Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeEditorialDARK SCIENCE: Abortion organ harvesting rooted in the philosophy of scientific materialism

DARK SCIENCE: Abortion organ harvesting rooted in the philosophy of scientific materialism


Dear readers,
This article deals with one of the most controversial subjects in modern society: abortion as profit-making, and the human value of the baby still in the mother’s womb.  I believe that this article brings an interesting perspective to the issue that is being ignored by the mainstream media, and that people in our communities should read. Due to its length, it will be published in two parts.  — Marvin Ramirez.

by Mike Adams

Over the last few weeks, the United States has experienced shock at the revelation that human babies are being harvested for their organs during live abortion procedures. This is all being carried out by Planned Parenthood in the name of “science.”
But what kind of science underlies such seemingly evil activities? What sort of philosophy must be infecting the minds of individuals who can look at a human baby and see it only as a collection of biological parts to be harvested and sold for profit?
The answer is found in scientific materialism.
The false paradigm of materialism
Scientific materialism is the default philosophy underpinning virtually all-modern science: medical science, agricultural science, technology, economics and more. It is based on the false assumption that everything in our universe is made of material stuff. This belief excludes any idea of consciousness, free will, the non-physical mind and the value of any conscious being which possesses such qualities.
Scientific materialism is essentially a philosophy of death… A philosophy that places no value in life whatsoever, believing that life itself is nothing more than a purposeless accident that just happened to take place on our planet, without any meaning, design, or end goal.
Virtually all scientists in the Western world today operate from a cult-like belief in scientific materialism. By definition, then, they do not believe in the existence of consciousness, free will, or the mind. Thus, when they see an infant that is alive and being delivered from the womb of a mother, they do not see a conscious being that can experience pain, retain memories, or one day make decisions of its own. All they see is a collection of tissue: heart, liver, genitals, a brain, legs and arms and so on.
The value of a conscious being is far more than the sum of its biological parts
The philosophical delusions of scientific materialism literally block the mind of a scientist from being able to recognize that this human being is worth more than the collection of its parts. And what is this new-born human being really worth? According 0to Planned Parenthood it’s worth about $100 per organ. But you and I know that the value of a human being cannot be expressed as a financial figure.

The value of a conscious being goes far beyond the realm of scientific materialism or economic materialism. That value can only be understood in the context of embracing the value of creativity, free choice, divine inspiration, and innovation stemming from free will.
To look at a human being and see it only as being worth the collection of its parts is much like looking at a grand piano and seeing its value is nothing more than firewood rather than an instrument through which great composers can express some of the most sacred emotions in the human experience. Sit someone like Mozart in front of a piano and you’ll discover that the instrument (and the man) is worth far more than the collection of its parts. Similarly, if you nurture a human child and give it inspiration and the freedom to express ideas and creativity, then you will give rise to a conscious being of unlimited value which may make unfathomable contributions to the future of human civilization.
But because modern science does not believe in the nonmaterial realm of existence, it cannot grasp the very concept of any being having a value beyond its parts. Planned Parenthood refers to a human baby as merely “tissue” to be “harvested” for science.
As a result of this twisted mythology that infects the belief systems of nearly all modern scientists, the dangers of scientific totalitarianism in our modern society are very real. Because there is no separation of science and state in our modern society, scientists have become the new high priests, dictating all matters of importance to the government, covering medicine, agriculture, technology and even parenting.
For example the recently passed mandatory vaccination law in California known as SB 277 establishes the precedent that scientific totalitarianism should override parental rights. This law rejects the idea that individuals in society should be allowed to make choices regarding the health of their own children. It even denies the right to a public education to all children who have not been injected with whatever deadly chemicals the pharmaceutical industry is pushing this year, confirming yet again that science believes children have no value to society whatsoever unless they are wholly obedient to the agenda of the high priests of scientific totalitarianism.
Science believes bodies only exist to generate profits, not to serve as vessels for consciousness
Is this same philosophy of scientific materialism that believes, for example, that cancer patients only exist to enrich the financial profits of oncology centers and pharmaceutical companies. The actual quality of life for a cancer patient is of no concern whatsoever to those who operate in the cancer industry. That’s why their treatments — such as chemotherapy — are literally derived from chemical weapons that were originally developed for warfare. These chemical weapons, when dripped into the veins of cancer patients, cause tremendous suffering and permanent organ damage, destroying the quality of life of the cancer patient and more often than not literally killing the patient before the cancer kills them.
Yet this is known as “science.” It is a science that recognizes no value in the human experience of the patient being treated. There is no consideration whatsoever for the suffering, the pain, the fear and the consciousness of the patient. Instead, patients are seen as biological tools to be exploited for profit, in exactly the same way that Planned Parenthood sees unborn human infants as biological specimens to be chopped up and sold for profit. IT WILL CONTINUE NEXT WEEK.

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