Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeEx IRS agent accuses the government for her eventual dead

Ex IRS agent accuses the government for her eventual dead

by Marvin J. Ramirez

­Marvin  J. RamírezMarv­in R­amír­ez­­­­­­­­

For those who do not know the history of the most evil and fearful agency in the U.S., the Internal Revenue Service, know now that this is not a government agency, but a revenue collector for the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank, which in turn is owned by the International Monetary Fund. And it all started with the bankruptcy of the United States in 1933, which is still in effect nowadays.

The history is too long to describe it now, but El Reportero will bring some light to this historical event later on when there is more space.

However, the power that the IRS has acquired since its creation, has been used against the people of the United States indiscriminately, who have been left in such a state of bankruptcy, that the American dream has been replaced with an American nightmare.

And although there is no constitutional law to force North Americans to share part of the fruit of their labor, and that the Constitution prohibits the taking of our private property (our personal income) without due process, the people live a perpetual prison where they are perpetually raped year after year without recourse and mercy, within a legal system that only serves the international bankers to collect their money they loan to the government every year – in our name, with our signature, with us as collateral. Without our signature the government can’t borrow a cent from the Federal Reserve to support their wars and their bank bailouts.

Alarmed by this criminal enterprise, a heroic woman, ex IRS agent, she went on to speak the truth about this criminal agency, and came out to denounce it in a film. And guess what? She is now in prison and dying without proper health care.

The star of the famous film, America: Freedom to Fascism, by Aaron Russo (RIP)., Sherry Jackson, a Black woman, is dying. She recounts her ordeal in a letter she wrote to her Congressional Representative, and which can be read at:

Because of lack of space in this edition – as you can see, we were not able to publish it. Please read it.

The feds seem intent upon MURDERING SHERRY JACKSON. See her own report and you’ll understand. She details how the feds denied her medical care in prison and right now she IS IN THE PROCESS OF DYING.

­Sherry was one of the stars in Aaron Russo’s America: Freedom to Fascism. She was the former IRS agent who spoke out, “SHOW ME THE LAW!”

Right now she deserves the support of the entire Freedom Movement. We can give it to her by calling her Congressional Representative imploring him to intercede to save her life. For her service to the Cause of Liberty, WE SHOULD DO NO LESS!!

Sherry’s Representative is Hank Johnson, representing the 4th Congressional District of Georgia, also a Black man.

Call and fax him at each office and demand immediate medical attention for Sherry:

Washington, DC Offi ce 1133 Longworth HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: (202) 225-1605 Fax: (202) 226-0691.

Lithonia Office 5700 Hillandale Dr., Suite 110 Lithonia, GA 30058 Phone: (770) 987-2291 Fax: (770) 987-8721.

Tucker Office 3469 Lawrenceville Highway, Suite 205 Tucker, GA 30084 Phone: (770) 939-2016 Fax: (770) 939-3753.

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