by Marvin Ramírez
Marvin Ramírez
Do you remember my friends, that beautiful song of Carlos Gardel, the god of tango that gave life to our grandparents and parents with such deep songs that touched us in the heart, and now brings us memories in these modern times? I am referring to Volver. And I bring the mention of this song to you because it speaks of time.
The time.The time that I have spent working arduously almost day and night, almost seven days a week, mostly alone locked in with very little help to produce El Reportero. It has been a time dedicated with much love, and not wasted, since thousands of people have followed me, that wherever I go, someone tells me, “I always read you… you are doing a great job, keep it up,”
As Gardel says, time is the one that plants all in the temple, although after so many years of physical and mental work, return with the wilted forehead each day and continue doing what you like to do time and again, and see that there have been 20 years that have passed over your life. Volver (return) with the wilted forehead, the snows of the time silver-plated my temple…To feel… that life is a puff, that 20 years is not swum, that feverish the look, wandering in the shadows, seeks you and names you. – Carlos Gardel.
This was one of the most favorite songs of my father José Santos Ramírez Calero, a great journalist and author of my inspiration in journalism, whose passing anniversary is on June 12. He died in 2004. He was 87.
During these last 20 years, two decades, I have seen a lot, but surely, not all. But sufficient as for to have turned El Reportero from being an advertising newspaper of an unjust system that has converted us all practically into slaves, following a school of journalism designed in the University, under the influence of the mainstream media, that obey the line of those who provides the most corporate profits, with the main objective of selling and selling and making people to buy, buy. Positioned at the service of the interests of the large corporations and not of the human race. I have brought to you in recent years information to awake everyone from the daydream that they have accustomed us to follow through their televisions, newspapers and radios, educating us to become zombies, beings without our own reasoning and criticism, and to believe everything they say in their TV shows and newscasts.
I have left the box where we all live under corporate dictates, telling us what is happening in the world through their pre-designed and fi ltered newscasts, that no longer deceive us all, because many of us are already awaking; and know that their goal is to control our mind, convert us into consumers of their products and become obedient beings without objecting.
I have removed myself from the influence of its press, the one that ‘advises’ us in how to spend our harshly earned money, offering us its products – that we don’t need – using known celebrities of the cultural and artistic world to persuade us and win our trust. And one more reason why El Reportero is different, is because I, its director, haven not seen since April of 2009, just like I have not read their newspapers.
And as you can see, we practice a different journalism, a journalism without a hidden agenda, without the yellow, but simply a benefi cial, sincere, and simple journalism for the people. I think it is important that a newspaper publishes something that the people will keep in their mind to use and to help them make social and political decisions later on.
We are celebrating 20 years thanks to all of you. Continue giving us your support. Thank you.