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HomeBillions for the bankgsters and debt for the people

Billions for the bankgsters and debt for the people

How we lost control of the Federal Reserve

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: This is the fourth part of a series of the article, “Billions for the bankers – debt for the people.” The first part started with history of the United States national debt in the beginning of 1900. The second of this series of several parts, will show you how the control of money has played a key role into the enslaving North Americans by depraving them of owning nothing, while the bankers own everything. The third part details the events from the Depression of the 1930s to later days. El Reportero is proud to publish this article, written by Pastor Sheldon Emry for learning purposes of the history of money in the United States.

by Pastor Sheldon Emry

Instead of the Constitutional method of creating our money and putting it into circulation, we now have an entirely unconstitutional system. This has brought our country to the brink of disaster, as we shall see.

Since our money was handled both legally and illegally before 1913, we shall consider only the years following 1913, since from that year on, all of our money had been created and issued by an illegal method that will eventually destroy the United States if it is not changed. Prior to 1913, America was a prosperous, powerful, and growing nation, at peace with its neighbors and the envy of the world. But in December of 1913, Congress, with many members away for the Christmas Holidays, passed what has since been known as the Federal Reserve Act. (For the full story of how this infamous legislation was forced through our Congress, read “Conquest or Consent”, by W. D. Vennard).

Omitting the burdensome details, it simply authorized the establishment of a Federal Reserve Corporation, run by a Board of Directors (The Federal Reserve Board). The act divided the United States into 12 Federal Reserve “Districts.”

This simple, but terrible law completely removed from Congress the right to “create” money or to have any control over its “creation”, and gave that function to The Federal Reserve Corporation. It was accompanied by the appropriate fanfare. The propaganda claimed that this would “remove money from politics” (they did not say “and therefore from the people’s control”) and prevent “boom and bust” economic activity from hurting our citizens.

The people were not told then, and most still do not know today, that the Federal Reserve Corporation is a private corporation controlled by bankers and therefore is operated for the financial gain of the bankers over the people rather than for the good of the people. The word “Federal” was used only to deceive the people.

More Disastrous than Pearl Harbor

Since that “day of infamy”, more disastrous to us than Pearl Harbor, the small group of “privileged” people who lend us “our” money have accrued  to themselves all of the profits of printing our money — and more! Since 1913 they have “created” tens of billions of dollars in money and credit, which, as their own personal property, they can lend to our government and our people at interest (usury).

“The rich get richer and the poor get poorer” had become the secret policy of the Federal government. An example of the process of “creation” and its conversion to peoples “debt” will aid our understanding.

Billions in Interest Owed to Private Banks

We shall start with the need for money. The Federal Government, having spent more than it has taken from its citizens in taxes, needs, for the sake of illustration, $1,000,000,000. Since it does not have the money, and Congress has given away its authority to “create” it, the Government must go to the “creators” for the $1 billion.

But, the Federal Reserve, a private corporation, does not just give its money away! The Bankers are willing to deliver $1,000,000,000 in money or credit to the Federal Government in exchange for the government’s agreement to pay it back — with interest. So Congress authorizes the Treasury Department to print $1,000,000,000 in U.S. Bonds, which are then delivered to the Federal Reserve Bankers.

The Federal Reserve then pays the cost of printing the $1 billion (about $1,000) and makes the exchange. The government then uses the money to pay its obligations. What are the results of this fantastic transaction? Well, $1 billion in government bills are paid all right, but the Government has now indebted the people to the bankers for $1 billion on which the people must pay interest!

Tens of thousands of such transactions have taken place since 1913 so that in 1996, the U.S. Government is indebted to the Bankers for more than $5,000,000,000,000 (trillion). Most of the income taxes that we pay as individuals now goes straight into the hands of the bankers, just to pay off the interest alone, with no hope of ever paying off the principle. Our ­children will be forced into servitude.

But wait! There’s more!

You say, “This is terrible!” Yes, it is, but we have shown only part of the sordid story. Under this unholy system, those United States Bonds have now become “assets” of the banks in the Reserve System which they then use as “reserves” to “create” more “credit” to lend. Current “reserve” requirements allow them to use that $1 billion in bonds to “create” as much as $15 billion in new “credit” to lend to states, municipalities, to individuals and businesses.

Added to the original $1 billion, they could have $16 billion of “created credit” out in loans paying them interest with their only cost being $1,000 for printing the original $1 billion! Since the U.S. Congress has not issued Constitutional money since 1863 (more than 100 years), in order for the people to have money to carry on trade and commerce they are forced to borrow the “created credit” of the Monopoly bankers and pay them usury-interest!

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