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HomeNewsEncantada Gallery's 10th anniversary exhibit

Encantada Gallery’s 10th anniversary exhibit

­by Juliet Blalack

Day of Dead at the Mission Cultural Center. Nov. 2-Dec 6Day of Dead at the Mission Cultural Center. Nov. 2-Dec 6

The works of over 60 artists from all over the country will cover the walls of Encantada Gallery. The theme of the art is “El Amor, La Muerte, y La Vida.” The opening will be Nov. 1st, 6-9 p.m. at Encantada, 908 Valencia St. For more information call 415-642-3939.

Gala and fundraiser for women’s activism

California Women’s Agenda and Women’s Intercultural Network will celebrate 12 years of activism with, dance, music, special guests, and an ethnic buffet. CAWA and WIN both began in San Francisco and grew across the country and the world. The gala will take place at The Delancey Street Town Hall, at 600 Embarcadero, San Francisco. Tickets are $50. To fi nd out more visit ­www.win-cawa.org or call 415-221-4841.

Day of the Dead at Cypress Lawn Memorial

Bring your whole family to celebrate the Day of Dead. Food, raffl es and entertainment ALL FREE! Saturday Oct. 27, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Cypress Lawn, 1370 El Camino Real, Colma. For more information call Mercedes at 650-922-2743 or Graciela at 650-550-8822.

Free homeownership event

The National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals-San Francisco Chapter (NAHREP-SF) is hosting a free educational event, Creating Wealth Through Homeownership Exposition.

This important community outreach expo will provide first-time Latino homebuyers and existing Latino homeowners with access to the information necessary for successful homeownership and wealth creation.

The homeownership exposition will take place Saturday, October 27th from 9:30am to 5:30pm at Herbert Hoover Middle School, 2290 – 14th Ave. in San Francisco.

Anew America’s gala and microbusiness expo

The gala will feature immigrant entrepreneurs showcasing their work and catering their own food. There will also be a bar and live music. Awards will be presented to outstanding community leaders. Nov. 14 at 6 p.m. at 8945 Golf Links Rd. in Oakland. Tickets are $85, and are tax deductible. For more information contact Britt Riss at (510) 540-7785, ext. 306 or via email at briss@anewamerica.org.

Halloween dance party with Cubanacan

Music performed by Cubanacan & Nicaraguan singer Marlene Ayerdis. The party will take place at Playa Azul Restaurant, located at 1428 Contra Costa Blvd. in Pleasant Hill on Oct. 27 from 9:15 p.m. to 1 a.m. $10 at the door. Call (925) 676-0600 for more information.

2nd Annual Day at the Races for literacy

Three races to promote literacy: for children 6-12, for all ages with costumes optional, and for entrants 15-90. There will also be rock music, a spaghetti lunch, and a reading from Ray Bradbury’s classic Fahrenheit 451. The events will be at the Concord Hilton at 1970 Diamond Blvd., and the adjacent Iron Horse Trail on Oct. 27 beginning 8:30 a.m. The $20 entry fee is tax deductible. Call or email David Cantando 929-349-2654, david.cantando@hilton.com.

Paul Krugman on the disappearing middle class

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman will address the state of the country’s economics and the future of America’s social and fiscal policy. He will examine what happened to the middle class of the 20th century. Reception begins at 5:30, and the lecture at 6. Location: Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St., San Francisco. Tickets are $18. Contact: Riki Rafner, 415- 597-6712.

­Board of Supervisors President addresses election issues

Aaron Peskin of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors will discuss transportation, homelessness, affordable housing, and the scandal surrounding Supervisor Ed Jew. Reception at 5:30, program at 6 at Commonwealth Club offi ce, 595 Market St., San Francisco. Tickets are $18. Contact: Riki Rafner 415-597-6712.

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