Sunday, February 23, 2025
HomeHealth14 surprising ways garlic improves your health (plus garlic tea recipe)

14 surprising ways garlic improves your health (plus garlic tea recipe)

by Joanne Washburn

Not a fan of garlic? You’re missing out. Sure, its strong, pungent scent and flavor can take some get­ting used to, but the sulfur compounds that give garlic its unpleasant characteris­tics are also responsible for its many health benefits.

T h e a m a z i n g health benefits of garlic

Here are 14 good reasons to add garlic to your diet:

G a r l i c h e l p s treat colds – Garlic can relieve symptoms of the common cold pretty quickly. It can also lower your risk of catching a cold in the first place. A 2014 study showed that people who took a garlic tablet every day for three months had fewer bouts of the cold than people who took a placebo.

Garlic lowers blood pressure – Garlic helps blood flow more easily through your body. According to a 2014 report, aged garlic extract can lower blood pressure in people with hypertension. Health experts recommend eating at least four cloves of garlic per day to enjoy this benefit.

Garlic lowers choles­ terol levels – Raw garlic is rich in a sulfur compound called allicin, which helps lower cholesterol levels and prevent the oxidation o f b a d c h o l e s t e r o l . Oxidized LDL cholesterol c a n i n c r e a s e y o u r risk of heart disease.

Garlic can prevent neurodegenerative dis­ease – Garlic contains a powerful antioxidant known as S-allyl cysteine (SAC), which can protect your brain cells from oxidative stress and inflammation. Chronic inflammation can raise your risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s a n d P a r k i n s o n ’ s .

Garlic aids in detoxi­fication – Eating foods contaminated with heavy metals like lead can damage filtering organs like your kidneys and liver. Luckily, garlic helps rid your body of lead and protects against organ toxicity.

Garlic helps heal wounds – Natural healers use garlic to treat wounds and prevent them from getting infected. For fast healing, place a poultice made from crushed garlic cloves on your wound.

Change it several times a day and continue applying the garlic poultice until your wound visibly improves.

Garlic helps main­tain strong bones

Garlic helps increase the levels of a hormone called estrogen. Menopausal women tend to have low estrogen levels that puts them at risk of osteoarthritis and bone loss.

Garlic improves di­gestion – Eating raw garlic cloves every day as part of a healthy diet can help ease digestive problems like diarrhea, colitis and intestinal gas. Garlic can also dispel worms and destroy harmful bacteria lurking in your gut.

Garlic strengthens the immune system – The phytonutrients in garlic can help boost your immunity and fight oxidative stress, which can damage your cells and trigger premature aging.

Garlic helps control blood sugar levels – There is some evidence that eating raw garlic cloves may help lower your blood sugar levels. Diabetics can greatly benefit from eating garlic.

Garlic helps prevent in­fections – Garlic can prevent the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a rod-shaped bacterium that causes urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney infections. Research indicates that garlic can also inhibit the growth of Esch­erichia coli, Helicobacter pylori and Candida albicans.

Garlic promotes weight loss – Some animal studies have shown that garlic can stimulate the body to burn more fat. Garlic can also “turn off” the genes involved in the formation of fat cells.

Garlic can relieve asthma – Boiled garlic cloves are a natural remedy for asthma. To ease your symptoms, drink a glass of milk with three boiled garlic cloves each night before bed.

Garlic helps treat acne – Garlic’s antibacterial properties can help treat skin conditions like acne. To treat acne, rub a piece of freshly cut garlic on your pimples. If your skin is sensitive, you can coat the garlic first in a mild carrier oil, such as jojoba or coconut oil, to minimize garlic’s sting. Natural News.

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