Juan Camilo Mourino
WASHINGTON, D.C.- President Bush signed June 30 a $162 billion war funding bill that included $465 million to fund the Merida Initiative to help Mexico and Central America combat drug traffi cking.
Of the funds, $400 million will go to the Mexican government and the remaining $65 million to Central America. The funds are part of a three-year $1.6 billion package.
The U.S. Senate approved the initiative June 26 without the conditions it had imposed earlier that Mexico meet certain human rights requirements to receive the aid, a move that had generated heated protest by the Mexican government.
Chris Dodd
Sen. Chris Dodd stated, “l am confident that this language will be acceptable to both the American and Mexican governments. The United States and Mexico must continue to work together to tackle our common security challenges and reduce drug trafficking and violence on both sides of our border.”
Mexico hailed its passage.
“The terms under which the resources were approved…are respectful of the sovereignty and jurisdiction of both countries,” said Juan Camilo Mourino, Mexico’s Secretary of the Interior.
Added Mexico Foreign Relations Secretary Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, “The Mexican government recognizes the leadership and the effort made by the U.S. legislators who pushed for the final approved text.” R Hispanic Link.