by Marvin Ramérez
Every Citizen Can Be A Stock Holder in America
Marvin Ramírez
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR:This is the nineth part of a series of the article, “Billions for the bankers – debt for the people.” The first part started with the history of the United States national debt in the beginning of 1900. This second part of this series of several parts, will show you how the control of money has played a key role into the enslaving North Americans by depraving them of owning nothing, while the bankers own everything. The third part details the events from the Depression of the 1930s to later days. The fifth part deals with Manipulating Stocks for Fun and Profit, The Interest Amount is Never Created and The Tyranny of Compound Interest. The sixth part deals with Small Loans do the Same Thing, Checking Up On Cash, and Our Own Debt is Spiraling into Infinity. The seventh part deals with Gambling Away the American Dream, which shows it is political too. The eighth part deals with Continuing Cycles of Debt and War and more. El Reportero is proud to publish this article, written by Pastor Sheldon Emry for learning purposes, of the history of money in the United States.
by Pastor Sheldon Emry
Under the Constitutional system, no private banks would exist to rob the people. Government banks under the control of the people’s representatives would issue and control all money and credit. They would issue not only actual currency, but could lend limited credit at no interest for the purchase of capital goods, such as homes.
A $100,000 loan would require only $100,000 repayment, not $270,456.00 as it is now. Everyone who supplied materials and labor for the home would get paid just as they do today, but the bankers would not get $170,456.00 in interest.
That is why they ridicule and destroy anyone suggesting or proposing an alternative system.
History tells us of debt-free and interest-free money issued by governments.
The American colonies did it through colonial script in the 1700’s. Their wealth soon rivaled that of England and brought restrictions from Parliament, which led to the Revolutionary War. Abraham Lincoln did it in 1863 to help finance the Civil War. He was later assassinated by a man many consider to have been an agent of the Rothchild Bank. No debt-free or interest-free money has been issued in America since then.
Several Arab nations issue interest free loans to their citizens today. (Now you can understand what all the commotion in the Middle East is all about, and why the banker-owned press is brainwashing American citizens to think of all Arabs as terrorists). The Saracen Empire forbade interest on money 1,000 years ago and its wealth outshone even Saxon Europe.
Mandarin China issued its own money, interest-free and debt-free. Today, historians and art collectors consider those centuries to be China’s time of greatest wealth, culture and peace.
Issuing money which does not have to be paid back in interest leaves the money available to use in the exchange of goods and services and its only continuing cost is replacement as the paper wears out. Money is the paper ticket by which transfers are made and should always be in sufficient quantity to transfer all possible production of the nation to the ultimate consumers. It is as ridiculous for a nation to say to its citizens, “You must consume less because we are short of money,” as it would be for an airline to say, “Our planes are flying, but we cannot take you because we are short of tickets”.
Citizen Control of U.S. Currency
Money, issued in such a way, would derive its value in exchange from the fact that it had come from the highest legal source in the nation and would be declared legal to pay all public and private debts.
Issued by a sovereign nation, not in danger of collapse, it would need no gold or silver or other so-called “precious” metals to back it.
As history shows, the stability and responsibility of government issuing it is the deciding factor in the acceptance of that government’s currency–not gold, silver, or iron buried in some hole in the ground. Proof is America’s currency today. Our gold and silver is practically gone, but our currency is accepted. But if the government was about to collapse our currency would be worthless.
Under the present system, the extra burden of interest forces workers and businesses to demand more money for the work and goods to pay their ever increasing debts and taxes. This increase in prices and wages is called “inflation.” Bankers, politicians and “economists” blame it on everything but the real cause, which is the interest levied on money and debt by the Bankers.
This “inflation” benefits the money-lenders, since it wipes out savings of one generation so they can not finance or help the next generation, who must then borrow from the money-lenders and pay a large part of their life’s labor to the usurer.
With an adequate supply of interest-free money, little borrowing would be required and prices would be established by people and goods, not by debts and usury.