Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeBush is lying, there is enough oil and gas in Alaska, we...

Bush is lying, there is enough oil and gas in Alaska, we don’t need to drill offshore

by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

The selling of the United States to the international bankers and oil consortiums continue going uncovered by the majestic media, while the sleeping beauty (the North American public) rest in front of their TV tubes watching their favorite flick, buy their latest ¡iPods, and continue driving and buying gas-burning cars.

The high emotions provoked by the latest skyrocketing gas prices that have alerted the people about something wrong happening to our country, have been atoned by the softly coming down of gas price by a few cents.

The célèbre politician, and de facto spokesperson of the oil industry George W. Bush, is again trying to act as a redeemer to our disgrace, by pleading to the Congress to let the oil moguls to start drilling for oil in our Pacific Coast offshore.

“Congress Should ‘schedule a vote on offshore oil exploration as soon as possible’ and “not insert any legislative poison pills,” was the message Bush sent in a capitalized headliner on Tuesday to the national media.

““There’s not a single answer to our energy problems.

But a part of solving the dilemma that our consumers are facing, that the hardworking Americans face, and that is high price of gasoline, we need to get after exploration here in America. And we can do it in a way that protects the environment. So when Congress comes back, they need to act. And they don’t need to gimmick up the legislation; they need to allow there to be an up or down vote, and let the members express the will of their constituents.”

At first value, the President’s words sound very altruistic, sincere, and full of true facts. Any innocent (sleeping) North American will believe their Commander In-Chief when the obedient and biased media repeat it through out the week in their networks.

However, what W. Bush is not saying, the media won’t highlight it, won’t pursue it, as they pursue. The Minute Men’s anti-immigrants activities. With another capitalized headliner, writer Marie Gunther contradicts most of what is saying.

“Huge Alaska Oil Reserves Go Unused, after 30 years, an insider fi nally acknowledges the United States has all the oil and gas it needs.”

The United States has more oil reserves than Saudi Arabia but this happy though shocking information has been covered up for years.

The wells have been drilled; it’s merely a matter of turning on the faucets to supply America’s needs for 200 years.

A 30-year veteran oil executive with leukemia who has decided to speak out has confirmed these astounding revelations.

In 1980, Lindsey Williams wrote a book, The Energy Non-Crisis, based upon his eyewitness accounts during the construction of the Trans-Alaska pipeline. As a chaplain assigned to executive status and the advisory board of Atlantic Richfi eld & Co. (ARCO), he was privy to detailed information.

“All of our energy problems could have been solved in the 70s with the huge discovery of oil under Gull Island, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska,” Williams said.

“There is more pure grade oil there than in all of Saudi Arabia. Gull Island contains as much oil and natural gas as Americans could use in 200 years.” Oddly though, immediately after this mas­sive discovery, the federal government ordered the rigs to be capped and oil production shut down.

Developing Alaskan oil would make the United States completely independent of oil imports, Williams said in his book, Gunther says in her article.

“Why is the government covering up such good news?” continues the article.

And adds: “Why does it want to be dependent on imported oil? Do international fi nanciers who are heavily invested in the oil industry want to keep the supply limited and prices up?

“Will the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, chaired by Sen. Frank Murkowski (R-Alaska), investigate what could be a criminal cover-up?

Will the appropriate House committees inquire? Or the Justice Department? Since the cover-up has extended through four presidential administrations, only public outrage can force action.”

I can assume that the mass media is as an accomplice in this cover-up as is everyone in our government, especially elected public offi cials who, fallen in love with power, have sold their soul to the devil, and hence betrayed We the people.

(Lindsey Williams’s book, The Energy Non Crisis, for $7 plus S&H by calling toll free 1-800-321-2900.)

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