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HomeFrontpageInternational Medical Council on Vaccination refutes vaccine propaganda with myth-busting report

International Medical Council on Vaccination refutes vaccine propaganda with myth-busting report

by Mike Adams

Natural News

(NaturalNews) To hear it from proponents of the vaccine industry, vaccines are based on rock-solid science that proves them to be completely safe and widely effective. These beliefs, however, are not factually based on real science but rather a persistent vaccine mythology that has been propagandized by the vaccine industry, medical practitioners and even governments which underwrite vaccine risks.

Today, the International Medical Council on Vaccination ( has released, exclusively through, a groundbreaking document containing the signatures of over 80 family physicians, brain surgeons and professors of pathology, chemistry and immunity, all of which have signed on to a document stating, on the record, that vaccines pose a significant risk of harm to the health of children and that there is no real science backing the “vaccine mythology” which claims that vaccines are somehow good for children.

This groundbreaking document, called Vaccines: Get the Full Story, is available as a free download from Click the report cover image on the right to go directly to the download page, where you’ll find downloads available in 9 languages, including Spanish, French, Hebrew and Russian.

You have permission to share this report. Please also share the download page with others so that moms and parents can get educated about the risks associated with vaccines and thereby protect their children from the risk of harm caused by vaccines.

The vaccine industry’s message is like a broken record: Vaccines are “safe and effective,” they say. But repeating a lie over and over again does not magically make it true. Any such declaration of vaccine safety or effectiveness must be based on actual scientific inquiry, and the real science is utterly lacking on vaccines. Did you know, for example, that MMR and seasonal flu vaccines have never been clinically tested against nonvaccinated individuals?

Did you also know that even though vaccines can cause longterm damage in children, with symptoms appearing months or even years later, they are typically only assessed for side effects for two or three weeks?

What you’ll find in this free downloadable report

Here’s some of what you’ll find in this eye-opening report from the International Medical Council on Vaccination (

• A list of the many MDs, PhDs, NDs and other medical professionals who are signing onto this document and taking a stand to critically question the myth that vaccines are proven to be both safe and effective.

• Why vaccines have NEVER been proven safe or effective.

• A list of some of the serious health side effects caused by vaccines.

• Why autism is associated with vaccines.

• The profit motivation behind the pharmaceutical industry’s persistent vaccine push.

• A list of which institutions and organizations profit from your sickness.

• The shocking truth about what’s used to make vaccines ­(aborted fetal tissue, 59 different chemicals, DNA from diseased animals and more).

• An overview of some of the most dangerous vaccine ingredients, including aluminum and formaldehyde.

• The truth about conflicts of interest in the vaccine community and why doctors profit from vaccination policies.

• Why vaccinated children have far worse health outcomes than unvaccinated children (and why the vaccine industry refuses to test vaccines against the long-term health outcomes of unvaccinated children).

• How to opt out of “mandatory” vaccines.

• Important advice for parents about how to protect the health of your children while saying NO to vaccines.

• Online resources for learning more about the dangers of vaccines.

Why this is a must-read report

This report by the International Medical Council on Vaccination ( is an absolute must-read for parents everywhere.

It describes little-known facts about vaccines, children and immune health that the vaccine manufacturers and government health authorities don’t want circulated. Whether or not you choose to vaccinate yourself or your children, you owe it to yourself to hear both side of the story before making a decision, and this report tells you the side of the story that your doctor probably doesn’t know and your government absolutely does not want you to hear.

That’s because governments underwrite vaccine risk through their government compensation programs. Thus, it is in the interests of governments that vaccines never be shown to cause harm.

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