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HomeEditorialArticle: The only way to deconstruct the corporation-nation is at the state...

Article: The only way to deconstruct the corporation-nation is at the state level


Dear readers:
I just ran into this amazing article, that explains how our nation’s government is not a constitutional institution, but rather that it is a for-profit corporation at the service of an elite. And it shows that there is a way to dissolving the corporation. Let’s see what it says and then let’s form our own opinion and learn from this different historical perspective. – Marvin Ramírez

Published by AntiCorruption Society

The Dale, Rodney vs United States lawsuit, filed in 2009, was aimed at the heart of the de facto government. Unfortunately (but not surprisingly) the de facto government (USA INC) has elected to ignore this incredibly important legal action. However, the information and documentation the Class, Weston research team have shared opened the door for another effort to proceed in unison with theirs: the state nullification of the 14th Amendment
“There are 1000 hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root “
-Henry David Thoreau, Walden

‘The United States government is actually a corporation. [1] State, county and municipal ‘governments’ (and agencies) are also corporations and have become part of the federal-municipal corporate franchise system. This massive corporate structure [2] is founded on commercial/contract/statutory law, which does not recognize the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
1. How and when did this happen?
2. What does it mean to all of us?
3. What is the ‘endgame’?
4. Do our ‘elected representatives’ in Washington know about this?
5. How do we recover our country and our Constitutional rights?

1. How and when did this happen?
“From its inception, the federal government of the United States of America was created to function as a constitutionally limited federation state. In practical sense, this contracted state is fundamentally an agent for several states of the American union, which had their own Constitutions and their own citizen nationals.”
“Accordingly, the original federal government—i.e., the United States—did not have nationals of its own. Hence, in a strict sense, a federation state is neither a country nor a nation but is simply a contractually created entity functioning as an agent in certain capacities for the benefit of its creator(s). And the 10th Amendment of the Constitution limited the authority of this federation body.” [3]
There seems to be some dispute as to when the conversion from a Constitutional Republic to a Federal Corporation (USA INC) actually occurred. However, after the Civil War the passage of the Reconstruction Act and the 14th Amendment cemented the Federal Corporation into place giving USA INC control over both the ‘Federal’ and ‘state’ governments. [4]
The post Civil War Reconstruction Act took all power away from the states
The 14th Amendment essentially overthrew the Constitution
The 14th Amendment prohibits the public debt from being questioned
The 14th Amendment was never lawfully ratified
The UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY was chartered in Florida in 1925

2.  What does this mean to all of us?
Not long after the passage of the Reconstruction Act and the 14th Amendment, the corrupt Supreme Court gave corporations the same ‘rights’ as live flesh and blood humans in the 1886 Santa Clara vs the Southern Pacific RR decision.
One year after that, the ‘regulatory agency’ era was born with the creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission. But the ‘regulatory agency’ system was never really constructed to protect the public. It was designed to control competition through onerous government regulations, and help the corporate mega industries. [5] Example: the Food and Drug Administration was created to help advance oil Baron Rockefeller’s petro-pharmaceutical industry over the popular natural remedies. [6] Another example of an agency promoting corporate interests over the public’s well being is the Center for Disease Control, which promotes toxic vaccines on behalf of Big Pharma. [7] And possibly the all-time worst example of a government agency working against the welfare of the public is the United States Dept of Agriculture (USDA). Outrageously, the USDA co-owns the patent [with Monsanto] on the “Terminator Gene”, which means that the seeds have been modified to “commit suicide” after one season, and will not germinate if they are planted in a subsequent season. This technology could potentially wipe out food on the planet in one season. [8] In fact all of the government ‘agencies’ today are listed on Dun and Bradstreet as businesses
From this corporation foundation the state, county and municipal governments were eventually all incorporated (they are listed on Dun & Bradstreet) as well. All of this resulted in the construction of the Federal-Municipal Franchise system. We are now truly a ‘Corporation Nation’. [9] Consequently the term ‘public official’ is really a misnomer.
These government/corporations are run as businesses and have their own ‘investment’ funds (CAFR). [10] Collectively these government-corporation investment funds amount to trillions of dollars being invested by their own managers in the Stock Market each year. Their decisions are made solely on rate of return. The good of the people and/or the protection of the environment are not considerations. In fact the investment fund managers invest in corporations that are actually working against local businesses and farms such as: Walmart and Monsanto. [11]
In 1913 the Congress of USA INC turned monetary policy over to an international banking cartel aka the Federal Reserve. [12]
Then in 1933, in response to the bankruptcy of USA INC (caused by the Federal Reserve), President Roosevelt: [13]
commandeered the population’s gold
turned the population into collateral against the corporation’s debt via the Social Security system
Acquired dictatorial powers (Executive Orders) via the War and Emergency Powers Act
We now find ourselves victims to a profiteering for-profit government/business system that taxes, fines, and penalizes us by way of their ability to write and enforce statutes, rules and regulations ad nauseum. These rules, regulations, and restrictions are frequently in direct violation of the Bill of Rights and the original/organic Constitution.
Our legal system has been converted to a debtor-creditor maritime system which does not recognize common law or the Constitution. The bankruptcy ‘creditors’ (the international bankster) control our currency and our debt-based economy. [14] [15]

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