Monday, March 31, 2025
HomeArts & EntertainmentArturo Sandoval solidarizes with dissidentas

Arturo Sandoval solidarizes with dissidentas

by Arturo Sandoval

Luis Manuel Otero Al­cántara, is a Cuban plas­tic artist, dissident and leader of the San Isidro Movement, a group of Cuban artists, journalists and academics formed in 2018 to protest against the government’s censor­ship of artistic expression in Cuba, for a long time he has been imprisoned, harassed and constantly threatened by the Cuban dictatorship, recently his works of art were confis­cated with impunity and destroyed and at the mo­ment he is on a hunger and thirst strike for more than a week, in protest against the abuses and lack of hu­man rights in Cuba. His life is in danger right now.

This is my mes­sage to him:

Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara: I want to see you too, give you a hug and tell you how much I admire and respect you.

Dear Luis, today more than ever we need you alive, lucid and vigorous as you have always been, if you die you will do the dictatorship a favor, and they will remove a great obstacle to continue doing their atrocities.

We appreciate your courage and your con­victions, but in this decisive moment for Cuba, your life, your word and your leader­ship are very necessary.

We beg you to give up your hunger and thirst strike.

Your LIFE is extremely valuable, and THE COUN­TRY needs you greatly.

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