Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeEditorialIn Defense of Humanity - Part 1 of two parts

In Defense of Humanity – Part 1 of two parts


Dear Readers: The following article, first published by AntiCoruption Society, interestingly expands on previous articles published by the El Reportero on the subject of how corporations have been taking over our society, our country and our lives – and have, by corporate laws – given artificial life to corporations and treated as living creatures, in their effort to dehumanize and replace humans with robots. – Marvin Ramirez. This is 1 of two parts

First published by the Anticorruption Society

Here are some of the reasons why humanity is amazing and wondrous and can never be replaced by The Corporation’s robots (machines) or any other bizarre ‘pseudo-form’ of Post-Human. [See Aaron Frantz’s documentary The Age of Transitions.]

1) Humans have an infinite capacity for love throughout their entire lives. The ‘love list’ can be quite long: parents, siblings, spouses, children, friends, pets, nature, music, poetry, and art et cetera et cetera. It is our unlimited ability to love that saves us and brings us back to life when we’ve suffered a severe loss. [See Love is Just a Series of Actions.]

Since the globalists, like the Rockefellers and their corporations (who are funding Transhumanism) love money and power above all else, they have no clue what an infinite capacity for love is or even looks like.
2) Humans (who haven’t been severely damaged) can easily empathize with others, including plants and animals. This ability to empathize is the basis of The Golden Rule and has been recognized by nearly all religions.  Kindness grew out our ability to empathize and even the ‘rules of etiquette’ were written as a way to make people feel valued and respected.
3) Humans are amazingly creative. We are continually inventing music, art, literature, and even advanced technology.

In fact, humans are so creative it is very difficult to hold us back. There are literally millions of websites, blogs and facebook pages on the internet today; each one representing human creativity. This was a problem for the robber barons at the beginning of the industrial revolution, as Scott Noble’s documentary Human Resources so brilliantly explains.  They have put a lot of time and money into transforming humans into ‘human resources’. But new ideas, including ones for free energy, are being invented all the time despite the fact the would-be global energy controllers keep suppressing them.
4) Humans can express extraordinary beauty with both their voices and their bodies. These qualities have been with us for millennia. Both song and dance ‘bubble’ out of so many humans from within their spirit (soul), it is obvious they are innate qualities in our species. They are many times a direct expression of joy that comes from deep within our hearts.  Have you ever watched a small child do a ‘happy dance’? It is obviously innate.
5) Humans are funny. Humor can just bubble up from our spirit (soul) and come out of our mouths in seconds. When humans gather together, laughter always accompanies us, even when it seems inappropriate. We can’t help it, it is a part of who we are.
6) Humans are both fascinating and dear due to our uniqueness, our inconsistencies, our idiosyncrasies, and our relative unpredictability. It fact, it is impossible to predict when human inconsistencies will surface. People can claim to dislike all things in a category, but there will almost always be an exception. And, how many times have we said: “I knew I shouldn’t have done it, but I did it anyway.” How many times have we all missed the forest for the trees? How many times have we changed our minds? No matter how hard the ‘controllers’ try to depict humanity as the ‘masses’, we are all unique, both spiritually and physically.
7) Humans are capable of self-sacrifice . . . in fact we do it all of the time. Mothers give up sleep to tend to their children, fathers work at jobs they hate to put a roof over their family’s heads, people take in their elderly parents who can no longer care for themselves, firefighters risk their lives to save people in burning buildings, soldiers fight and risk death to protect their ‘countries’ [who, at the moment are not worth these soldier’s sacrifices], people with very little give money to aid others in need, and the list goes on and on.
8) Humans never stop learning, whether we want to or not. Each and every day we are exposed to new information and expand our knowledge, even if only in small ways. This process never stops as we all have an infinite ability to learn.
9) Humans have wisdom and common sense which grows exponentially over the course of our lives.  Here is some evidence of extraordinary wisdom by Nicholas Gordon, author of the Poems for Free website:
Wisdom is Based in Human Nature
The principles of wisdom are not only discernible by reason but engraved upon the heart. This is because wisdom is part of human nature, which has evolved over millennia and is in all people the same.
One may ask, then, why all are not wise. The answer is that all are wise to varying degrees, just as all are to varying degrees intelligent, dexterous, creative, curious, and so on.
Wisdom guides our behavior so as to enable the species to survive. It does this in two ways. First, since society is the principal means of human survival, wisdom enables us to live with one another in relative peace. Second, since reason and will offer us uniquely the alternative of suicide, wisdom enables us to attain happiness and survive despair.
If experience were food, wisdom would be taste, enabling us to distinguish good from bad. And although all are endowed with taste, the education of taste enables one to make subtler distinctions and finer judgments.
Similarly with wisdom: the principles are inborn, but their application is much enhanced by upbringing, schooling, reading, conversation, the cultivation of good habits, and the emulation of the wise.
We are born with a taste for beauty and goodness, finding in them our deepest and most lasting pleasure. This is our gift as humans, though because of varying endowment and education we enjoy this gift to varying degrees. TO CONTINUE NEXT WEEK.

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