by Marvin J Ramirez
Marvin J. Ramirez
I can’t believe how ingenuous can politicians be in order to publically ‘show cause’ to why they should be elected, in their pursuit for fame and name at the time of elections.
A few weeks ago, I went to a press conference at the Excelsior District where supposedly was supposed to be the San Francisco Chief of Police Heather Wong – who failed to appear – along with Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval, who is leaving office because of term limits but running for judge, community activists, and relatives of murder victims Anthony Bologna and his sons Michael and Matthew, to hear about the wave of murders that are afflicting our City of San Francisco.
And as if more police force would solve the problem of violence, the politicians went on with fury calling for more funds for police force, and Sandoval so excitedly went on talking to the TV cameras and called for the troops, but upps! rapidly changed the statement to police presence. An honest mistake of words.
Meanwhile, District 11 Supervisorial candidate Julio Ramos, started distributing his campaign program right after the press conference, in which he calls for a faster 911 response time in the City, among other points for crime control.
And while the grieving family mourn their loved ones, and many more around the Bay Area and the nation resign to the police inability to solve murder cases, and the public witness how hundreds of more kids being incarcerated every day after calls by politicians asking for a stronger stance on crime, crime is increasing more rapidly like never before.
Meanwhile, the feds ask the states to give more to the fraudulent war on terrorism that little by little is taking this nation into what was the Soviet Union: a police state without constitutional protections for the citizens, taking away education funding, while creating more jails and prisons, and even newly created concentration camps.
Why politicians mostly call for more money for police? Do they mean the police are going to take the criminals away and train them to be good citizens for the future? Do they sincerely believe that the cities will be free from bad people, and everybody else will live a happy ending, like in a Cinderella or Wonderland fairy tale?
What is happening to our country is beyond these calls for more money for street safety, because what our enforcement officers are doing is just business as usual, a commercial busi- ness in human beings. What the public don’t know is that your Federal and State “Statutes” are Bonds or Obligations of Record and are represented in the courtroom by the Recognizance Bond, which is a Bond of Record or Obligation for the payment of debt.
A condensed version of what is going on is that the Corporation of Corrections of America (CCA) as a corporation, creates or issues stock certifi cates based on prison population, goods or chattel as they are called in commercial law. The underwriter is the one who buys the stock from the Issuer the CCA with intent to resell it to the public or an entity or person, which is usually an investment banker.
The investment banker purchases all or part of the shares of the stock for resale to the public in the form of newly issued investment securities based on the shares of the stock. Brokerage Houses and Insurance Companies Bid on the Investment Securities with a Bid Bond issued by the The General Service Administration (GSA), the business manager and purchasing agent for the world’s largest customer the U.S. Government.. The Bid Bond is then indemni- fied by a surety company through Performance and Payment Bonds. The Bid, Performance, and Payment Bonds are then underwritten by the Banks as Investment Securities for resale to the public. The Institutional Holders who own most of the Shares are:
- FMR [Fidelity Management Research Corporation 3, 084,024 shares at a value of $109,791,254 dollars.
- Legg Mason Inc. 1,235,563 shares valued at $43,986,042 dollars.
- Barclays Bank Pic 1, 041,671 shares valued at $37,083,487. There are seventeen more corporations owning various amounts of shares at varying dollar values. These can be viewed by going to
- Turner, Jimmy 13,817 shares as of 23-May-03.
- Horne, John R. 5,751 shares as of 29-Jun-04.
As you can see by the above information, this system permeates every fabric of our society. Currently global terrorism is being funded by the prison system and the State’s Retirement Fund go to www.DivestTerror.Org this is a 115 page treatise on the Terrorism Investments of the 50 States.
If you want to know the whole scheme of the prison system business, visit:, in which you will