was the third consecutive year in which remittances totaled more than US $30 billion. The money was sent in 110 million separate transactions, Banxico said, a 5.6 percent increase over the 104 million completed in 2018.

The average remittance was US $326 compared to $322 in 2018. More than 98 percent of the funds were sent via electronic transfer, while the remainder arrived in Mexico in cash or via money orders.

Mexico is the third largest recipient of remittances after India and China, according to the Center for Latin American Monetary Studies, an organization comprised of central banks across the region.

However, Mexico is the largest recipient of funds from the United States, where approximately 7.5 million Mexicans work.

Source: El Economista (sp) 


Farmers clash with National Guard over diversion of dam’s water to US

Mexico has a ‘water debt’ to its northern neighbor due to a 1944 bilateral treaty

More than 3,000 farmers and residents of four Chihuahua municipalities clashed with the National Guard on Tuesday over the federal government’s plan to divert water from a dam in the northern border state to the Rio Grande for the use of the United States.

The newspaper Milenio reported that protesters from Camargo, La Cruz, Delicias and San Francisco de Conchos confronted the guardsmen with the aim of removing them from the La Boquilla Dam, located on the Conchos River about 200 kilometers south of Chihuahua city.

The National Water Commission (Conagua) intends to open the sluices of the dam to divert hundreds of millions of cubic meters of water to the Rio Grande in order to comply with the 1944 bilateral water treaty between Mexico and the United States.

Mexico has a 220-million-cubic-meter “water debt” to its northern neighbor, Milenio reported. Chihuahua farmers say that the massive diversion planned by Conagua will leave them with insufficient water.

The National Guard and the army were deployed to La Boquilla last month after protesters broke into the dam on January 10.

Conagua said in a statement that it requested the intervention of the federal security forces to safeguard its operations. The incorrect use of the sluices and other dam equipment could pose a risk to the safety of residents, the water commission said.

The National Guard, however, wasn’t able to contain a large group of disgruntled farmers and residents who managed to break through their defenses during Tuesday’s confrontation.

The newspaper La Jornada reported that approximately 500 farmers entered the fenced-off dam precinct and pledged to remain at La Boquilla until Conagua guarantees that no water will be diverted from the dam.

However, on Wednesday morning guardsmen took back the dam without incident.

The U.S. Census question that may trip up Latinos

The Obama administration started multi-year research on approaches that would improve data on Latinos of all races, but the Trump administration dropped all efforts and went ahead with questions that will probably undercount Latinos


by Pilar Marrero

La Opinion, Ethnic Media Services


The proposed citizenship question in the 2020 United States Census is gone, thanks to several lawsuits and a June Supreme Court decision that rejected the reason the Trump administration had given for adding the disturbing inquiry. However, bureaucrats making the decisions about the decennial count allowed another question — two, in fact — that, according to their own research, will most likely lead to a diminished count of Latinos or Hispanics living in the United States.

Latinos are the nation´s second largest population group and account for more than one of every six U.S. residents. If we don´t get the Latino count right, we can´t get the census right. The resulting data will be used to allocate more than $1.5 trillion in federal, state and local funding, and that is just one of the reasons that accuracy is needed. Political representation via electoral districts is also decided from those numbers.

Giovanny Hernández, census coordinator for NALEO (National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials) recently got a taste of the problem during a training in Maywood, a small city southeast of downtown Los Angeles that is almost completely Latino (97.7 percent).

“I was speaking to a group made of local organizations working on census outreach,” Hernández said. “I asked them to fill out the census questionnaire just as an exercise. I printed the form and gave them a few minutes to respond. Most people said afterwards that questions eight and nine, the last two, were ‘confusing’ and they didn´t know how to answer them.”

Those questions ask about “Hispanic origin” and race.

Question eight asks individuals to indicate whether they’re of Hispanic origin and offers a choice of possible ‘yes’ responses: (Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban and Another Hispanic).

Question nine asks their race, providing five general categories: White, Black, American Indian, a list of Asian options and a space to write under the open-ended option “Some other race.”

This choice is basically the same format used in the 2000 and 2010 censuses. The problem? According to the research by the Census Bureau itself, a significant percentage of Latinos struggled to answer a separate question about race, and were not necessarily satisfied with the response options offered.

“Many Latinos seem to identify most with their national origin rather than their race, or simply do not identify with any of the options given,” Hernández said. According to a report by NALEO, based on government data, “between 2000 and 2010, the population classified as ‘Some other race’ grew by one-quarter. By 2010, 6 percent of all decennial census respondents – 19.1 million people – identified themselves as “Some other race,” and 97 percent of those 19.1 million individuals were Latino.”

In fact, in the 2010 Census, more than 43 percent of Latinos chose “Some other race” or did not answer the race question at all. In 2000, 48 percent identified as “white” and in 2010, 53 percent did so.

Research and a change of heart

In 2014, the Obama administration started working on a change to the census language that would have moved the needle in the right direction: a combined “Hispanic-origin” and race question offering a variety of options to self-identify. The extensive research found that a combined question increased the response level by Latinos in general. “Some other race” responses also declined dramatically.

The Census Bureau initially recommended a combined race and Hispanic origin question and were joined by many advocacy groups in that recommendation, Hernández said.

The question would have asked: Which categories describe person X? The respondent could choose as many of the eight choices as seemed fitting: White; Hispanic, Latino or Spanish; Black or “African Am.”; Asian; American Indian or Alaska Native; Middle Eastern or North African; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; and “some other race, ethnicity or origin.”

Those eight categories each also included from three to six subcategories to choose from. For instance, in the second category, people could specify Mexican, Salvadoran, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Cuban or Colombian roots. Additionally, there was space to write in other descriptions.

In spite of all the research and positive findings, however, in 2018, when the final census questionnaire was submitted to Congress, the combined question had been abandoned by the Trump administration.

Other changes that were tested, such as the addition of the “Middle-Eastern North African” category, were also dropped.

NALEO Executive Director Arturo Vargas said he was dismayed by the decision. “They invested years of research and testing, costing millions in taxpayer funds to determine how to improve the collection of these data … they decided to ignore years of research and the expert advice of scientists.”

“To those who follow this history it feels like the census is being manipulated to dwindle Latino numbers,” Hernández said.

Activists insist that Latinos must fill out the race question “as accurately as they can.” If they leave it blank, the Census Bureau will use other data to infer or “impute” what race they are.

Race is used, among other data, to inform policy on voting, housing, employment, education and health care.

“The potential problem is the flawed data, an inaccurate portrait of Latinos that ends up having the effect of not being able to enforce laws like the Voting Rights Act and many others,” Hernández said.





Notice is hereby given that the San Francisco County Transportation Authority is requesting proposals from qualified respondents (proposers) for engineering and environmental services for the US 101/I-280 Express Lanes and Bus Project. The full RFP is posted on the Transportation Authority’s website, Proposals are due to the Transportation Authority electronically to by March 4, 2020, at 2:00 p.m.

Public notice on initiatives of law, centralized electoral count and polling places of SF

City and County of San Francisco
Department of Elections
It is hereby informed that the following initiatives of
law will be put to the vote in the Primary Presidential Elections
Consolidated to be held in the City and County of San Francisco on
Tuesday, March 3, 2020.
the purpose of fixing / repairing City College facilities; make improvements
necessary for seismic / safety retroadaptation in case of earthquakes;
make City College more environmentally sustainable through buildings
energy efficient / increased use of renewable energy; and of
acquire, build, repair facilities, sites / equipment to prepare
students for high-paying jobs related to science,
local technology and arts, should the law initiative of the
San Francisco Community College district that authorizes $ 845,000,000
in bonds with legal fees, which imposes 1.1 cents / $ 100 of appraised value
($ 47,500,000 annually until approximately 2053) and that requires
audits and supervision of citizens?
the response in case of fires, earthquakes and emergencies when renovating,
build or replace: tanks, pipes, tunnels and related facilities that
are deteriorating, to ensure that firefighters have a source
reliable water for fires and disasters; fire stations and
neighborhood police and support facilities; the Call Center
to 911 of the City; and other disaster response facilities
and public safety, and to pay the corresponding expenses, should
The City and County of San Francisco issue $ 628,500,000 in bonds
of general obligation, with a duration of up to 30 years from the date
of issuance, an average tax rate calculated at $ 0.015 / $ 100
of the appraised value of the property and average annual income calculated
at $ 40,000,000, subject to citizen supervision and audits
Should the City amend the Constitutional Charter to
that health care coverage for retirees is
available to certain City employees who worked
formerly for the San Francisco Housing Authority
based on your combined years of service and your date of
Should the City apply taxes to landlords or tenants?
that keep retail spaces unoccupied or
other commercial spaces on the ground floor in some areas
of San Francisco, with rates between $ 250 and $ 1,000 per foot that
faces the street, from January 1, 2021 and without any date
of expiration, and use the annual income, which is estimated to
will vary from a minimum amount up to $ 5 million, to
help small businesses?
Should the City make the annual number allocation
square footage for certain large office projects
depend on the performance of the City in reaching its goals
of Affordable Housing, and change the criteria for
approve certain office projects?
It is hereby communicated that, for the Presidential Elections
Consolidated Primary to be held in the City and County of San
Francisco on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, the Department of Elections
You can start processing early votes and votes by mail on 18
February 2020 at the following location:
Department of Elections
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
Town Hall, Room 48
San Francisco, CA 94102
For more information, visit or contact
Department of Elections at the address mentioned above or by phone
at (415) 554-4366.
The addresses of the polling places where the
Consolidated Primary Presidential Elections in the City and County
of San Francisco on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, are the following:

Pct 1101 – Ingleside Police Station – Community Rm – 1 Sgt John V Young
Pct 1102 – Garage – 91 Delano Ave
Pct 1103 – Garage – 2 San Gabriel Ave
Pct 1104/1105 – Church – Corpus Christi – 62 Santa Rosa Ave
Pct 1106 – Temple United Methodist Church – 65 Beverly St
Pct 1107 – Jose Ortega Elementary School – Lobby – 400 Sargent St
Pct 1108 – Garage – 583 Victoria St
Pct 1109 – Farragut Center – 1099 Capitol Ave
Pct 1111 – Garage – 437 Holloway Ave
Pct 1112 – Firehouse #15 – 1000 Ocean Ave
Pct 1113 – James Denman School – Front Lobby – 241 Oneida Ave
Pct 1114 – Balboa Baptist Church – 200 Onondaga Ave
Pct 1115 – I. T. Bookman Comm Ctr – Mult Purpose Rm – 446 Randolph St
Pct 1116 – Ocean View Library – 345 Randolph St
Pct 1117 – Garage – 265 Minerva St
Pct 1118 – Minnie & Lovie Rec Center – Ping Pong Room – 650 Capitol Ave
Pct 1119 – Garage – 24 Josiah Ave
Pct 1121 – Spanish Cultural Center – 2850 Alemany Blvd
Pct 1122 – Garage – 721 Delano Ave
Pct 1123 – Sheridan School – Auditorium Lobby – 431 Capitol Ave
Pct 1124 – Garage – 155 Sadowa St
Pct 1125 – Firehouse #33 – 8 Capitol Ave
Pct 1126 – Spanish Cultural Center – 2850 Alemany Blvd
Pct 1127 – Garage – 483 Ellington Ave
Pct 1128 – Venice Pizza – 5228 Mission St
Pct 1129 – Longfellow School – Front Lobby – 755 Morse St
Pct 1131 – Garage – 666 Morse St
Pct 1132 – Garage – 143 Pope St
Pct 1133 – Garage – 494 Pope St
Pct 1134 – Garage – 39 Naylor St
Pct 1135 – Guadalupe Elementary School – Hallway – 859 Prague St
Pct 1136 – Garage – 990 Rolph St
Pct 1141 – Garage – 263 Maynard St
Pct 1142 – Monroe School – Multipurpose Room – 260 Madrid St
Pct 1143 – Boys & Girls Club – Game Room – 163 London Street
Pct 1144 – Monroe School – Multipurpose Room – 260 Madrid St
Pct 1145 – Swaminarayan Temple – Lobby – 950 Avalon Ave
Pct 1146 – 5051 Mission – Hall Of Mirrors – 5051 Mission St
Pct 1147 – Garage – 437 Lisbon St
Pct 1148 – Garage – 542 Moscow St
Pct 1149 – City Arts & Tech High School – Hallway – 325 La Grande Ave
Pct 1151 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 1152 – Geneva Ave United Methodist Church – Fellowship Hall – 1261
Geneva Ave
Pct 1153 – Firehouse #43 – 720 Moscow St
Pct 1154 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 7001 – S G I – U S A Soka Gakkai – Rm 1a – 2450 17th St
Pct 7002 – Firehouse #29 – 299 Vermont St
Pct 7003 – St Gregory Church – Rotunda – 500 De Haro Street
Pct 7004 – S F International High School – Lobby – 655 De Haro St
Pct 7005 – St Teresa Of Avila Church – Sammon Hall – 1490 19th St
Pct 7006 – Bryant Elementary School – Front Lobby – 2641 25th St
Pct 7007 – Potrero Hill Neighborhood House – 953 De Haro St
Pct 7008 – Daniel Webster Elementary School – Flex Room – 465 Missouri St
Pct 7009 – Starr King Elementary School – Library – 1215 Carolina St
Pct 7011 – Garage – 524 Connecticut St
Pct 7012 – Muni Barn – Room D106 – 700 Pennsylvania Ave
Pct 7013 – U C S F – Lobby – 654 Minnesota St
Pct 7014 – Rickshaw Bagworks – 904 22nd St
Pct 7015 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 7016 – C C S F – Southeast Campus – 1800 Oakdale Ave
Pct 7017 – Felton F S A – Multipurpose Rm – 1 Cashmere St
Pct 7018 – Thurgood Marshall High School – Auditorum – 45 Conkling St
Pct 7019 – Garage – 1887 Palou Ave
Pct 7021 – All Hallows Community – Community Room – 1711 Oakdale Ave
Pct 7022 – College Track – Kitchen – 4301 3rd St
Pct 7023 – Garage – 3 Carpenter Ct
Pct 7024 – Hunters View – Community Rm – 1101 Fairfax Ave
Pct 7025 – Our Lady Of Lourdes Church – 410 Hawes St
Pct 7026 – Garage – 2082 Bancroft Ave
Pct 7027 – Charles Drew Elementary School – Cafeteria – 50 Pomona St
Pct 7028 – Bayview Y M C A – 1601 Lane St
Pct 7029 – Bayview Apartments – Community Rm – 5 Commer Ct
Pct 7030 – Bayview Police Station – Community Rm – 201 Williams Ave
Pct 7031 – 3rd St Youth Center – 1728 Bancroft Ave
Pct 7032 – United Council Of Human Services – Serenity Rm – 2111 Jennings St
Pct 7033 – Firehouse #17 – 1295 Shafter Ave
Pct 7034 – Westbrook House – Community Room – 90 Kiska Road
Pct 7035 – Wu Yee Children’s Services – 729 Kirkwood Ave
Pct 7036 – Saint Phillips Missionary Baptist Church – 745 Velasco Ave
Pct 7037 – Sunnydale Development Community Rm – 1654 Sunnydale Ave
Pct 7038 – Coffman Pool – Lobby – 1701 Visitacion Ave
Pct 7039 – School – El Dorado – Cafeteria – 70 Delta St
Pct 7041 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 7042 – New Greater Prosperity Church – Sanctuary – 3560 San Bruno Ave
Pct 7043 – United House Of Prayer Church – Hall – 1249 Jamestown Ave
Pct 7044 – Alice Griffith Apartments – Multi – Purpose Rm – 2600 Arelious
Walker Dr
Pct 7045 – John King Senior Community – 500 Raymond Ave
Pct 7046 – Fire Station #44 – 1298 Girard St
Pct 7047 – Asian Pacific American Community Center – Rm 3 – 66 Raymond Ave
Pct 7048 – Heritage Homes Child & Family – Community Rm – 243 Rey St
Pct 7049 – Church Of The Visitacion – 701 Sunnydale Ave
Pct 7051 – Visitacion Valley Branch Library – 201 Leland Ave
Pct 7052 – Korean First Presbyterian Church – 333 Tunnel Ave
Pct 7053 – Office Building – 1st Floor Conf Room – 150 Executive Park Blvd,
Suite 4000
Pct 7054 – Bret Harte Elementary School – Auditorium – 1035 Gilman Avenue
Pct 7055 – California College Of The Arts – Student Lounge – 1111 8th St
Pct 7056 – Minnesota Street Project – Lounge – 1275 Minnesota St
Pct 7101 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
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Pct 7201 – Galileo High School – Room 210 – 1150 Francisco St
Pct 7202 – Norwegian Seaman’s Church – Garage – 2454 Hyde St
Pct 7203 – Garage – 2412 Polk St
Pct 7204 – Garage – 2637 Larkin St
Pct 7205 – Garage – 1166 Filbert St
Pct 7206 – Garage – 1928 Webster St
Pct 7207 – 1880 Pine St Apartments – 2nd Level Community Rm – 1880 Pine St
Pct 7208 – Church – First Unitarian Universalist – 1187 Franklin St
Pct 7209 – Lighthouse Church – Main Lobby – 1337 Sutter St
Pct 7301 – Northbeach Place – Community Rm – 455 Bay St
Pct 7302 – Wharf Plaza Apartments – Library – 1855 Kearny St
Pct 7303 – North Beach Library – Community Rm – 850 Columbus Ave
Pct 7304 – Francisco Middle School – Auditorium – 2190 Powell St
Pct 7305 – Firehouse #28 – 1814 Stockton St
Pct 7306 – San Francisco Evangelical Free Church – 756 Union St
Pct 7307 – Joe Dimaggio North Beach Playground – 651 Lombard St
Pct 7308 – Garage – 1227 Montgomery St
Pct 7309 – The Church For The Fellowship Of All Peoples – 2041 Larkin St
Pct 7311 – Garage – 2200 Larkin St
Pct 7312 – St. Andrew’s Society Of San Francisco – 1088 Green Street
Pct 7313 – Jean Parker Elementary School – Multi Purpose Room – 840
Broadway St
Pct 7314 – Salvation Army – Lobby – 1450 Powell Street
Pct 7315 – S F Italian Athletic Club – Upstairs Function Room – 1630 Stockton St
Pct 7316 – S F Italian Athletic Club – Upstairs Function Room – 1630 Stockton St
Pct 7317 – John Yehall Chin Elementary School – Library – 350 Broadway St
Pct 7318 – The Church For The Fellowship Of All Peoples – 2041 Larkin St
Pct 7319 – Helen Wills Park – Garden Room – 1965 Larkin St
Pct 7321 – True Sunshine Episcopal Church – Garage – 1430 Mason St.
Pct 7322 – Firehouse #2 – 1340 Powell St
Pct 7323 – St Luke’s Episcopal Church – Sanctuary – 1755 Clay St
Pct 7324 – Spring Valley Elementary School – Lobby – 1451 Jackson St
Pct 7325 – Garage – 1145 Pacific Ave
Pct 7326 – Chinatown Branch Library – Comm Rm – 1135 Powell St
Pct 7327 – Gordon J. Lau Elementary School – Auditorium Lobby – 950 Clay St
Pct 7328 – C C S F – Chinatown North Beach Campus – Lobby – 808 Kearny St
Pct 7329 – Firehouse #13 – 530 Sansome St
Pct 7331 – Golden Gateway Ctr – Lobby – 155 Jackson St
Pct 7332 – Old First Presbyterian Church – Fellowship Hall – 1751 Sacramento St
Pct 7333 – Firehouse #41 – 1325 Leavenworth St
Pct 7334 – Old First Presbyterian Church – Fellowship Hall – 1751 Sacramento St
Pct 7335 – Garage – 1356 Sacramento St
Pct 7336 – Grace Cathedral Church – 1051 Taylor St
Pct 7337 – Chinese Recreation Center – Lobby – 1199 Mason St
Pct 7338 – Gun Mun Center – Conference Room – 777 Stockton St
Pct 7339 – First Congregational Church Of S F – 1300 Polk St
Pct 7341 – Redding Elementary School – Music Room – 1421 Pine St
Pct 7342 – Mary Elizabeth Inn – Dining Hall – 1040 Bush St
Pct 7343 – Saint Francis Medical – Lower Level Conf Room – 1199 Bush St
Pct 7344 – 1001 Pine Street Apartments – 1001 Pine St
Pct 7345 – Grace Cathedral – 1051 Taylor St
Pct 7346 – 1082 Post Street Apartments – 1082 Post St
Pct 7347 – Hotel Adagio – Ensemble Room – 550 Geary St
Pct 7348 – 450 Sutter Building – Mayan Room 310 – 450 Sutter St
Pct 7349 – 333 Bush Street – Lobby – 333 Bush St
Pct 7501 – Jones Memorial Church – Multi Purpose Rm – 1975 Post St
Pct 7502 – Japanese Cultural And Community Center – 1840 Sutter St
Pct 7503 – 1760 Bush Street Apartments – Community Rm – 1760 Bush St
Pct 7504 – Jones Memorial Methodist Church – Multi Purpose Rm – 1975 Post St
Pct 7505 – The Sequoias – Auditorium – 1501 Post St
Pct 7506 – Full Gospel S F Church – 1480 Ellis St
Pct 7507 – Rosa Parks Elementary School – Auditorium – 1501 O’farrell St
Pct 7508 – Western Park Apartments – Community Room – 1280 Laguna St
Pct 7509/7511 – Urban Life Center – Auditorium – 1031 Franklin St
Pct 7512 – El Bethel Arms – 1025 Fillmore St
Pct 7513 – Royal Apartments – Community Rm – 1390 1/2 Turk St
Pct 7514 – Ella Hill Hutch Center – Conference Rm – 1050 Mcallister St
Pct 7515 – Neighborhood Network Center – 460 Fulton St
Pct 7516 – Opera Plaza – 2nd Fl Mezzanine – Community Rm – 601 Van Ness Ave
Pct 7517 – New Traditions Elementary School – Auditorium – 2049 Grove St
Pct 7518 – John Adams Campus – Cafeteria – 1860 Hayes St
Pct 7519 – Garage – 1854 Grove St
Pct 7521 – Garage – 710 Masonic Ave
Pct 7522 – Garage – 715 Scott St
Pct 7523 – Firehouse #21 – 1443 Grove St
Pct 7524 – Junipero Serra House – 926 Fillmore St
Pct 7525 – Neighborhood Baptist Church – Confer Rm – 608 Hayes St
Pct 7526 – The Village At Hayes Valley – Rooftop Lounge – 624 Laguna St
Pct 7527/7528 – Mercy Terrace – Lobby – 333 Baker St
Pct 7529 – Garage – 1035 Hayes St
Pct 7531 – Garage – 634 Oak St
Pct 7532 – Fell St Housing – Community Room – 333 Fell St
Pct 7533 – Park Branch Library – 1833 Page St
Pct 7534 – Urban School Of S. F. – Conference Room – 1563 Page St
Pct 7535 – Arc Mercy Community Building – Community Room – 1099 Masonic Ave
Pct 7536 – Garage – 1168 Page St
Pct 7537 – Garage – 305 Scott St
Pct 7538 – Garage – 141 Scott St
Pct 7539 – Garage – 628 Haight St
Pct 7541 – Garage – 254 Laussat St
Pct 7542 – John Muir School – Auditorium – 380 Webster St
Pct 7543 – Hayes Valley Apartments – Community Room – 403 Rose St
Pct 7544 – First Baptist Church Of San Francisco – 7 Octavia St
Pct 7545 – Firehouse #36 – Chief’s Bay – 109 Oak Street
Pct 7546 – Waller Center – 1525 Waller St
Pct 7547 – Waller Center – 1525 Waller St
Pct 7548 – Chinese Immersion School – Room 200 – 1250 Waller St
Pct 7549 – Carl Street Free Library – Garage – 321 Carl St
Pct 7551 – Grattan Elementary School – Auditorium – 165 Grattan St
Pct 7552 – Garage – 1055 Ashbury St
Pct 7553 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 7554 – Firehouse #12 – 1145 Stanyan St
Pct 7555 – Grattan Elementary School – Auditorium – 165 Grattan St
Pct 7556/7557 – Garage – 130 Carmel St
Pct 7601 – Firehouse #3 – 1067 Post St
Pct 7602 – Ellis Gardens – Social Room – 666 Ellis St
Pct 7603 – Kindel & Graham – S F Party – 939 Post St
Pct 7604 – Crosby Hotel – Activity Room – 516 O’Farrell St
Pct 7605 – Glide Memorial United Church – Freedom Hall – 330 Ellis St
Pct 7606 – Arnet Watson Apartments – Lobby – 650 Eddy St
Pct 7607 – 555 Ellis St Apartments – Community Rm – 555 Ellis St
Pct 7608 – Cadillac Hotel – 380 Eddy St
Pct 7609 – Boeddeker Park & Clubhouse – Meeting Room – 246 Eddy St
Pct 7611 – The Maria Manors – 174 Ellis St
Pct 7612 – Tenderloin Community School – 627 Turk St
Pct 7613 – Hampton Court – 378 Golden Gate Ave
Pct 7614 – Kelly Cullen Community – 2nd Floor Auditorium – 220 Golden Gate Ave
Pct 7615 – Community Room – 111 Jones St
Pct 7616 – 150 Van Ness Apartments – Yoga Room – 150 Van Ness Ave
Pct 7617 – Civic Center Residence – Front Lobby – 44 McAllister St
Pct 7618 – Human Services Agency – Born Auditorium – 170 Otis St
Pct 7619 – The Arc San Francisco – 1500 Howard Street
Pct 7621 – Odd Fellows Building – 26 7th Street
Pct 7622 – Bayanihan Community Center – Hall – 1010 Mission Street
Pct 7623 – West Bay Pilipino Multi Service Center – 175 7th Street
Pct 7624 – The Rose Hotel – Library – 125 6th Street
Pct 7625 – Yerba Buena Center For The Arts – Grand Lobby – 701 Mission St
Pct 7626 – Starbucks Cafe – 201 3rd St.
Pct 7627 – The Commonwealth Club – 115 Steuart St
Pct 7628 – Tenderloin Neighborhood Develop – Lobby – 1346 Folsom St
Pct 7629 – Mercy Housing – Community Room – 1028 Howard St
Pct 7631 – Gene Friend Recreation Center – 270 6th St
Pct 7632 – Soma Arts Cultural Center – Kitchen Space – 934 Brannan St
Pct 7633 – Columbia Park Apartments – 1035 Folsom St
Pct 7634 – Mendelsohn House – Activities Room – 747 Folsom St
Pct 7635 – Hoogasian Flowers – Display Area – 615 7th St
Pct 7636 – Firehouse #8 – Chief’s Bay – 36 Bluxome Street
Pct 7637 – Rincon Hill Apartment Bldg – Lobby – 425 1st Street
Pct 7638 – Metropolitan Transportation Commission – Ohlone Room 107 – 375
Beale St
Pct 7639 – S F F D Headquarters – 698 2nd St
Pct 7641 – Gallery 16 – 501 3rd St
Pct 7642 – Delancey Street – Store Space – 600 Embarcadero
Pct 7643 – Mission Creek Senior – Comm Room – 225 Berry St
Pct 7644 – Rich Sorro Commons – Lobby – 225 King Street
Pct 7645 – South Beach Harbor Pier 40 A – Comm Rm – Pier 40 A – The
Pct 7646 – U C S F Housing – Comm Room – 1505 4th St
Pct 7647 – Ship Shape Community Center – 850 Ave I Bldg 497
Pct 7648 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
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Pct 7649 – Hostwell Warehouse – 758 Natoma St
Pct 7651 – Galvanize – 44 Tehama St
Pct 7652 – Rene Cazenave Apartments – Program Rm – 25 Essex St
Pct 7653 – 1180 Fourth St Apartments – Comm Rm – 1180 4th St
Pct 7654 – Fox Plaza – Fitness Center – 1390 Market St
Pct 7655 – Natalie Gubb Commons – Community Room – 255 Fremont St
Pct 7656 – Pier 24 Photography – Pier 24 – The Embarcadero
Pct 7657 – M B 360 – Business Center Lobby – 701 China Basin St
Pct 7701 – Sunset Towers – Lobby – 8 Locksley Ave
Pct 7702 – Clarendon Elementary School – Lobby – 500 Clarendon Ave
Pct 7703 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 7704 – Firehouse #20 – 285 Olympia Way
Pct 7705 – Garage – 99 Saint Germain Ave
Pct 7706 – Miraloma Elementary School – Gym – 175 Omar Way
Pct 7707 – Garage – 366 Marietta Dr
Pct 7708 – Garage – 33 Bella Vista Way
Pct 7709 – Garage – 682 Monterey Blvd
Pct 7711 – Sunnyside Conservatory – 236 Monterey Blvd
Pct 7712 – Sunnyside Conservatory – 236 Monterey Blvd
Pct 7801 – Garage – 245 Upper Terrace
Pct 7802 – Garage – 366 Roosevelt Way
Pct 7803 – Garage – 38 Ord St
Pct 7804 – Mckinley Elementary School – Front Lobby – 1025 14th St
Pct 7805 – Garage – 46 Beaver St
Pct 7806 – Harvey Milk Recreation Center – 50 Scott St
Pct 7807 – Firehouse #6 – 135 Sanchez St
Pct 7808 – Community Room – 25 Sanchez St
Pct 7809 – Community Room – 462 Duboce Ave
Pct 7811 – S F Gay Men’s Chorus – Lobby – 170 Valencia St
Pct 7812 – St Francis Of Assisi – Community Room – 145 Guerrero St
Pct 7813 – Garage – 71 Landers St
Pct 7814 – Valencia Gardens – Community Room – 390 Valencia St
Pct 7815 – Garage – 40 Danvers St
Pct 7816 – Garage – 130 Douglass St
Pct 7817 – Garage – 3527 16th St
Pct 7818 – Everett Middle School – Rm 165 – 450 Church St
Pct 7819 – Boys & Girls Club – Dance Studio – 450 Guerrero St
Pct 7821 – Garage – 128 Eureka St
Pct 7822 – Eureka Valley Rec Ctr – Multi Purpose Room – 100 Collingwood St
Pct 7823 – Garage – 3887 17th St
Pct 7824 – 3850 18th St Apartments – Community Room – 3850 18th St
Pct 7825 – Mission High School – Cafeteria – 3750 18th St
Pct 7826 – Dolores Park Church – 95 Dorland St
Pct 7827 – Mission Police Station – Community Room – 630 Valencia Street
Pct 7828 – Rooftop Mayeda Campus – Lobby – 500 Corbett Ave
Pct 7829 – Garage – 65 Grand View Ave
Pct 7831 – Garage – 395 Collingwood St
Pct 7832 – Garage – 4046 20th St
Pct 7833 – Garage – 708 Guerrero St
Pct 7834 – Apartamentos De La Esperanza – Comm Room – 3590 19th St.
Pct 7835 – Garage – 264 Glenview Dr
Pct 7836 – Garage – Enter Through Glass Door – 885 Corbett Ave
Pct 7837 – Firehouse #24 – 100 Hoffman Ave
Pct 7838 – Alvarado Elementary School – Motor Skills Rm – 625 Douglass St
Pct 7839 – Garage – 3753 21st St
Pct 7841 – School – Edison Charter- Auditorium – 3531 22nd St
Pct 7842 – School – Edison Charter- Auditorium – 3531 22nd St
Pct 7843 – Dolores Street Community Services – Conf Room – 938 Valencia St
Pct 7844 – Garage – 3549 23rd St
Pct 7845 – Garage – 4323 23rd St
Pct 7846 – Noe Valley Branch Library – Program Room – 451 Jersey St
Pct 7847 – Garage – 358 Jersey St
Pct 7848 – School – Dolores Huerta – Room 4 – 990 Church St
Pct 7849 – Garage – 21 Jersey St
Pct 7851 – Garage – 96 Turquoise Way
Pct 7852 – Casa De Vida Apartments – Garage – 5157 Diamond Heights Blvd
Pct 7853 – Garage – 829 Duncan St
Pct 7854 – Garage – 4132 26th St
Pct 7855 – Church – Bethany United Methodist – Multi-purpose – 1270 Sanchez St
Pct 7856 – Firehouse #11 – 3880 26th St
Pct 7857 – Garage – 1165 Dolores St
Pct 7858 – Templo Da La Fe – Church Lobby – 1220 Valencia St
Pct 7859 – Garage – 1421 Diamond St
Pct 7861 – Garage – 422 Day St
Pct 7862 – Garage – 1456 Church St
Pct 7863 – Garage – 59 28th St
Pct 7864 – Upper Noe Recreation Center – 295 Day St
Pct 7865 – Dolores Huerta Elementary School – Cafeteria – 65 Chenery St
Pct 7866 – Goldmine Hill Homeowners Assoc – Rec Rm – 43 Ora Way
Pct 7867 – Garage – 291 Sussex St
Pct 7868 – Firehouse #26 – 80 Digby St
Pct 7869 – Garage – 209 Randall St
Pct 7871 – School – Glen Park – Auditorium – 151 Lippard Ave
Pct 7872 – Garage – 742 Chenery St
Pct 7873 – Garage – 126 Chenery St
Pct 7874 – Garage – 130 Milton St.
Pct 7875 – Garage – 68 Park St
Pct 7876 – The S F L G B T Center – 1800 Market St
Pct 7901 – Marshall Elementary School – Cafeteria – 1575 15th St
Pct 7902 – U C S F Mission Center – Confer Rm #126 – 1855 Folsom St
Pct 7903 – Dunleavy Plaza – 36 Hoff St
Pct 7904 – Mission Neighborhood Health – Confer Rm – 240 Shotwell St – 2nd Floor
Pct 7905 – Mission Language & Vocational – 2nd Floor Hallway – 2929 19th St.
Pct 7906 – Beauty Salon – 2248 Mission St
Pct 7907 – Firehouse #7 – 2300 Folsom St
Pct 7908 – Bethany Center – Multi Purpose Room – 580 Capp St
Pct 7909 – Mission Arts Center – Lobby – 745 Treat Ave
Pct 7911 – Garage – 2291 Bryant St
Pct 7912 – Hua Zang Si – Temple – 3134 22nd St
Pct 7913 – School – Cesar Chavez – Cafeteria – 825 Shotwell St
Pct 7914 – Garage – 2836 22nd St
Pct 7915 – Garage – 2700 22nd St
Pct 7916 – Synergy School – 1387 Valencia St
Pct 7917 – Church – Mission United Presbyterian – 3261 23rd Street
Pct 7918 – Garage – 2774 Folsom St
Pct 7919 – The Laundry – 3359 26th St
Pct 7921 – Bernal Dwelling Tenants Assoc Comm Rm – 3128 Kamille Ct
Pct 7922 – Garage – 3059 25th St
Pct 7923 – School – Sunshine – S F Education Fund – 2730 Bryant St
Pct 7924 – Rolph Playground – Clubhouse – 26th St & Hampshire St
Pct 7925 – Monteagle Medical Center – Lobby – 1580 Valencia St
Pct 7926 – Garage – 28 Mirabel Ave
Pct 7927 – Leonard Flynn School – Parent Center Bungalow – 3125 Cesar
Chavez St
Pct 7928 – Garage – 514 Precita Avenue
Pct 7929 – Garage – 30 Coleridge St
Pct 7931 – Garage – 514 Peralta Ave
Pct 7932 – Garage – 685 Peralta Ave
Pct 7933 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 7934 – S F Taekwondo Center – 3469 Mission St
Pct 7935 – Garage – 246 Bocana St
Pct 7936 – Community Center – Bernal Hts – Dining Room – 515 Cortland Ave
Pct 7937 – Garage – 1419 Cortland Ave
Pct 7938 – Garage – 176 Highland Ave
Pct 7939 – Bernal Heights Library – Community Room – 500 Cortland Ave
Pct 7941 – Garage – 612 Moultrie St
Pct 7942 – Market Heights Apts – Garage – 1000 Tompkins Ave – Bldg A
Pct 7943 – Rec Center – St Marys – Gym – 95 Justin Drive
Pct 7944 – Firehouse #32 – 194 Park St
Pct 7945 – Alemany Apartments – Community Room – 560 Alemany Blvd
Pct 7946 – School – Hillcrest – Auditorium – 810 Silver Ave
Pct 7947 – Garage – 311 Gaven St
Pct 7948 – Church – Portola Baptist – 225 Pioche St
Pct 7949 – Garage – 1010 Silliman St
Pct 7951 – Palega Rec Center – Lobby – 500 Felton St
Pct 7952 – Firehouse #42 – 2430 San Bruno Ave
Pct 7953 – Garage – 363 Princeton St
Pct 7954 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 7955 – Garage – 430 Somerset St
Pct 7956 – School – Martin Luther King Jr – Cafeteria – 350 Girard Street
Pct 7957 – Garage – 801 University St
Pct 7958 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 7959 – Arriba Juntos – Computer Lab – 1850 Mission St
Pct 9001 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
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Pct 9101 – Garage – 110 Seal Rock Dr
Pct 9102 – Garage – 3749 Clement St
Pct 9103 – Presidio Middle School – Auditorium Lobby – 450 30th Ave
Pct 9104 – Garage – 463 28th Ave
Pct 9105 – Rochambeau Playground – Clubhouse – 250 25th Ave
Pct 9106 – Garage – 199 15th Ave
Pct 9107 – School – Alamo Elementary – Lobby – 250 23rd Ave – Use Entrance
Nearest Clement
Pct 9108 – Richmond Rec Center – 251 18th Ave
Pct 9109 – Garage – 249 17th Ave
Pct 9111 – YMCA Richmond District – 360 18th Ave
Pct 9112 – School – Sutro Elementary – Cafeteria – 235 12th Ave
Pct 9113 – St James Episcopal Church – 4620 California St
Pct 9114 – Library – Richmond Branch – Program Room – 350 10th Ave
Pct 9115 – School – George Peabody – Library – 251 6th Ave – Enter On 7th Ave
Pct 9116 – Senior Housing – Community Room – 345 Arguello Blvd
Pct 9117 – Firehouse #34 – 499 41st Ave
Pct 9118 – Library – Anza Branch – Program Room – 550 37th Ave
Pct 9119 – Garage – 687 40th Ave
Pct 9121 – Garage – 561 34th Ave
Pct 9122 – Washington High School – Audit Lobby – 600 32nd Ave
Pct 9123 – Firehouse #14 – 551 26th Ave
Pct 9124 – Academic & Professional Dev – Room 118 – 735 24th Ave
Pct 9125 – Garage – 484 21st Ave
Pct 9126 – Argonne School – Multi Purpose Rm – 680 18th Ave
Pct 9127 – Garage – 542 16th Ave
Pct 9128 – Firehouse #31 – 441 12th Ave
Pct 9129 – Church – Park Presidio United Methodist – 4301 Geary Blvd
Pct 9131 – Richmond Police Station – Community Room – 450 7th Ave
Pct 9132 – Garage – 560 4th Ave
Pct 9133 – Columbarium – 1 Loraine Ct
Pct 9134 – Garage – 740 Anza St.
Pct 9135 – Garage – 837 47th Ave
Pct 9136 – Garage – 734 46th Ave
Pct 9137 – Garage – 6220 Fulton St
Pct 9138 – Golden Gate Park Sr. Center – Lobby – 6101 Fulton St
Pct 9139 – Garage – 3245 Cabrillo St
Pct 9141 – Fulton Playground – Fieldhouse – 855 27th Ave
Pct 9142 – Academic & Professional Dev – Room 118 – 735 24th Ave
Pct 9143 – Garage – 626 20th Ave
Pct 9144 – Garage – 1437 Cabrillo St
Pct 9145 – Garage – 632 11th Ave
Pct 9146 – Church – Church Of Christ – Comm Rm – 701 8th Ave
Pct 9147 – School – Mccoppin – Cafeteria – 651 6th Ave
Pct 9148 – Garage – 700 3rd Ave
Pct 9149 – Garage – 276 Willard North St
Pct 9151 – Leo T Mc Carthy Center – Room 116 – 281 Masonic Ave
Pct 9152 – Memorial Gym – North Lobby – 2335 Golden Gate Ave
Pct 9201 – Log Cabin – 1299 Storey Ave
Pct 9202 – Firehouse #51 – 218 Lincoln Blvd
Pct 9203 – Garage – 1867 Jefferson St
Pct 9204 – Garage – 3760 Webster St
Pct 9205 – Garage – 1526 Francisco St
Pct 9206 – Claire Lilienthal School – Scott Campus – Auditorium – 3630
Divisadero St
Pct 9207 – Marina Middle School – Auditorium Lobby – 3500 Fillmore St
Pct 9208 – Marina Middle School – Auditorium Lobby – 3500 Fillmore St
Pct 9209 – Garage – 3632 Fillmore St
Pct 9211 – Garage – 3201 Baker St
Pct 9212 – Moscone Rec Ctr – Community Room – 1800 Chestnut St
Pct 9213 – Garage – 1259 Bay St
Pct 9214 – Garage – 3002 Baker St
Pct 9215 – Edward I I Youth Housing – Program Room – 3155 Scott St
Pct 9216 – Garage – 2444 Greenwich St
Pct 9217 – Garage – 3150 Steiner St
Pct 9218 – Garage – 3020 Laguna St
Pct 9219 – Garage – 1570 Greenwich St
Pct 9221 – Garage – 2835 Broadway St
Pct 9222 – St Vincent De Paul School – 2320 Green St
Pct 9223 – Union St Plaza – 2nd Floor Lobby – 2001 Union St
Pct 9224 – Golden Gate Valley Library – Program Rm – 1801 Green St
Pct 9225 – Sherman School – Library – 1651 Union St
Pct 9226 – Garage – 1745 Vallejo St
Pct 9227 – Garage (on Left Side) – 211 27th Ave
Pct 9228 – Garage – 511 El Camino Del Mar
Pct 9229 – Garage – 38 20th Ave
Pct 9231 – Garage – 28 6th Ave
Pct 9232 – St John’s Presbyterian Church – Lobby – 25 Lake St
Pct 9233 – Garage – 3820 Washington St
Pct 9234 – Jewish Community Center Of S F – Atrium – 3200 California St
Pct 9235 – S F University High Schoo L- Parking Garage – 3220 Sacramento St
Pct 9236 – S F University High School – 3150 Washington St
Pct 9237 – Waldorf School – Dakin Hall Lobby – 2938 Washington St
Pct 9238 – S F Public Montessori School – Auditorium – 2340 Jackson St
Pct 9239 – Garage – 1905 Broadway St
Pct 9241 – Bay Combat Sports – 2001 Van Ness Ave
Pct 9242 – Golden Gate Church – Garage – 1901 Franklin St
Pct 9243 – Presidio Library – Program Room – 3150 Sacramento St
Pct 9244 – Senior Housing – Social Room – 2698 California St
Pct 9245 – Congr. Sherith Israel – Newman Lobby – 2262 California St
Pct 9246 – S F Public Montessori School – Auditorium – 2340 Jackson St
Pct 9247 – Firehouse #38 – 2150 California St
Pct 9248 – Store-Relax The Back – 1765 Van Ness Ave
Pct 9249 – School – Roosevelt – Auditorium – 460 Arguello Blvd
Pct 9251 – Church – St Gregory Armenian – Youth Hall – 51 Commonwealth Ave
Pct 9252 – Sfusd Office – Assembly Room – 20 Cook St
Pct 9253 – Menorah Park- Conference Room – 3365 Sacramento St
Pct 9254 – William Cobb E. S. – Main Hallway – 2725 California St
Pct 9255 – Muni Barn Classroom C – 2640 Geary Blvd
Pct 9256 – 7th Day Adventist Church – Imani Center – 2520 Bush Street
Pct 9257 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
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Pct 9258 – Wallenberg High School – Cafeteria – 40 Vega St
Pct 9401 – Garage – 1296 La Playa St
Pct 9402 – Firehouse #23 – 1348 45th Ave
Pct 9403 – Garage – 1259 41st Ave
Pct 9404 – S F Korean United Methodist Fellowship – 3030 Judah St
Pct 9405 – Garage – 1330 29th Ave
Pct 9406 – Garage – 2625 Lincoln Way
Pct 9407 – Garage – 1325 23rd Avenue
Pct 9408 – Northern Tiger Kenpo – Studio – 1319 20th Ave
Pct 9409 – School – Jefferson – Auditorium – 1725 Irving St
Pct 9411 – Garage – 4242 Lawton St
Pct 9412 – Garage – 1558 47th Ave
Pct 9413 – Garage – 1342 41st Ave
Pct 9414 – Lawton School – Auditorium – 1570 31st Ave
Pct 9415 – Garage – 1422 23rd Ave
Pct 9416 – Garage – 3733 Lawton St
Pct 9417 – Francis Scott Key Elem. – Auditorium Lobby – 1530 43rd Avenue
Pct 9418 – Garage – 3240 Lawton St
Pct 9419 – Lawton School – Auditorium – 1570 31st Ave
Pct 9421 – Sunset Recreation Ctr. – Club Room B – 2201 Lawton St.
Pct 9422 – Cypress At Golden Gate – Lobby – 1601 19th Avenue
Pct 9423 – Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Ctr – 3925 Noriega Street
Pct 9424 – Hope Evangelical Free Church – 3601 Noriega St
Pct 9425 – Ortega Branch Library – Program Room – 3223 Ortega St
Pct 9426 – Garage – 1859 34th Ave
Pct 9427 – Episcopal Church Of The Incarnation – 1750 29th Ave
Pct 9428 – Garage – 1770 23rd Ave
Pct 9429 – R. L. Stevenson Elementary School – Main Lobby – 2051 34th Ave
Pct 9431 – Firehouse #18 – 1935 32nd Ave
Pct 9432 – Adath Israel Synagogue – 1851 Noriega St
Pct 9433 – Lycee Francais School – 1201 Ortega St
Pct 9434 – Garage – 2074 47th Ave
Pct 9435 – S F U S D Special Ed Center – Multi Purpose Rm – 3045 Santiago St
Pct 9436 – Garage – 2831 Rivera St
Pct 9437 – Garage – 2271 35th Ave
Pct 9438 – Abraham Lincoln School – Teachers’ Lounge – 2162 24th Ave
Pct 9439 – Abraham Lincoln School – Teachers’ Lounge – 2162 24th Ave
Pct 9441 – Garage – 2618 45th Ave
Pct 9442 – Bnai Emunah Synagogue – 3595 Taraval St
Pct 9443 – School – Ulloa – Gymnasium – 2650 42nd Ave
Pct 9444 – School – Ulloa – Gymnasium – 2650 42nd Ave
Pct 9445 – Church – Living Water Fellowship – 2316 Vicente St
Pct 9446 – Dianne Feinstein Elementary School – Cafeteria Hallway – 2550 25th Ave
Pct 9447 – Taraval Police Station – 2345 24th Ave
Pct 9448 – Garage – 2477 21st Ave
Pct 9449 – South Sunset Playground- Community Room – 40th Avenue And Vicente
Pct 9451 – Garage – 2715 35th Ave
Pct 9452 – Sava Pool – Multipurpose Room – 2695 19th Ave
Pct 9453 – Garage – 20 Crestlake Drive
Pct 9501 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
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Pct 9502 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
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Pct 9503/9504 – Western Addition Library – Program Rm – 1550 Scott St
Pct 9505 – M L K – M G Square Apts – Community Room – 1680 Eddy St
Pct 9506 – Robert B Pitts – Community Room – 1150 Scott St
Pct 9507 – San Francisco Day School – Room 5 – 350 Masonic Ave
Pct 9508 – School – Creative Arts Charter – Library – 1601 Turk St
Pct 9509 – Temple Pentecostal Church – Dinning Room – 1915 Mcallister St
Pct 9511 – Rachel Townsend Apts – Community Rm – 1750 Mcallister St
Pct 9512 – Zygmunt Arendt House-community Rm – 850 Broderick St
Pct 9513 – Church – Third Baptist Church – 1399 Mc Allister St
Pct 9514/9522 – Lobby – U C S F Parking Garage – 1 Irving St
Pct 9515 – Firehouse #22 – 1290 16th Avenue
Pct 9516 – Church – St Annes – 1390 14th Avenue
Pct 9517 – Garage – 1364 12th Ave
Pct 9518 – County Fair Building – Gallery – 1199 9th Ave
Pct 9519 – Garage – 233 Judah St
Pct 9521 – St John Of God Catholic Church – 1290 5th Avenue
Pct 9701 – Garage – 1439 18th Ave
Pct 9702 – Garage – 731 Judah St
Pct 9703 – Garage – 1689 17th Ave
Pct 9704 – School- Alice Fong Yu – Room 401 – 1541 12th Ave
Pct 9705 – Garage – 1539 10th Ave
Pct 9706 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
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Pct 9707 – Garage – 540 Ortega St
Pct 9708 – Garage – 1831 8th Ave
Pct 9709 – Garage – 1877 17th Ave
Pct 9711 – Garage – 1816 Funston Ave
Pct 9712 – Church Lobby – 250 Laguna Honda Blvd
Pct 9713 – Firehouse #40 – 2155 18th Ave
Pct 9714 – School – Hoover – Auditorium Lobby – 2290 14th Ave
Pct 9715 – Club House – Forest Hill Association – 381 Magellan Ave
Pct 9716 – Collins Center – 2560 18th Avenue
Pct 9717 – Garage – 2243 14th Ave
Pct 9718 – Church – Convent Presbyterian – Portalhurst Hall – 321 Taraval Street
Pct 9719 – St Brendan’s Parish – Parish Hall – 29 Rockaway Ave
Pct 9721 – Ebenezer Lutheran Church – 678 Portola Drive
Pct 9722 – Garage – 261 Wawona St
Pct 9723 – Pomeroy Recreation & Rehabilitation Ctr. – 207 Skyline Blvd
Pct 9724 – Garage – 84 Middlefield Dr
Pct 9725 – Lakeshore Elementary – Multi Purpose Room – 220 Middlefield Drive
Pct 9726 – Firehouse #19 – 390 Buckingham Way
Pct 9727 – Unity Spiritual Center – 2690 Ocean Ave
Pct 9728 – Aptos Middle School – Room 231 – 105 Aptos Ave
Pct 9729 – Garage – 32 San Jacinto Way
Pct 9731 – Firehouse #39 – 1091 Portola Dr
Pct 9732 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
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Pct 9733 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar de votación.
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Pct 9734 – Garage – 19 Maywood Dr
Pct 9735 – Garage – 112 Robinhood Drive
Pct 9736 – Garage – 32 Burlwood Dr
Pct 9737 – Garage – 390 Melrose Ave
Pct 9738 – Saint Thomas More Church – Scanlan Hall – 1300 Junipero Serra Blvd
Pct 9739 – Villas Park Merced – Lobby – 350 Arballo Dr
Pct 9741 – Annex 1 – Student Event Center – 1 North State Dr
Pct 9742 – Playground – Junipero Serra – 300 Stonecrest Drive
Pct 9743 – Villas Park Merced – Lobby – 50 Chumasero Drive
Pct 9744 – Villas Park Merced – Lobby – 750 Gonzalez Dr
Pct 9745 – Villas Park Merced – Lobby – 150 Font Blvd
Pct 9746 – Aptos Middle School – Room 231 – 105 Aptos Ave
Pct 9747 – Garage – 1 Pico Ave
Pct 9748 – Garage – 168 Dorado Ter
Pct 9749 – New Providence Baptist Church – 218 Granada Avenue
Pct 9751 – Ingleside Branch Library – Program Room – 1298 Ocean Ave
Pct 9752 – Garage – 526 Flood Ave
Pct 9753 – City College – Visual Arts Building – Lobby – 50 Frida Kahlo Way
Pct 9754 – Sunnyside Elementary – Main Hallway – 250 Foerster St
Pct 9755 – Garage – 122 Hearst Ave
Pct 9756 – Garage – 3609 Alemany Blvd
Pct 9801 – Garage – 1392 Alemany Blvd
John Arntz
Director de Elecciones
Ciudad y Condado de San Francisco
27 de enero de 2020

SF Board of Supervisors Outreach ad February 2020

Outreach February 2020


Census Bureau is recruiting now to fill important temCNS3334881_spaporary positions in San Francisco with great pay ($30/hour) and flexible hours for Spring 2020. You do not have to be a US citizen to apply. Be a Census Taker and make a difference in your community!

Apply online NOW at  


Find free or low-cost immigration legal services in your own language. San Francisco’s Immigrant Support Hub is a safe referral site that can help you with immigration screenings, citizenship applications, DACA renewal, asylum, green card renewal, TPS, deportation counsel and much more at:

The SFMTA wants to hear from you!

The SFMTA is currently conducting a survey to better understand perceptions of sharing rides in San Francisco. To connect San Franciscans safely, equitably, and sustainably to their communities, we must make more efficient use of our street infrastructure. Increasing vehicle occupancy through shared rides, either in carpools or shared ride-matching apps, is one way to more efficiently utilize our existing street space. We are trying to identify priorities for San Francisco residents and the barriers they face when considering using shared ride options through this survey.

Take the survey at

Child support matters can be complicated, stressful, and confusing. The Department of Child Support Services helps parents understand the process so they know their rights and options for making and receiving support payments. Call us today at (866) 901-3212 or visit our office at 617 Mission Street to learn how we can help you. Information is also available online at

1 hour a week makes a world of difference. Half of San Francisco’s 3rd and 4th graders are not reading at grade level. By volunteering to tutor through the Library’s award-winning FOG Readers program, you can help students in grades 1-4 increase their confidence and gain half a grade level within the first three months. Currently, there are more than 300 children waiting for a volunteer to help change their lives. For more information, visit To get started, email

Plan for your business’s future. Learn about different succession planning models such as Employee Stock Ownership (ESOP), Cooperatives, and Trusts.


The San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development and Small Business Development Center in partnership with Project Equity have launched a program specifically for businesses that are interested in succession planning. Workshops, one-on-one consultations, and technical assistance will be provided at no cost to interested businesses.

Contact: Susan Ma at or (415)554-6648.

The City and County of San Francisco encourage public outreach.  Articles are translated into several languages to provide better public access.  The newspaper makes every effort to translate the articles of general interest correctly.  No liability is assumed by the City and County of San Francisco or the newspapers for errors and omissions.