Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomecolumnHow the United States will end

How the United States will end

by Dave Hodges

The following is an analysis of what has been learned about the pattern America will follow on the path to its demise and final resting place. But America isn’t just going to end, it will, and already is, morphing into a new entity which will be complete divorced from its original founding principles and culture.

The foundations of God, family, country

The three virtues listed in the subtitle are what America used to aspire to be. Because of our sinful nature, America never achieved great heights with regard to the attainment of our ideals, but at least the ideals were in place.

These three goals dominated our goals. This is no longer true as witchcraft now occupies an equal position to Christianity. Over half of our children grow up in a broken home and our children attend schools who no longer teach or aspire to the ideal of American excellence. America is no longer a nation of rules. It is a nation of power, greed and avarice. Every perversion is embraced and those that still aspire to traditional values (e.g. Christian, pro-Constitution) are labeled as domestic terrorists in such government documents as the 2008 MIAC Report. Up is down and down is up.

Russian defectors warned us this would be coming as the Communist/Muslim Brotherhood influence dominate the national agenda and in particular, the Democratic party that has been selected to complete the takedown of America.

America has become a rudderless ship of amoral and immoral people cast adrift in a sea depravity and Satanic principles.

Control of the media

Where a 1968 Brady Bunch TV episode was the FIRST ever TV show to display a husband and wife sleeping in the same bed, today’s displays on TV regarding language, sexual behavior and adherence to the rule of law are virtually non-existent. We make fun of classic TV shows such as Leave It to Beaver, yet, this used to be the Happy Days norm.

Instead of entertainment that reflected a consensus of moral values being displayed in our TV shows, literature and movies, these entities are now the trendsetters. The smug concept of Hollywood is on full display as they continue to take America to new depths of depravity and I am speaking about Breeder Babies, trafficking and far left attitudes that are hypercritical of anything representing God, family and country. A nation that follows the values of Hollywood is a lost nation.

The news media

For a nation to lose its way and descend into traditional one-world globalism that is decidedly Satanic in nature, the flow of information must be controlled. And thanks to Bill Clinton, the FCC broadcast regulations had to be changed and they were in the mid 1990’s when Bill Clinton permitted regulations to be struck down that prevented unlimited media ownership by a select few. It used to be illegal to own a newspaper and a radio station in the same market, or one TV station and one radio station. TODAY, SIX MEN CONTROL 95 PERCENT + OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA. And again, anything that represents traditional American values is cast in a negative light as the people are bombarded with the relentless brainwashing of messages that promote Godless behavior and the acceptance of the New World Order agenda and America, for the most part, has become “Dumb unto death” as Steve Quayle likes to call it.

Most of America does not even know that their country is being destroyed along with their collective futures. This is not about riding out a bad economic cycle while waiting for the good ‘ole days to return. This is not about American downturn, this is about an American takedown.

Lapsed into a coma

Trump was elected and then America went back to sleep. The politically ignorant just assumed that Donald Trump would ride in on his white horse and save the day.
The globalists are taking out the eyes and ears of the people.

The globalists rightfully blame the IM for getting Trump elected and delaying their takeover of the country. Now the social media giants of Facebook, Youtube and Twitter are dismantling the IM one broadcaster, one writer, one activist at a time. Trump gave the country a chance to become a nation of activists and instead we are a nation of slacktivists.

With the ongoing take down of the IM (e.g. Alex Jones, Paul Watson, Lisa Haven and myself to name a few), the Rip Van Winkles’ of this country will nobody to awaken them from their slumber for the final battle. Within six months, the eyes and ears of the people will likely be all but gone. The people will never know what hit them and they certainly will not have a centralized rallying point from which to organize against this planned and final takeover.

Some have asked me why don’t the globalists just takeover right now all at once. The main answer to that question is that the globalists are not plundering the resources and the labor of the people. When the last bit of blood has been squeezed from the last turnip, the end will come swiftly.

When the final resources are gone and the citizen journalists are out of the way, the path to national Armageddon will continue at breakneck speed.
Jade Helm 15 and UWEX 16.

During Jade Helm 15, I warned the country that these were drills designed to eliminate any vestige of resistance against the New World Order takedown of the country. This is where the country will come to understand the reasons for the NDAA and the FEMA camps. We will soon enter America’s darkest hour.

What is standing in the way? The answer is Donald Trump. However, the Deep State has managed to create such a quagmire that Trump can get nothing done. And America’s political fickleness will rear its ugly head to give the Democrats control of the House in 2018. And when that happens, Donald Trump will be impeached. Today’s Russian allegations are laying the framework for impeachment. November of 2018 will become the D-Day to destruction. The globalists have tipped their hand. They will use the Russian threat to impose virtual martial law. All opposition to the coming war of depopulation will be silenced. As Bill Ayers, Obama’s political benefactor, predicted, millions will disappear.

The great war of depopulation

America has one last task to perform before it is laid to rest. It must start the great war of depopulation. Remember, the globalists have repeatedly stated that they want to reduce the population by 90% and by any means possible. Out of the ashes will arise the Phoenix of the New World Order.
What lies ahead?

Christianity will be outlawed and every perversion including pedophilia will be openly practiced. The world will embrace the new religion of GAIA. A new servant class, drawn from the small number of “deplorables” will service the new elite who will have morphed into some form of existence which will be the result of transhumanism. Satan will firmly be in control of planet.
Could these be the “final days”, I am not sure, but I would not bet against it.

Cognitive dissonance and bystander apathy have their hidden price. God gave us one final chance to get it right and we are collectively slapping away the hand of God and embracing Satanism by default. There is no third option. If you can’t get on board with saving America, at least get on board with saving your soul.

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