by the El Reportero’s staff
El Teatro Infantil de Cuba La Colmenita.
Abracadabra play at Fort Mason
The National Children’s Theater of Cuba (in Spanish, “La Colmenita,” that translates to “the Little Bee Hide” in English, will perform Abracadabra, a play written by children about the U.S./Cuba relationship. The storyline for this is a teacher who takes her students on a journey in search of truth and justice.
This will be La Colmenita’s second US tour and it will be performed at the East Bay Center for the Performing Arts Wed Oct. 26 at 7 p.m. and at Fort Mason’s Cowell Theater in SF Oct. 29 at 7 p.m. The play will be performed in Spanish with English subtitles. Tickets are from $10-20 and to if you need more information, go to go to:
Ray Obiedo at Berkeley Art House
Urban music will be featuring Ray Obiedo & Mistura Fina (Latin Big Band) at the Berkeley Art House, at 2905 Shattack Ave this Sat. Oct. 1 at 7:30 p.m. This event is for adult 18 and over. Tickets are $12 advance and $15 at the door.
For more info go to or call (510) 472-3170.
FMNL celebrates 31st Anniversity
El Salvadorian Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMNL) – in Spanish Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional, is celebrating the political party’s 31st anniversary of when it officially came into power in power in El Salvador in 1992.
Those familiar with El Salvador’s history will recall that the left-wing group is best known for the guerilla tactics it employed in the 1980s, in its then quest to overthrow the Right Wing former government that existed then. After El Salvador signed its peace accords in 1992, the FMLN was recognized as a legitimate political party.
To date, in March 1of 2009, the FMLN candidate Mauricio Funes won the presidential seat the FMLN currently controls the majority of its National Assembly seats.
In recognition of, and to celebrate, FMLN contri bution to the liberation of El Salvador from what was seen as its pervious Fascist government, there will be an array of festive events and dance at the Woman’s Building, on 18th Street (between Mission and Valencia) here in S.F. on Oct. 8, at 7 p.m. For more information, call (415) 309-4813.
There is also a video about FMLN being passed around on the internet at: