by Marvin J. Ramirez
Marvin J. Ramírez
“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing.” Adolph Hitler.
While the power behind the Obama administration works hard world-wide and domestically to ban all guns from civilians at a time when the World Order leaders shift the nation’s direction to install a Soviet-style dictatorship in the U.S., Dr. Ignatius Piazza, a millionaire patriot wants people armed and trained.
In a paid ad posted at different alternative media sites, Dr. Piazza offers up his own money so people get a free handgun plus five days of training and a 30 state concealed weapons permit for pennies-on-the-dollar!
Let’s see history.
On November 11, 1938, the Minister of the Interior, Wilhelm Frick, passed Regulations Against Jews’ Possession of Weapons. This regulation effectively deprived all Jews of the right to possess firearms or other weapons. And we all know what happened to them.
We know by way of alternative media, that one of the main the banking elite’s goal is to destroy most of the world population, and we can see it everywhere where international organizations are pushing hard to sterilize women, and offer every comfort available to those pregnant women to abort.
They don’t want any more people. They want to shrink our numbers, so they can take complete control of the world.
Billionaire entrepreneur Kevin Trudeau, who has been constantly harassed and sued by the FTC for promoting alternative health treatments, told The Alex Jones Show that elitists and Bilderberg members who he had personally conversed with spoke of their desire to see “two thirds of the dumb people” wiped off the planet.
So, if you can see the parallel with Hitler’s Germany, after they banned guns there, the government started hauling the Jews off to concentration camps for extermination.
“Would Hitler have been able to carry out this mass ethnic genocide if the Jews had been armed and able to defend themselves against his tyranny?
It all starts with gun registration, and then comes confiscation.
From the beginning of his presidency, Obama has had an agenda for the forces of evil to take over the liberties our Founding Fathers secured, such as the creating of a tyrant government.
“A civilian “security force” that’s as powerful and as strong as the US military?,” asks Jay Mac’s blogg, Cryptic Subrranean. “Does Obama think that the continental U.S. is about to be invaded? Has he been watching Red Dawn over and over on the tour bus? Somehow, I don’t think so.”
Jay Mac adds: Is anyone else alarmed by the idea of such a force being created? In a less fawning environment, the MSM would have asked Obama why exactly such a massive new group like this was required – and exactly why they needed to be as well-armed as the U.S. Army.
But no, says the writer, in this election cycle the media is even more in the tank for the Democrat candidate and they seem to be completely unwilling to ask even the most obvious of questions- in fact, I’d be surprised if even half of the American voters were aware that Barack wants to establish a brand new security force – especially one so well-funded and well armed.
Why does the US need an additional one and a half million people in a paramilitary force? Who will these people be? What role will they serve? How will they be trained and, perhaps more importantly, deployed? What powers will they have? Why do they need to be so well armed? What threats specifically does Obama see them facing that their budget needs to be the same as the US military ($110 billion for the Army alone or a total of nearly $500 billion for all the military combined)? What job will they do that the National Guard cannot? Who will they answer to? Where in the Constitution does it say that Obama can create such a force?
Protect this nation, dear reader. You have the right to bear arms to protect your family, and your country. Don’t let any politician tell you that is “for your own safety” to turn it and register your guns. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS per the Constitution.
You don’t need to ask your local authority to ask for permission to obey the Constitution.