by Juliana Birnbaum Fox
Cynthia MCKinney
Due to recent concerns about formula retail stores—also known as chain or franchise stores– operating without the proper conditional use authorization, Supervisor Jake McGoldrick has asked the Planning Department for a hearing to work toward enforcing the legal neighborhood planning procedures.
In 2006 voters passed a law that requires these stores to obtain a conditional use permit from the Planning Department before opening. These controls are in place to ensure that local mom and pop” stores are able to survive among the chain stores. San Francisco is the only large U.S. city with such an ordinance, which can require residents in the neighborhood of a proposed chain store to be notified. They then have the right to request a public hearing, allowing for varying degrees of regulation in each neighborhood.
Cynthia McKinney, Rosa Clemente are Green Party Candidates for U.S. Presidential Race
The progressive left chose its new candidate for President Saturday when former Georgia Congress woman Cynthia McKinney – now a California resident – was chosen as Green Party’s candidate for President at the Green Party Presidential Nominating Convention in Chicago last week. McKinney tapped Rosa Clemente for her Vice Presidential running mate. Clemente is a New York community organizer, journalist and Hip-Hop activist, and together with McKinney make up the first all-female of color ticket in U.S. history (McKinney is African American; Clemente identifies herself as Puerto Rican of African descent).
California Greens initiated the “Draft Cynthia” movement, and raised tens of thousands of dollars in late 2007 to convince McKinney to run for President.
Rosa Clemente
“Cynthia represents a new Green Party, which blends social justice issues with our concern for the environment. The delegates here include people from all walks of life, and a diversity never seen before….with an understanding that we are all in this together,” said Sanda Everette, one of the leaders of the California Green delegation.
Prostitution measure expected to qualify for November ballot
Forms bearing 12,673 signatures that back a measure to de-fund the enforcement of San Francisco’s prostitution laws were delivered to the Elections Department last Monday. The number of signers should guarantee that the measure appears before city voters on the November 4 ballot. Backers of the measure estimate that the city spends roughly $11.4 million a year arresting, prosecuting, and “re-educating” San Franciscans who engage in prostitution.
Newsom announces plans to open up waterfront roadway to bikers and pedestrians
Mayor Gavin Newsom announced the Sunday Streets initiative last week, a pilot program that will bring physical activity space to San Francisco neighborhoods. Modeled on a 25-year old program in Bogota, Columbia, Sunday Streets will promote walking, jogging, biking and other outdoor activities along a stretch of roadway connecting the Bayview district to Chinatown and running along the city’s waterfront on two Sunday mornings this summer and fall.
“Sunday Streets represents our city’s next innovative step toward a healthier community,” said Mayor Newsom.
“As we combat the heath epidemic of youth and adult obesity, activating our residents is critical.”
“In Bayview, we’re looking forward to having residents come from other parts of San Francisco to see all the positive change happening in our neighborhood,” said Al Norman, President of the Bayview Merchants Association. “Sunday Streets will help connect Bayview to the rest of the City.”