by Marvin J Ramirez
Marvin Ramirez
The intention is good, but to pass is another matter. Millions of immigrants, but mainly Latin Americans, will have to pay enormous increases in the tariffs when they have to proceed with their applications for citizenship, permanent residence, renew their TPS, etc. It seemed that the end is to make life miserable for Hispanics.
That does not surprise them to all those legislators who keep on passing or blocking laws that affect Hispanics for worse, when the whole Latin America one day turns their back at them and cease being the U.S. eternal allied.
Among the villains there are some good legislators who represent the good legislative side, like Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose), who would submit a legislation as a whole, against the new unjust tariffs would be implemented on Tuesday, the July 31.
Called, Just Resolution, this amendment calls to invalidate the law that authorizes the Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) to increase the tariffs and put them in effect.
Lofgren’s bill would annul this law that increase the fees and would reinstall the structure of previous tariffs.
The Congresswoman claims that the immigration service constantly has failed to reduce the backlog of applications, including the absence of transparency and effective administration.
“Our immigration services have to advance to the 21st century,” Lofgren said. “But, the USCIS has stopped explaining consistently or justifying the quantities and distributions of this new increase of fees.
Meanwhile I agree that the USCIS has to modernize its existing infrastructure and procedures, but they must do it in a transparent and open way,” she said.
After repeated requests for several months, the USCIS has still to provide to the Congress a detailed plan of its efforts of the modernization of its infrastructure. Our immigration. Our system of immigration should be so much effective as just; to sacrifice one to obtain another should not be an option”.
“It is unfortunate that after thousands of calls from legal and advocate groups and components, the USCIS will continue its due increase,” said Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. “The increase creates financial burden for families who want to happen for the legal process of the naturalization.”
It seems, that despite of so many protests, only a miracle will free the immigrants of so heavy financial load that Uncle Sam has imposed on these future children of North America who have already given part of their lives for the well-being of their Uncle Sam. An Uncle who often becomes cruel, up to the point that makes us think that he hates us, although he loves our work.
It is necessary to be a positive so that the Lofgren’s bill has a positive effect in the Congress.