compiled by El Reportero’s staff
San Francisco Carnival 2012, held from May 26-27, was all a success, especially with the participation of artists who played under a full-warm afternoon of joy. In the photo L-R. Omar Aréas, son of Chepito Aréas and Tania Llambelis members of the group Samba Funk. (photo By Marvin Ramirez)
Latin Rock Inc presents Vudu Cafe & Salvador Santana. On Friday June 8, 2012. Doors open at 7 p.m. show/8 p.m. Club Fox Redwood City. Tickets: $14 adv. and $16 at the door. Vudu Café is here for the very first time, singing their hot rendition of Suavecito. Take a look!
Lounge Rumba.
Community participatory event. The Afro-Cuban folkloric drums, dances, and songs of rumba. Rumba is the word used for a group of related, community-oriented, musical and dance styles in Cuba. Rumba developed in rural Cuba, with strong influences from African drumming and Spanish poetry and singing.
Sunday, June 3 and 17 at 3:30 – 6 p.m. Free. (Donation Requested). June 3-17.
Latin A.m.erican Film Festival
Story of a Day (Rosana Matecki, Venezuela, 2009, 89 min.). A moving series of elements from the lives of humble people of various villages focusing on women. Preceded by the short Mira.m.elinda (Jorge Rivas, Mexico, 2009, 7 min.). Thursday June 7, at 7p.m. $10 gen. $8 students & seniors. June 7.
La Cuerda Floja
(The Tight Rope, Nuria Ibanez, Mexico, 2009, 85 min.). A bittersweet and beautiful story of a struggling fa.m.ily of circus performers from a heritage of seven generations touring Mexico in current more challenging times. Preceded by the short: Attention Firmes (Yordi Capo, Mexico, 2010, 10 min.) 9 p.m. $10 gen. $8 students & seniors. June 7.
At La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley.
Southern Exposure’s annual monster drawing rally
A live drawing event and fundraiser. Southern Exposure is pleased to announce the Monster Drawing Rally, a live drawing event and fundraiser featuring over 120 artists, being held on Friday, June 8, 2012 at the Verdi Club.
For images and additional information about the Monster Drawing Rally please call Morgan Peirce at 415-863-2141 or email
Also at Southern Exposure: “Trail of Hope and Tears” – New Drawings by Oscar Camilo de las Flores
De Las Flores’ new work, “Trail of Hope and Tears” is a series of seven large, Conte on paper, figurative works that presents a compendium of dense imagery in drawing. These improvised scenarios from the historical past, the present, and the imagination interact in a convoluted narrative recreation.
De Las Flores’ imagery is both grotesque and beautiful where the classical and the subconscious mingle together with sometimes overwhelming results.
On Thursday, June 14, 2012, 6-9 p.m. At 3378 Sacramento Street @ Walnut, San Francisco, California. Admission is free. RSVP or call (415) 474-7707.
Sundays June 3 & 17 Lounge Rumba
Community participatory event. The Afro-Cuban folkloric drums, dances, and songs of rumba. Rumba is the word used for a group of related,
community-oriented, musical and dance styles in Cuba. Rumba developed in rural Cuba, with strong influences from African drumming and Spanish poetry and singing. 3:30 – 6pm. Free. (Donation Requested).
Thursday June 7: Latin American Film Festival
Story of a Day (Rosana Matecki, Venezuela, 2009, 89 min.). A moving series of elements from the lives of humble people of various villages focusing on women. Preceded by the short Miramelinda (Jorge Rivas, Mexico, 2009, 7 min.). 7pm. $10 gen. $8 students & seniors.
La Cuerda Floja
(The Tight Rope, Nuria Ibanez, Mexico, 2009, 85 min.). A bittersweet and beautiful story of a struggling family of circus performers from a heritage of seven generations touring Mexico in current more challenging times. Preceded by the short: Attention Firmes (Yordi Capo, Mexico, 2010, 10 min.) 9pm. $10 gen. $8 students & seniors.
These last three at La Peña, 3105 Avenida Shattuck, Berkeley.