Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Outreach June 2019

Child support matters can be complicated, stressful, and confusing. The Department of Child Support Services helps parents understand the process so they know their rights and options for making and receiving support payments. Call us today at (866) 901-3212 or visit our office at 617 Mission Street to learn how we can help you. Information is also available online at www.sfgov.org/dcss.

Park Smart!

The San Francisco Police Department reminds you to Park Smart to help prevent auto burglaries:

* Keep valuables with you, not in your vehicle.
* Shopping? Hold onto your purchases until you leave. Thieves often watch parking lots to spot shoppers dropping bags off in their car.
* Visiting? Check luggage at your hotel- don’t leave it in your auto.
If your car has been burglarized, here’s what to do:
* Is the break-in happening right now? Call 9-1-1 with your location and a suspect description.
* Did the break-in already happen? Report the crime on the non-emergency line at 1-415-553-0123. You may request that an officer come to the scene. You can also call 3-1-1 and file a police report online at https://sanfranciscopolice.org/reports. Visit any San Francisco Police station to have your vehicle fingerprinted.

For more information, please visit our redesigned sanfranciscopolice.org website.

Let’s get connected! Sign up for emergency text alerts from AlertSF. Simply text your zip code to 888-777 or visit alertsf.org. AlertSF will send alerts and instructions following a natural disaster, major police, fire, or health emergencies, or significant transportation disruptions to your mobile device. AlertSF is a service provided by the San Francisco Department of Emergency Management.

Amazing has Arrived! Join San Francisco International Airport for a free Community Day on July 20 in celebration of Harvey Milk Terminal 1 and the Grand Hyatt at SFO. For information, visit flysfo.com/GrandOpenings

Interested in applying for an advisory body?

The Citizens’ General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee has the following vacancies:

Seat 1, succeeding Brenda Kwee McNulty, term expiring November 21, 2018, must be
be active in a business organization representing the business community located
within the City, for a two-year term ending November 21, 2020.
Seat 2, succeeding Alexander Tonisson, term expiring November 21, 2018, must be
active in a labor organization, for a two-year term ending November 21, 2020.
Seat 3, succeeding Kristin Chu, term expiring November 21, 2018, must be active in a
community organization, for a two-year term ending November 21, 2020.
Exclusions: No employee or official of the City shall be appointed to the Committee.
No vendor, contractor, or consultant of the City that performs work funded by bonds
issued by the City shall be appointed to the Committee. No appointee shall serve more
than two terms.

Please visit our vacancy page on our website for application instructions and other vacancies, sfbos.org/vacancyboards-commissions-task-forces.

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