Friday, March 21, 2025
HomeDiscovering the dominating elite the Illuminati

Discovering the dominating elite the Illuminati

(Second part of a series)

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Recently I have started reading about the known sect, The Illuminati, information that lately been coming out of the dark into the light. On our two previous editions’ editorials, I had the honor to publish the article, Introduction to the Secret Order of the Illuminati, and on the following week, Confusion Regarding the Terms “Illuminati” and  “New World Order.

The following article, which is actually a 31-page document, titled: The Illuminati Agenda, explains in great details how our society ills and control of the people by the government as a mandate from this secret society of the most powerful people on Earth, have enslaved Americans and the rest of the world.

To most media people, this information is nothing but a conspiracy theory. But you, dear readers, can come to your own conclusions after reading it, as it explains how our top government official agendas, our current economic and educational system have  been designed to control and enslave us all.

To understand the next part of the series, it is recommended that you read El Reportero’s edition 21, 7.21.10, which contains the first part of this long article. (WILL CONTINUE NEXT  WEEK).

by Myron C. Fagan

(Original title: The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations )

The question of how and why the United Nations is the crux of the great conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and the enslavement of the American people within a U.N. one-world dictatorship is a complete and unknown mystery to the vast majority of the American people.

Now in order to give you a very clear picture of this satanic plot, I will go back to its beginning, clear back in the middle of the 18th century and name the men who put that plot into action and then bring you down to the present – today’s status of that plot. Now as a matter of further intelligence, a term used by the FBI, let me clarify the meaning of the expression  “he is a liberal.

The enemy, meaning the one-world conspirators, have seized upon that word “liberal” as a cover-up for their activities. It sounds so innocent and so humanitarian to be liberal. Well, make sure that the person who calls himself a liberal or is described as a liberal is not in truth a “red.”

Now then, this satanic plot was launched back in the 1760’s when it first came into existence under the name “Illuminati.” This Illuminati was organized by one Adam Weishaupt, born a Jew, who was converted to Catholicism and became a Catholic priest, and then, at the behest of the then newly organized House of  Rothschild, defected andorganized the Illuminati.

Naturally, the Rothschilds financed that operation and every war since then, beginning with the French Revolution, has been promoted by the Illuminati operating under various names and guises.  I say under various names and guises because after the Illuminati was exposed and became notorious, Weishaupt and his co-conspirators began to operate under various other names. In the United States, immediately after World War I, they set up what they called the “Council onForeign Relations,” commonly referred to as the CFR, and this CFR is actually the Illuminati in the United States and its hierarchy.

The masterminds in control of the original Illuminati conspirators, but to conceal that fact, most of them changed their original family names to American sounding names. For example, the true name of the Dillons, Clarence and Douglas Dillon (one Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department), is Laposky. I’ll come back to all this later.

There is a similar establishment of the Illuminati in England operating under the name of the “British Institute of International Affairs.” There are similar secret Illuminati organizations in France, Germany, and other nations operating under different names and all these organizations, including the CFR, continuously set up numerous subsidiary or front organizations that are infiltrated into every phase of the various nations’ affairs. But at all times, the operations of these organizations were and are masterminded and controlled by the Internationalist  Bankers, they in turn were and are controlled by the Rothschilds.

One branch of the Rothschild family had financed Napoleon; another branch of the Rothschilds financed Britain, Germany, and the other nations in the Napoleonic  wars.

Immediately after the Napoleonic wars, the Illuminati assumed that all the nations were so destitute and so weary of wars that they’d be glad for any solution, so the Rothschild stooges set up what they called the Congress of Vienna and at that meeting they tried to create the first League of Nations, their first attempted oneworld government, on the theory that all the crowned heads of European governments  were so deeply in debt to them that they would willingly  r unwillingly serve astheir stooges.

But the Czar of Russia caught the stench of the plot and completely torpedoed it. The enraged Nathan Rothschild, then the head of the dynasty, vowed that some day he or his descendants would destroy the Czar and his entire family, and his descendants did accomplish that very threat in 1917. WILL CONTINUE.

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