Friday, September 27, 2024

Monthly Archives: May, 2017

Police departments now allow recent potheads to be cops

by Jack Burns The Free Thought Project interviewed Jamie (last name withheld) who said he’d always wanted to become a police officer since leaving the...

Uber drivers and taxis clash in Mazatlán

Uber’s arrival in the city has not been welcomed by taxi drivers Compiled by Mexico News Daily Tempers flared in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, this week where there...

Here are the top 10 broken promises of Trump’s first 100 days

by Annabelle Bamforth President Donald Trump has hit his 100-day mark as commander in chief. While Trump has made good on some of his promises...

Father Solalinde demands freedom for Dr. Mileles

by the El Reportero’s wire services On March 30 of this year, after giving the Speech of Human Rights, the violation of the Human Rights...

Nicaraguan rock singer launches her first original song/video

by the El Reportero’s news services As part of her cultural legacy, Nicaraguan singer Martha Vaughan has just embarked on a journey towards what she...

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