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HomecolumnEnergy wars: ‘massive’ oil discovery in Israel

Energy wars: ‘massive’ oil discovery in Israel

by Jon Rappoport

For decades, Israel has been searching for oil in its own lands, with the hope of gaining energy independence.
Recent reports from Genie, a US oil-exploration company, suggest oil has been found in Israel. Lots of it.
Cautionary statements from experts have followed: there is a difference between oil in the ground and oil that can be brought to the surface cost-effectively.
And as long as OPEC oil-exporting nations are setting a very low price per barrel, bringing Israeli oil to the surface would be more difficult, financially speaking.
The oil is actually in the Golan Heights, which was taken by Israel, from Syria, in the 1967 war. The ownership of the area is still contested. (Haaretz: “Genie Confirms Report of Possible Big Golan Oil Find,” Oct 11, 2015).
However, given the current war in Syria and the massive chaos there, Syria would certainly be less likely to challenge Israel’s oil claim with meaningful force. Is the Syrian-war escalation in part an effort to pave the way for Israeli oil?
If the initial celebratory announcements about how much oil is under the ground, in Golan, are correct, Israel could be looking at a long-sought, massive upswing in its domestic energy capability.
That’s not all. Genie, the US company that is doing the drilling-exploration in Golan, has some very interesting characters on its strategic advisory board—men who can exert influence on all sorts of geo-political operations.
For example, Rupert Murdoch; and Jacob Rothschild, the chairman of the Rothschild Foundation and the J Rothschild group of companies.
For example, ex-CIA director James Woolsey.
And Dick Cheney.
And Lawrence Summers, former president of Harvard University, former Secretary of the Treasury under Bill Clinton, director of the National Economic Council under Obama. (Will we see the involvement of the Harvard Endowment Fund in this Israeli oil operation?)
And Bill Richardson, former Secretary of Energy under Bill Clinton.
Who would obtain a license to bring up all this oil? Afek Israel Oil and Gas, which is a subsidiary of Genie, for whom the above-mentioned men serve as advisors. In fact, we have this from Genie’s website:
“Afek is characterizing a potentially significant oil and gas resource in Northern Israel pursuant to an exclusive, 3 year petroleum exploration license issued by the government of Israel.”
Mint Press News reports, in “Israel Takes Advantage Of Syrian Civil War To Expand Illegal Golan Heights Settlements,” Oct 13, 2015:
“Israel is taking advantage of the chaos in Syria to expand its illegal settlements in the Golan Heights, just as new oil reserves were discovered in the contested region… Now, Israel hopes to quintuple the size of its settlements over the next five years by adding an additional 100,000 settlers to the region. The plan was proposed by Naftali Bennett, a senior Israeli minister and member of the right-wing Jewish Home party, and, according to a report from The New York Times last week, Bennett is just one of ‘many Israeli leaders and thinkers seizing on the chaos in Syria to solidify Israel’s hold on the Golan.”
Seizing on the chaos, after the fact? Or promoting and instigating the chaos in the first place, in order to clamp down on the Golan, with oil as the ultimate prize?
Exactly how long ago did the Genie people actually know there was oil under the Golan? Did they delay their announcement, to make it seem as if the Syrian escalation was just an unrelated coincidence?
Depending on the size of the oil find under the Golan, the whole configuration of oil-control in the Middle East could be affected. Who has it, who owns it, who sells it, who buys it, and who sets the price.
Israel’s apparent long-term plan to weaken and disable nations in the Middle East, including Syria, could certainly raise the price of oil from that region, making it cost-effective to bring up all the oil under Golan—however many barrels that turns out to be.
Putin’s recent attacks on Syria also involve an effort to jack up oil prices by “increasing uncertainty” in the region. Long term, Putin wants to extend his influence in the Middle East (e.g., Iran and Iraq), hopefully allowing him to keep oil prices at a level that would bring rescue to the Russian economy, which, as an oil exporter, has been languishing under low-cost oil.
Everybody and his brother wants a piece of the pie. As usual, war is a strategy for getting it, while the war-makers suppress actual (not fake) energy alternatives.
These psychopaths always favor destruction to solutions that can bring tranquility and abundance.
(Jon Rappoport is he author of three explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix, and Power Outside The Matrix).

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