Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeFrontpageFDA seeking to ban intravenous vitamin C

FDA seeking to ban intravenous vitamin C

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) Not content to kill 100,000 Americans each year with deadly Big Pharma drugs while censoring the truth about the healing effects of herbs, nutritional supplements and natural medicines, the FDA has now set out to deny Americans access to yet another lifesaving medicine known simply as vitamin C.

As reported by the Alliance for Natural Health, the FDA has notified a manufacturer of injectable vitamin C that it will be amercriminally prosecuted if it continues to manufacture this lifesaving nutritional therapy. (…)

Why injectable vitamin C saves lives

In an age where tens of millions of Americans are already vitamin C deficient and suffer from colds and other infections that can be prevented with vitamins, the FDA appears to be acting on what can only be called a death wish for the American people.

But really, it’s more likely a targeted attack at the alternative cancer industry that frequently uses injectable vitamin C to help patients eliminate cancer tumors and heal from various cancers.

If there’s one thing that the health authorities in the United States absolutely cannot tolerate, it’s natural cures for cancer.

That’s why (nearly) all the natural cancer treatment clinics have been chased out of the country, leaving only toxic chemotherapy centers (poison clinics) in their place. And that’s probably why the FDA is going after vitamin C right now as well. Take away enough natural cures and the people will be forced into accepting conventional medicine, regardless of whether it works or not.

Injectable vitamin C has many other uses besides cancer, too. As the ANH reports, “The government, instead of banning intravenous vitamin C, should instead be supporting research into it. Even though IV C is being used in burn units around the world, including in the US, and has been adopted by the military for this purpose, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) refuses to fund any studies using intravenous C in patients.

There are privately funded studies currently underway, but of course these cannot continue if the FDA bans the substance.”

Take action now to protect your access to vitamin C

Please take a moment to take action with both of the following petitions:

The Alliance for Natural Health has posted an online action item that sends a letter to Dr Margaret Hamburg, the commissioner of the FDA:

The Natural Solutions Foundation has also posted an action item, this one going out to various FDA and government offi cials: h t t p : / / s a l s a . d e m o cr a c y i n a c t i o n . o rg / . . .

Of course, sending these letters to FDA bureaucrats assumes that they give a damn about human health in the first ­place, and after observing the FDA’s behavior over the last several years, I can confi dently state that the FDA’s own actions betray its real agenda: To protect the profits of the drug companies by eliminating competing products such as vitamin C.

As Dr Rima Laibow says about this issue, “When injectible Vitamin C goes, the rest will soon go, and the natural Docs WILL be criminalized a la the infamous Flexner report. Codex standards effectively criminalize accurate speech on nutrition. This IS the other shoe; I do not believe we are being alarmist.”

The rise of tyranny

The larger issue here, however, is not this isolated decision by the FDA but rather the question:

Why do unelected regulatory bureaucrats have such power in the first place?

While we may elect lawmakers in America today, those lawmakers have long since delegated the real “laws of the land” to bureaucratic agencies like the FDA which are run by unelected politicians who simply write their own laws and regulations without the approval of Congress. This situation is described by attorney Jonathan Emord as The Rise of Tyranny, which also happens to be the name of his book on the topic ( i s e – T y r a n n y – . . . )

This book, which I consider a “must read” on the subject of health freedom, explains how the delegation of powers to rogue federal agencies (FDA, DEA, DHS, TSA, etc.) results in the nation being ruled by tyrannical bureaucrats who operate outside the authority of Congress. Under this power structure, for example, the FDA could simply announce one day that “all vitamins are illegal,” without Congressional approval and without any new laws being debated or signed into law. The delegation of powers to agencies like the FDA is the granting of dictatorial police state powers over entire sectors of our society.

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