Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeNewsFormer U.S. Army general to discuss Iraqi prisoner abuse

Former U.S. Army general to discuss Iraqi prisoner abuse

The Commonwealth Club has announced a forum led by former U.S. Army Major General Antonio Taguba, who will speak about his examination of Abu Ghraib prison that led to extensive research of Iraqi prisoner abuse by U.S. Army personnel. He will discuss his experience at the prison and the conduct of military personnel.

Taguba was assigned to Abu Ghraib in January 2004 to investigate the alleged abuse. His report was widely publicized in the media, both domestically and internationally.

The forum will take place Monday, June 25 at 6 p.m. at the Commonwealth Club Office, located at 595 Market Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco. Wine and cheese will be served at 5:30 p.m. Admission is free for members, $18 for nonmembers. For tickets, call (415) 597-6705, or visit www.commonwealthclub.org.

San Mateo County Election Candidate Seminar

The San Mateo County Elections Office has announced a seminar for prospective candidates. “Election Candidates 101 Seminar” will provide information for those interested in running for office, or simply the election process. Key elections staff will advise on election rules, deadlines, and procedures applicable to local candidates and campaigns.

The seminar will be held Thursday, June 26 at 6 p.m., at the Elections Office at

40 Tower Road in San Mateo. For more information, visit www.shapethefuture.org. To RSVP for the seminar, contact Steve Dennison at (650) 312.5370 or sdennison@smcare.org with candidate’s name, office they are running for, and the number of persons in their party.

KQED to air “Immigration Calculations” documentary

KQED Public Television 9 will air “Immigration Calculations: Does Immigration Help or Hurt the Bay Area Economy,” a 30-minute documentary exploring the economic impact of immigration in the San Francisco Bay area. Topics include misconceptions about immigrants in the labor market, and methods used by Bay Area economists to calculate economic costs and benefits of immigration.

The documentary follows four immigrants of various socio-economic levels, from a small business owner to a software engineer, each of whom are analyzed by economists.

The documentary premieres Friday, June 29 at 8:30 p.m. on KQED.

Roccapulco pre 4th of July party

Roccapulco Supper Club invites you to a pre-4th of July celebration Tuesday, July 3. From Diana Bowen, who brought us Salsacrazy, comes an exciting evening of live salsa with “Orq Umbria” as well as a salsa lesson with Ricardo Tellez. Also featured are a salsa floor show, CD giveaway, and much more.

Roccapulco is located at 3140 Mission Street. Doors open at 8pm, admission is $10. For more information, call (415) 648-6611.

Maestros de Bomba en la Bahía Encuentro 2007

The Bomba y Plena Workshop, with Bay Area Boricuas and La Peña Cultural Center, present Maestros de Bomba en la Bahía Encuentro 2007. This month-long series of workshops will teach various styles of Bomba music and dance, as well as Plena drumming, dancing, singing, and composition.

Featuring the Cepeda family, and dancers, drummers and teachers Oxil Febles, Angel Luis Reyes, and Otoquí Reyes Pizarro from Puerto Rico, the program will teach beginner, intermediate and advanced levels for many disciplines.

The workshop will take place from July 9 to August 5. For details, email bombayplena@sbcglobal.net.

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