by Marvin J. Ramírez
Marvin J. Ramírez
From the EDITOR: Dear readers, at a time when our nation is facing a super depression, and the mainstream media just entertains you with news that got nothing to do with reality, with news that doesn’t confronts government corruption, or injustice, El Reportero tries to bring to you any information that I believe you should read as historical reading. The following article – without an author signature – has lots of history, not found in the curriculum of most or any university in the country. But just because it is not presented to us, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or is not true. Perhaps some of you will call it: Conspiracy theory.
In 1933, our once gold-backed system was eliminated and Congress declared it so (see House Joint Resolution 192, Suspension of Gold Standard, June 1933). There were a few statesmen in Congress, however, who stood up in opposition to this “New Deal” pro-banker legislation in 1933. One of them was Louis McFadden. He objected:
“Mr. Speaker, I regret that the membership of the House has had no opportunity to consider or even read this bill . . . It is an important banking bill. It is a dictatorship over finance in the United States.” – Congressional Record, March 9, 1933, House, Congressman Louis McFadden, 73rd Congress, Special Session, 1st Session, Volume 77, Part 1, p. 80 Almost a year previously, Congressman McFadden revealed his position on the Federal Reserve in an address to the House of Representatives on June 10, 1932: “Some people think the Federal Reserve banks are United States Government institutions. They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers… The Federal Reserve banks are the agents of the foreign central banks… the truth is the Federal Reserve Board has usurped the Government of the United States . . .” –Congressional Record, June 10, 1932, House, Congressman McFadden, 72nd Congress, 1st Session, Volume 75, Part 11, pp. 12595-12596, 12599, 12602 So, if there is no more gold (or silver which was taken in 1965) to act as the security for the “U.S.
Obligations” created by the Federal Reserve money credit system, then what has been pledged for satisfaction of those “obligations?” Representative Patman summarized it best back in 1933: “Under the new law [see Public Laws of the 73rd Congress, March 9, 1933] the money [FRNs and credit] is issued to the [Federal reserve] banks in return for Government obligations, bills of exchange, drafts, notes, trade acceptances, and banker’s acceptances. The money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the Nation.
It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of all the people in the Nation.” – Congressional Record, March 9, 1933, House, Congressman Patman, 73rd Congress, Special Session, 1st Session, Volume 77, Part 1, p. 83
The Congress of 1933 enlisted every American into a voluntary slavery/ suretyship to protect the U.S. from bankruptcy. Read the following Congressional quotes: “I want to show you where the people are being imposed upon by reason of the delegation of this tremendous power.
I invite your attention to the fact that section 16 of the Federal Reserve Act provides that whenever the Government of the United States issues and delivers money, Federal Reserve notes, which are based on the credit of the Nation– they represent a mortgage upon your home and my home, and upon all the property of all the people of the Nation–to the Federal Reserve agent, an interest charge shall be collected for the Government… The money collected on interest charges should go into the Treasury. Has that ever been done? No; it has never been done… if the law had been complied with they would owe this Government billions of dollars today.” — Congressional Record March 13, 1933, House, Congressman Patman, 73rd Congress, Special Session, 1st Session, Volume 77, Part 1, p. 292
Do you see the term “credit of the Nation” in the above quotes? This means We are the Creditors! Our property and energy feeds/funds the entire U.S. corporation economy, so all of its products and services are PREPAID by and for us! These corporations are merely holding our property until we claim it as their Creditors/Preferred Stockholders! This is the Public Policy “exemption” provided for in HJR 192/Public Law 73-10 to discharge debts “dollar for dollar” by simply signing any bill/statement/receipt we get from them so the accounting can be adjusted, settled and closed. See the chart below for an example of the basic bookkeeping entries in this system for a mortgage “loan”. Notice how the credit for our “loan” comes from the liability owed to us from the Federal Reserve, i.e., from our own credit/exemption! As McFadden stated: “
“The people have a valid claim against the… Federal reserve banks… We ought to fi nd out the exact amount of the people’s claim… and we should collect that amount immediately… and the Federal reserve banks, having violated their charters, should be liquidated immediately… Unless this is done by us, I predict that the American people, outraged, robbed, pillaged, insulted, and betrayed as they are in their own land, will rise in their wrath and send a President here who will sweep the money changers out of the temple.” – Congressional Record, June 10, 1932, House, Congressman McFadden, 72nd Congress, 1st Session, Volume 75, Part 11, pp. 12602, 12603
Therefore, if any U.S. corporation affiliate or franchise fails to honor our exemption in exchange to settle/setoff any accounting, we request them to prove their claim that our exemption is not in accord with Public Policy. Upon exhausting our private administrative remedies, as witnessed by a disinterested third party Notary Public to obtain a private judgment, we then submit an amended judgment to Federal Claims Court as our second “public” witness and for execution of treble damages and/or liquidation.
Moreover, failure to honor our exemption puts that person/organization in the position of claiming that the United States stole our gold and property in 1933 by not providing adequate consideration, and also violated the 16th Amendment that prohibits involuntary servitude/slavery. Such a position could be prosecuted as sedition and terrorism against the U.S Government, especially in light of the new Homeland Security and Patriot Acts, as well as impeding interstate commerce.