por Annalis Flores
Olmec head.
The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco at the de Young is proud to present Olmec: Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico. The exhibit will feature the iconic colossal heads carved from giant boulders by the Olmec culture. The Olmecs are said to be founders of the Mesoamerica culture and created the monumental heads centuries ago.
The collection includes loans from 25 museums along with the 100 objects from Mexican national collections. As stated by the FAMSF, “ Olmec brings together for the first time new finds and monuments that have never been seen by American audiences and reveals new scholarship on Olmec culture and artifacts.”
The Olmec: Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico will be displayed from Feb. 19- May 8. For more information on the deYoung museum hours and admission prices call (415) 750- 3600.
Katia Cardenal to perform at La Peña Cultural Center
Come check out Nicaraguan singer-songwriter Katia Cardenal of the Duo Guardabarranco take the stage at La Peña Cultural Center along with fellow Nicaraguan musicians Omar Suazo, Nina Cardenal, and Maria José. The event will be sponsored by MangoMundo Foundation which promotes Nicaraguan culture in creative media and arts.
Cardenal is a renowned Nicaraguan artist that emerged into the music scene in the 70’s with her late brother Salvador Cardenal. Their original style of music went on to catch the attention of La Nueva Cancion Latinoamericana. The duo toured with many music artists such as Jackson Browne and Daniel Viglietti.
Cardenal went on to her solo career with songs such as Dame tu Corazon and now the rendition of “San Francisco (Flowers in Your Hair)” titled Si Te Vas a San Francisco.” The event will be held Sunday Feb. 27, 2011 at La Peña Cultural Center in Berkeley at 7:30 p.m. For more information visit www.lapena.org or call (510) 849- 2568.
Balé Folclorico Da Bahia performs at Zellerbach Hall
Expect the contemporary dance company to return with performances that will be an unforgettable mix of African and South American traditions at UC Berkeley’s Zellerbach Hall. The new production, Sacred Heritage, will take the stage with the direction of José Carlos Arandiba and Walson Botelho, founder and choreographer.
The new works promise to display Afro-Brazilian religious traditions and have the crowd dancing by the end of the night. Balé Folclóricó Da Bahia is a distinctive folk dance company from Brazil founded by Walson Botelho and Ninho Reis in 1988.
The dance troupe has performed all over the world including Australia and France. The performances range from slave dances, capoeria, samba, and dances celebrating Carnival in form of dance, music, and singing. New York Times claims, “ No company better embodies the idea of black dance in Africa and beyond than vibrant Balé Folclórico da Bahia.” This is a must see show for anyone interested in contemporary dance and music.
Cal Performances presents this event being held Sunday March 6 at 7 p.m., in Zellerbach Hall. Tickets are now available, for more information visit www.calperformances.org or call (510) 642-9988.