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HomeCalendar & TourismJoe Bataam is still here, and will be live in SF

Joe Bataam is still here, and will be live in SF

[Author]El Reportero’s staff[/Author]


Those who still remember the legendary Joe Bataan, he will bring his old tunes and new taste to the Great American Music Hall on Saturday, July 19 at 8 p.m.


Unveiling of Mural in Mission to Chronicle

On Sunday, June 29, the 67 Sueños San Francisco chapter will unveil a mural in the Mission illustrating the humanitarian crisis facing unaccompanied children migrating to the U.S. 67 Sueños will also give work to lift the voice of these children by performing a spoken word piece highlighting their plight. The mural and performance were inspired by interviews 67

Sueños conducted with youth who migrated to the U.S. as unaccompanied children. These youth also helped to paint the mural, and they will bring their stories to life during the spoken word performance Sunday.

As many as 90,000 unaccompanied youth are expected to migrate to the U.S. by the end of this fiscal year, marking nearly a threefold increase. Primarily coming from Central America, these youth are fleeing their native countries to escape violence and abuse or to be reunited with their families. Earlier this month, civil and human rights organizations filed a complaint against the Department of Homeland

Security on behalf on more than 100 children who reported abuse from U.S. border officials.

The event will feature an introduction of the youth, an unveiling of the mural, an explanation of the stories depicted in the artwork, and the performance of the spoken word piece.

67 Sueños San Francisco Chapter will unveil the mural and performance of spoken word piece, at 23rd St. and Shotwell St., San Francisco. On Sunday, June 29, 6 to 8 p.m.

For more information call 510-967-1357.


Drum Talk – drumming lessons with professor John Santos

DRUM TALK is a unique, two-week intensive percussion residency, as part of the California State University Summer Arts Program. I will be co-presenting with Mario Pam, director of the world-renowned percussion powerhouse group from Bahia Brazil, Ile Aiyé.

This will be the maestro’s first time to the Bay Area!  We will be exploring the roots, commonalities and evolution of the drumming traditions of Cuba and Brazil with daily classes, lectures and a culminating performance by the participants. 3 units of transferable college credit!  Scholarships available. Thank you to professor Umi Vaughan (uvaughan@csumb.edu – 831 582-3116) for conceiving of this collaboration and making it happen.

The May 2nd application deadline has been extended.

csusummerarts.org For info call (562) 951-4060 or visit:


On June 30th to July 13th, 2014, at Cal State University at Monterey Bay.

Also with John Santos, a Latin Jazz lecture. At the San Francisco Heritage and the SF Latino Historical Society. Latin Kazz om the San Francisco Bay Area: A Retrospective.

At the Mission Cultural Center, 2868 Mission St., San Francisco, on Thursday, July 17, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. www.sfheritage.org. or at ldominguez@sfheritage.org.

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