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HomeEditorialDARK SCIENCE: Abortion organ harvesting rooted in the philosophy of scientific materialism...

DARK SCIENCE: Abortion organ harvesting rooted in the philosophy of scientific materialism – Part 2


Dear readers,
This article deals with one of the most controversial subjects in modern society: abortion as profit-making, and the human value in the baby still in the mother’s womb. I believe that this article brings an interesting perspective to the issue that is being ignored by the mainstream media, and that people in our communities should read. Due to its length, it will be published in two parts.  — Marvin Ramirez. THIS IS PART 2 AND LAST.

DARK SCIENCE: Abortion organ harvesting rooted in the philosophy of scientific materialism (and the refusal to recognize consciousness)

by Mike Adams

Mass murder in the name of “science” will continue until the day consciousness is universally recognized

As long as science is unable to embrace the reality of nonmaterial consciousness, it will continue to devalue life and cause untold pain and suffering across the populations of the world. Until medical science embraces the reality of human consciousness and free will, it will be unable to honor the simple idea of universal medical choice.
The artifacts of scientific materialism are observable all around us. They include the frequent reports of medical kidnapping: the phenomenon of hospitals kidnapping children and senior citizens to force treatments upon them against the wishes of those individuals or their parents. Medical kidnapping is, of course, rooted in the philosophy of scientific materialism, believing that free will and free choice are nothing more than illusions of a biological brain, and therefore they don’t count. Under the tyranny of scientific materialism, the state asserts its power to dictate medical interventions upon people who individually choose to reject them. The justification for totalitarian medical interventions that override individual medical choice is that “science” demands it… and more specifically, that “science” is only understood by “scientists” while everyday people are too stupid to understand it (and therefore too stupid to be “allowed” to make their own decisions).
What’s crucial to understand here is that this death-worshiping philosophy allows the state and even the medical establishment to justify absolutely anything — including the mass murder of human babies — in order to achieve its scientific agenda. Think about it: if Planned Parenthood can literally murder babies and chop them into pieces to be sold off for scientific research, there is almost nothing they cannot similarly justify… including mass executions or even genocide.
Scientific tyranny in America today resembles the Third Reich in more ways than one
I’m reminded of the science-based propaganda of the Nazi regime in the 1930s and 40s. Then, the value of a human being was quantified solely by that person’s ability to contribute to a stronger government regime. Individuals who are no longer contributing to society — such as the physically handicapped, mentally handicapped, or elderly — were conveniently rounded up and murdered by the state. Propaganda posters reminded the citizens that financially supporting less-than-productive individuals who were not contributing to the nation was weakening the country as a whole and burdening the German people.
Thus, scientific materialism demanded that individuals be executed by the state for “the good of society”. This is the exact same thinking under which vaccine mandates are now pushed today across California and other states. While vaccine proponents will, if they are truly honest about it, admit that vaccines do cause brain damage and even kill some children, their excuse is that it’s worth it for “the good of society.”
Not surprisingly, this is the same argument that Planned Parenthood is now putting forth in the harvesting of organs from once-living human babies. They say the harvesting of these tissues is being done “for the good of society” because such tissues are sold off for scientific research. Similarly, the NIH also funded criminal medical experiments on prisoners in Guatemala.
These are the justifications of scientists who worship materialism. And these are scientists who are a grave threat to all of humanity and its children.

Any society that refuses to recognize the value of consciousness is a danger to all conscious beings. And the fact that today in America, over 3500 babies are aborted and killed every single day, reveals just how little value is placed on human lives in a society dominated by scientific materialism.
The recognition of non-physical consciousness is the key solution
What’s the answer to all this? The answer is the universal recognition of consciousness. This is the next step in human understanding and human progress. It is a step that will render much of today’s so-called scientific “facts” obsolete, in much the same way that the discovery of quantum mechanics rendered Newtonian physics obsolete in the realms of atomic physics.
Consciousness is the next great realm of discovery for humanity, and it is a realm that cannot be fully explored or understood through the limited reductionism of materialistic science. Consciousness is more than material; it is mind, it is self-awareness, it is spirit and soul interacting with the biological brain, creating what might be called cognitive computational holography.
This is why we must all be wary of anything being pushed upon us in the name of “science.” It’s not just that much of today’s science is really nothing more than corporate-funded junk science with a profit agenda; it’s also the fact that nearly all modern scientists reject the idea of consciousness, the soul, and anything originating in the realm of spirit or the divine. And because of that, these scientists do not value life… not any life… and certainly not your life either. They will destroy your life, or take your life, in an instant if it means gaining power or profits in the name of “science.”
Above all, recognize that scientific materialism is really a 17th-century concept that has persisted into the modern day only because of the suppression of real science by those who worship materialism. Science today has become the Church of Scientism, complete with its own suppression of knowledge, its “Bible” of faith-based assumptions, and its domineering stance of intellectual bullying and real-world tyranny against those who do not follow the faith. Led by empty-minded, soulless bullies and denialists like Richard Dawkins, today’s Church of Scientism remains a grave danger to all conscious life everywhere… not just on planet Earth but other planets across the galaxy which may harbor advanced biological life forms that will one day be callously “harvested” for “tissue” by Earth scientists in exactly the same way Planned Parenthood runs human baby chop shops on Earth today.
It is my belief, however, that intelligent life in our universe will not tolerate the extra-terrestrial colonization of other planets by a species steeped in such an idiotic scientific delusion. Earth scientists ridiculously believe they have unraveled the greatest mysteries of the cosmos while, at the same time, they still haven’t grasped the reality of arguably the most self-evidence truth of all: that we are all conscious, self-aware beings and not deterministic biological robots.
Until this simple, self-evident realization is grasped, consciousness-denying people like Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins and even Stephen Hawking are little more than masters of self-delusion exhibiting unrivaled cosmic stupidity. Even an average Buddhist monk understands more about the universe than the most celebrated scientific materialists of the western world… people who are so self-deluded, they’re still searching for the “God particle!”

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