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HomeArts & Entertainment Paraguayan film Las Herederas with possibilities for Oscar 2019

Paraguayan film Las Herederas with possibilities for Oscar 2019

by the El Reportero’s news services

he prestigious U.S. digital film portal, The Playlist, considered the Paraguayan film Las Herederas (The Heiresses) among those who could arouse interest for the 2019 Oscar Prize, official sources announced today.

We are honored that some international media consider Las Herederas to be one of the films which could have an impact on the Hollywood Award Season,’ said Marcelo Martinessi, the film’s director.

The Playlist also mentioned the films Summer Birds (Colombia) by directors Ciro Guerra and Cristina Gallego and Rome-Mexico by Mexican director Alfonso Cuaron, as the films which could compete in the Best Foreign Language Film category in the Oscars of the coming year.

We are really very pleased with the way the film was received and awarded in several countries, connecting with very diverse people, awakening interest in our country and its cinema, Martinessi reflected.

However, the coming-out of the film to the nominations of the Academy of Film Arts and Sciences of Hollywood will depend on its Paraguayan counterpart who, as every year, makes an open call and a first selection.

That’s where the press promotion work comes in order to reach a nomination, said the Guaraní film director.

Fresno breakout show with Thee Latin Allstars

Fresno came alive Saturday night with Thee Latin Allstar, led by Ray Carrion at their debut show at Fulton 55. Ray’s historical introduction of the band members was worth the price of admission alone.

This Allstar group of musicians, mostly from the LA area brought the venue alive from the jump with one of my favorite songs from WAR, Me & Baby Brother with Tex Nakamura wailing on the harmonica. The band played one hit song after another as the crowd filled the dance floor throughout the night.

Viengsay Valdes to Premiere Russian Version of Spartacus in Panama

Cuban National Ballet (BNC) Prima Ballerina, Viengsay Valdes, described as a premiere her performance here along with her compatriot Osniel Gouneo, with whom she will dance for the first time the Russian version of Spartacus.

She commented that after her arrival in Panama, they made a couple of very intense rehearsals, because ‘I learned the Cuban version, it was only to agree on coordination, so I hope everything will come out well.’

After several years of absence in Panama, this will not be the only piece Valdes will dance along with Gouneo, as the program also includes the pas de deux of Don Quixote. Valdes said that after her return to Cuba on Sunday, she will dance Cinderella with Dani Hernandez at the Alicia Alonso Grand Theater of Havana, as part of the summer gala.

This is the third time Valdes visits Panama. Her previous performance was during the Stars of the 21st Century gala, which brought together artists from around the world.

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