by los servicios de noticias de El Reportero
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner
Thousands of people took to the streets in several cities around Argentina on 16 June to protest against President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s refusal to negotiate with the farmers.
The nationwide protests were the largest since the meltdown of the economy in 2001. They indicated that Fernández has completely lost the population’s support during her dispute with the rural sector, which has now lasted more than three months.
The Farc’s four disasters
The Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Farc) is reeling from four hammer blows. The guerrilla group’s two most senior leaders – Manuel Marulanda and Raúl Reyes – died in March. Moreover, the Farc’s most powerful international supporter, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, has turned his back on the group, while the Farc’s most prominent defender in Colombia Senator Piedad Córdoba has been totally discredited.
The defeat of the Farc, Latin America’s oldest and most resilient guerrilla group, for the fi rst time appears to be a genuine possibility.
Fury of Opus Dei in Latin America
Lawyer Ives Gandra Martins da Silva, the principal exponent of the fascist sect Opus Dei in Brazil, is concerned about the advancement of the left in Latin America. In an angry article in the column Trends / Debates of Folha de Sao Paulo, he distilled hatred and prejudice against Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, Fidel Castro and Lula.
He took advantage to also criticize a “lack of preparation” of governments in the outside world and to offer his courses to a new generation of political leaders. “In this world plagued by false leaders and fantastic mediocrity, I think it is worth the idea, as I proposed in my book, a ‘school of government’ Funded by governments.
“ In the environment of right-wing defense, a merchandising for his lucrative business!
In his elitist point of view, “the world reaps, at present, a remarkable harvest of pseudo leaders, populist and unprepared, leading more or less developed nations exclusively based on the power of communication with the people, especially with the design less favored”. This harvest, according to the leader of the sect, would include “the histrionic Venezuelan president – capable of creating unnecessary resistance by being unable to control his sudden offenses – which transforms the Colombian drug traffi cking industry of kidnappings into ‘idealistic’ guerrillas. The same can be said of Morales, who also wants to perpetuate in the power that begins with his encyclopedic and truculent ignorance, to divide the nation.”
The influence of the fascist sect
After criticizing President Lula for raising taxes affecting mainly banks, Ives Gandra closed the Latin American harvest with another fascistic schizophrenia. “It is to remind you that the three presidents are friends of a dictator who was shot without trial – the homicides perpetrated in the famous’ paredóns’ – far more people than Pinochet.” Besides lying about the reality of human rights in Cuba, he cannot hide his sympathy for the dictatorial regime of Chile, which has always had the active support of Opus Dei. Even when he criticizes the “disaster-prone presidency of George W. Bush,” Ives Gandra alerts about “the risk of voting in another populist unprepared to carry out their objective”- perhaps in a sickly reference to Barack Obama.