by Contessa Abono
Ytaelena López (photo by Marvin J. Ramirez)
Women immigrants that can’t speak English fluently or have no documents to work legally raises their chance for domestic violence.
See an installation by artists on this subject called Bitch, Welcome to America, by Ytaelena Lopez and Carlos Bueno.
Located at Artists’ Television Access, 922 Valencia at 21st Street, San Francisco. For more information see The installation runs from January 6 through January 31.
Obama and why he can’t win
Internationally acclaimed race relations expert and author of A Bound Man: Why We Are Excited About Obama and Why He Can’t Win, Shelby Steele, will discuss the presidential race and the impact of Obama’s candidacy on the future of race and politics in America.
The event will be held on Wednesday, January 23. 6 p.m. Check-In 6:30 pm program, 7:30 p.m. book signing.
Located at Bentley School, Student Performing Arts Center, 1000 Upper Happy Valley Rd., Lafayette. $15 for members, $30 for non-members. To buy tickets call 415-597-6705 or register at
The life of a Brazilian family
FiGa Films present Alice’s House, a portrayal of an urban middle class Brazilian family, directed by documentary filmmaker Chico Teixiera in his narrative feature debut.
The film opens on January 25, at Landmark Theatres venue in San Francisco, Landmark’s Shattuck Cinemas in Berkeley, and Rafael Film Center in San Rafael. Embarcadero Center Cinema, 1 Embarcadero Center, Promenade Level.
The film’s running time is 90 minutes, and is not rated. In Portuguese, fully subtitled in English. For more information see
Stand up and speak out for civil rights and open government Speak your mind at this public forum and community speak out by Young Adult Project.
The event will be held Saturday, January 26 12 to 2 pm. Located at 1730 Oregon Street, Berkeley. Sponsored by CopWatch and Disabled People Outside Project. For more information call 510-548-0425, or email
Experts on presidential candidates
Come and be informed on this year’s presidential candidates at Political Communication: How Candidates and Elections Are Sold to Us on January 28.
With guest speakers Joe Tuman, Professor of Political and Legal Communication, San Francisco State University; Author, Political Communication in American Campaigns, Ron Nehring, Chair, California Republican Party.
Art Torres, Senator, Chair, California Democratic Party and Jerry Lubenow, Director, UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies – Moderator, Additional panelists to be announced. Located at Club office, 595 Market St., 2nd Floor, San Francisco. This event is free for members, $18 for non-members.
5:30 p.m., Wine and cheese reception. 6:00 p.m. program, 7:00 p.m., Tuman book signing. To buy tickets call 415/597-6705 or register at
Mean girls meets Mexican teen idol Martha Higareda Charm School, starring Mexican teen Idols Martha Higareda (7 Dias), María Aura (Y Tu Mamá También), and Thalia’s neice Camila Sodi, comes to DVD January 29, from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.
This comedy follows a high school teen queen (Higareda) with a rebellious attitude who is sent off to a charm school that guarantees they can turn any young girl into a “domestic goddess.” The DVD also includes a music video and various featurettes.
Appointee Tomas Arciniega, Student Aid Commission
Tomas Arciniega, Democrat, 70, of Valley Center, has been appointed to the Student Aid Commission. He has served as special assistant to California State University Chancellor Charles Reed since 2004.
From 1983 to 2004, Arciniega was president and professor of education at California State University, Bakersfield.
He is a member of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities and the American Council on Education. This position requires Senate confirmation.