by Marvin J Ramirez
Marvin Ramirez
If you believe that the border fence currently being built along the U.S.- Mexico border is to stop undocumented workers or terrorists from coming in, it might not be so. It might be – for the first time in the history of the United States as a free nation – to control us completely, like ants.
-You probably haven’t heard much about the passing a couple of year ago of the Real ID act, by the U.S. Congress.
With the excuse of protecting national security, the Feds will know exactly who you are: what you eat (through Safeway card and your credit cards), how is your health (through hospital files and pharmacies), how much you make (social security), who you call and talk to (telephone, cell), how much money you spent (credit cards an banks accounts), how much money you make (through your expenditures), how much you owe the government (through your expenditures will tell how much you’re not reporting, and therefore determine whatever they say you owe to the private corporation called, IRS).
And the Real ID will provide all that about you, including deciding if you are an enemy of the state if you happen not to agree how the country is being taken. And the country is not being taken in the right direction.
The Real ID Act of 2005 requires people entering federal buildings, boarding airplanes or opening bank accounts to present. The Act is Division B of an act of the United States Congress titled Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief, 2005.
It is exactly the same control the Soviet Union had over its citizens, and for any unknown suspicious, you can get arrested without the right bail, have a lawyer or be in front of a judge.
California was granted an extension to the implementation of the Real ID through 2009.
The minute you wished to leave the country, the feds will be able to deny you leaving, for whatever reason: maybe you will be behind in your property taxes, owe parking tickets, etc.
Say no to the Real ID, do not accept it, because the day you accept it, you would have lost your liberty that our Founding Fathers’s Constitution guaranteed.
Call your Congress representatives and tell them you won’t vote for them if they sell you out.
As Richard Forno and Bruce Schneier, from C-NET News, said in May 3, 2007: “In its own guidance document, the department has proposed branding citizens not possessing a Real ID card in a manner that lets all who see their official state-issued identification know that they’re “different,” and perhaps potentially dangerous, according to standards established by the federal government. They would become stigmatized, branded, marked, ostracized, segregated. All in the name of protecting the homeland; no wonder this provision appears at the very end of the document.