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If gun control passes, there will come ‘free speech control’ and the government banning of websites, books and arts

by Mike Adams
Natural News

The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to establish a line in the sand that cannot be crossed by government. The founders rightly saw government as an eternal threat against freedom and justice, knowing that all governments inevitably grow out of control like a cancer tumor, always seeking more and more power until they kill the host. The answer to this destructive pattern of dangerous government throughout human history was to place limits on government power and stake out fundamental rights and freedoms that can never be infringed.

That’s the Bill of Rights, the original ten amendments to the Constitution.

The Bill of Rights says the government can never ban your free speech, take away your firearms, search your house or your person without a warrant, quarter soldiers in your home without permission, force you to testify against yourself, throw you in prison without a fair trial and so on. Nearly every scholar, when it comes down to it, agrees these are fundamental human rights and civil liberties.

Today’s federal government believes the Bill of Rights is optional

But today’s government, under both the Bush and Obama administrations, believes it has the power and the right to violate the Bill of Rights when it wants to. Sen. Feinstein, President Obama and Vice President Biden specifically believe the Bill of Rights is only a suggestion, not the law of the land, and so they can selectively ignore it when they want to.

The problem with this philosophy is that if the Second Amendment can be selectively ignored, then so can the First Amendment. Anyone who supports government gun control restrictions — all of which are illegal under the Constitution — must also support the power of the government to ban selected books and websites which do not agree with the White House view of the world. If Obama can have a “kill list” of Americans to assassinate, which he does, then he must also have the power of a “web site kill list” of which websites to seize or take offline.

Guns first, then books and websites

This is not an article about the merits of private firearms ownership, by the way; it’s an article about what happens next, if the guns are taken away. If we lose our Second Amendment rights, it’s only a matter of time before Obama says something like, “Websites that criticize the government are dangerous and we are going to seize them and shut them down.”

What’s to stop them from doing so? Nothing! The U.S. government has already seized and shut down thousands of websites it claims are involved in “piracy,” shutting them down with no due process, no trial, no jury and not even a search warrant. The government simply invokes some power it has never been granted, then uses that false power to seize entire servers full of websites. This action is blatantly illegal, unconstitutional and tyrannical.

Those who argue in favor of gun control are, in essence, arguing that government has no limits, meaning that government can decide when and where the Bill of Rights applies.

This question was brilliantly asked by U.S. Senator Ted Cruz — a rising star of liberty in the Congress — who leveled the question at Sen. Feinstein, a wicked dictatorial creature of darkness who literally worships enslavement and tyranny. Sen. Cruz asked Feinstein whether she believed the government had the power to selectively ban books it didn’t like, to which Feinstein arrogantly answered that she didn’t “need to be lectured” like a schoolgirl.

And yet apparently she does, because she fails to understand the entire meaning of the Bill of Rights. She does not understand the words, “shall not be infringed,” even though they are written in plain English. Like all other tyrants, Feinstein accepts no limits to her government power, and she plans to expand that power by force, if necessary, to dominate and enslave the people she claims to serve.

Feinstein = Kim Jong-Un = Mao = Stalin = Hitler

Feinstein is the perfect example of where all government eventually leads: the usurpation of power and the trampling on the rights and liberties of the people. If you extrapolate Feinstein out for a few more decades, you get Kim Jong-Un, the sociopathic cult leader of the nation of North Korea, where government is literally worshipped as God and there are absolutely no individual rights or freedoms remaining. Sen. Feinstein would fit right in with Kim Jong-Un’s administration because she shares the same philosophy of the government holding all power while the people hold none.

This is yet another reason why holding our ground on the Second Amendment is so important. Obama has already taken away our Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights with his blatantly illegal NDAA. Bush also stole rights away from the people with his Patriot Act. Together, Bush and Obama are the two most dangerous presidents in the history of America due to the way they have claimed federal powers that do not exist while systematically crushing the Bill of Rights.

If we allow the federal government to place aggressive new restrictions on our right to keep and bear arms, then we condone the government’s “right” to place restrictions on what books we can read, what websites we can publish and whether we can protest peacefully on a street corner. A government that has no limits respects no freedoms, you see. And if the government can first disarm the population, then what’s to stop it from shutting down all websites and alternative media outlets that are critical of government, too?

See, those who believe in gun control also believe, by definition, that private ownership gun rights are “granted” by the government. Therefore, the government can revoke what it previously granted. They do not understand what the Constitution says, which is that all rights are inherently found in the People, and the People selectively grant certain limited powers to the government for the purpose of administering things like the postal service and national defense against foreign enemies. The government does not have unlimited powers, nor does it have the right to take away powers that the People are born with. Any person who believes government has all the power and the People have none is possessed with a radically distorted misunderstanding of history and law. Such ideas as extremely dangerous to liberty, and yet they have infected the minds of a great many voters and lawmakers.

Gun control is illegal

Speaking of law, thanks to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, gun control is illegal in America. It violates the Bill of Rights and violates the very foundation of America, which is that the People grant certain specific, limited powers to government, and that all government power comes from the People and can be revoked by the People.

Accordingly, any lawmaker engaged in the act of introducing gun control bills or voting for gun control is engaged in a criminal act that violates the highest laws of the land. As such, they should be arrested and prosecuted for acts of sedition — for attempting to “overthrow the People,” as it were. Hilariously, the federal government says anyone who is critical of the government “might be a terrorist,” but in truth, it’s agents of the government who are violating the People who are, by any honest historical accounting, the true danger to a free society.

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