Monday, February 24, 2025
HomeEditorialGun control in the US It is not the solution

Gun control in the US It is not the solution

A Facebook Friend had a posting in her timeline: “Absolutely agree with license for gun ownership.”

I got attracted by the quote, and reminded me that when one asks for a license, it gives away ones own liberty.

So, although I was on deadline to finish this edition of the paper, I went ahead and tried to formulate a quick answer, which after all turned out to be a long response.

“No, a request for a State license is synonymous to renouncing your own natural rights, Bill of Rights, constitutional right,” I wrote.

She responded: “Not if you’re going to buy weapons of mass destruction. Where is the right for the victim to live without fear of unprovoked harm, loss of life and livelihood?”

I said: “Millions of law-abiding citizens buy them every year, and most of the killers have been found to be under some type of psychiatric drugs. By the way, someone has said the shootings ‘could’ be the work of interests who want to disarm the population. The CIA experimented extensively with brainwashing during the 1950s and 1960s, honing techniques that could force someone to kill, then have no recollection afterward. Code-named “MKUltra,” the program involved some 149 separate experiments — many on unwitting Americans, including a Kentucky mental patient who was dosed with LSD for 179 days straight.”

She responded: “Oh Marvin, please don’t bring conspiracy theory here nor mental health. This is a serious issue where we are now talking about doing drills (some schools are doing it already) for active shooter in schools, arming teachers. why are mass carnage weapons that shred people to pieces even available for people to purchase? When we elect our representatives, it is so that the representative government will take all citizens well-being into consideration and make laws that work for all. We don’t have that now. Gun laws are weak and therefore we are seeing what we are seeing. I have never seen a gun in my whole life. In my house, we discuss non-violence as a basic principle of life just like we talk about the next trip or the next meal. To imagine that soon my kids will have to do drills for active shooter is beyond sadness and maybe it is not wrong to call it an injustice to young minds. Nothing, not even the damn constitutional right can argue for mass carnage weapon ownership if this is a govt for the people, by the people and of the people.”

What she had said sounded a little bit off grounds to me, especially when she added: “You have gone so far left that you have become right wing now.

Hummmm… I don’t think so, I thought, because Left and Right doesn’t really exist.

No, Yangchen, it has nothing to do with right wing or far left. I don’t like guns myself neither as my weapon of mass destruction – being a journalist – is my pen.

But I will say this for now, I added, that the police have no duty to protect us, rather to the corporation (the corporate government). And to confirm this, please know that the US Supreme Court (2005) has ruled that police agencies are not obligated to provide protection to its citizens. And with this, you can understand why we shouldn’t let the Government take away our guns and the right to have equal gun power as the police, which has recently been militarized for the “protection” of its citizens. And this militarization is itself unconstitutional.

The law is called: Posse Comitatus Act, which was created to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.

But they have succeeded in circumventing the law by donating military equipment to the cities police departments, which is why we have now a militarized local police that can break in into your home with military gear without a court order, kill its citizens for just anything, like a traffic infraction. And the disarmament plan is part of the UN Agenda 21 – which is also a socialist agenda, gun control and population control. Because if people remain armed, there will be no opportunity for the UN to advance to its plan for a world government, as it already did with the European Union, where a non-elected body governs the destiny of Europe.

This is why there is a growing ‘patriot’ movement in the US, which aims is to reject any UN interference. Which is why now you see rejection – within the current Administration – to international treaties that could violate US sovereignty; this is not understood by ordinary citizens.

The US media keeps its citizens dreaming that they live in a paradise where the government will protect them, and that they do not need to protect themselves.

The military guns in the hands of local police are aimed at its citizens in case of rebellion and protect the 1%’s property – because legally, the US military would not be able to do it directly because the Posse Comitatus Act.

I would love to keep this conversation with you if you are sincerely interested in getting answers to so many of the issues currently affecting our country, like the UN Agenda 21, currently being implemented as we speak. If you read about it, you will see that it makes sense to reject any gun control plans, because disarmament can start by innocently allowing for the ban of ammunition, with the excuse of protecting citizens from mass shootings.

Some of the solutions are to educate young people about the psychological dangers of video games, music infested with violence, and give them much love. Control of psychiatric drug use and their patients is a must.

Remember: laws do not prevent crime, education yes.

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